So if you walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.  Kings 3:14



On The Cross

1.      Father forgive them they know not what they are doing

2.      Today you will be in paradise with me.  (To the thief)

3.      Be hold your mother (take care of Mary)

4.      I thirst

5.      Why have you forsaken me

6.      It is finished

7.      Give up my spirit

When he Died

1.      Darkness for 3 hours

2.      Vail was torn

3.      Earth Quake

4.      Tombs were opened and dead people walked the streets

5.      Centurion this is truly the son of God



12 Disciples/Apostles

1.      Simon Called Peter (Crucified)

2.      Andrew (Peter’s Brother)

3.      James The brother of John first to be martyred, killed by Herod with a sword.

4.      John (James’ brother) Tortured exiled to Patmos,(Jesus called Boanerges Mark 3:11 Meaning Sons of Thunder)

5.      Philip

6.      Bartholomew

7.      Thomas

8.      Matthew (tax collector) also named Levi

9.      James (son of Alphaeus) Beheaded

10.  Lebbaeus surname Thaddeus

11.  Simon the Canaanite

12.  Judas Iscariot (replaced by Mathis)


Jesus spoke more about money then heaven and hell combined.  15% of what he said concerned money.




Samuel was the last Judge.


Prophet was early term for seer.


Communication was



Separation of Israel and Judea

Rehobaum was at Israel the upper part with 20 tribes he was after Solomon and made taxes even worse then his father and Jeraboaum was at Judea with 2 tribes.


Armour of the Lord

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword:  Word of God

Belt: Truth

Breastplate: Righteousness

Shoes: Preparation of the Gospel of peace


Seven Deadly Sins Proverbs 6:16

Proud look

Lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood

A heart that devises wicked plans

Feet that are swift in running to evil

A false witness

Sows discord among the brethren




Day 1 He divided the day and the night and said “let there be light”

Day 2 He made a firmament in the midst of the waters to divide the waters and the waters

The firmament possibly is a canopy of water vapor which filtered out ultraviolet rays and caused the earth to be like a hothouse and extended life

Day 3 He created land and had the earth bring forth grass, herb that yields seed and fruit etc..

Day 4 He brought the seasons and made two lights one for day and one for night and made the stars

Day 5 He made the fish and all creatures in the sea and the birds above

Day 6   He created cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth. Then God created man in his image, according to Our Likeness



Day 7 He rested


It had not rained on the earth, but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole earth.

God breathed life into man and he became a living being.

God planted a garden and let man tend it.  He instructed him not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or you shall die.

He said that it is not good for man to be alone.  Adam named all the creatures.  God caused a sleep to fall over Adam and took one of his ribs.  He created women for Adam.



The serpent tempted and Adam and Eve ate.



Cain and Able were born.  Able was a keeper of the sheep, and Cain was a tiller of the ground. God respected Able’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain murdered Able.  Cain had a son Enoch.  Adam and Eve had Seth.



Adams family and Noah is born from Lamech.  Also mentions Noah’s sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.



The wickedness and Judgment of man. The sons of God saw the daughters of men.  There were giants on the earth.  When the sons of God cam into the daughters of men they bore children to them.  Those were the mighty men.   The ark was prepared out of gopher wood.



The rains came for 40 days and 40 nights.  Noah had taken seven each of the clean animals and two each of the unclean.  The flood waters were on the earth for 150 days.



The Ark rested on mountains of Ararat.  The Lord said in His heart that he will never again destroy every living thing he had done.




God gives us the rainbow to remind us of his covenant that never a gain will all flesh be cut off by waters of the flood and never again will there be flood to destroy the earth.



Noah’s descendents



The tower of Bable.  The whole earth had one language and the Lord confused their language and scattered them throughout the earth.



The Lord told Abram to leave the country (he is 75 years old) and he showed him land that would be his and his decedents.  There was a famine and he and Sarai went to Egypt.  He told the Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister since she was so beautiful and he thought they would kill him for her if they knew she was actually his wife.  Pharaoh took Sarai and gives Abram great riches for his “sister.” Later Pharaoh was cursed by God and found out Abram’s lie. He sent them away. 


They left Egypt and were very rich.  He and Lot had so much that they had to separate and Lot set his tent close to Sodom. 


The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were battling other kings and Lot was captured (this is Abrams’s brother’s son) and Abram went and took him back along with all his goods. 


God told Abram that he would have a child and God walked between the carcasses to show his covenant with him.  There appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between the carcasses.


Abram after 10 childless years was told by Sarai to go into their maidservant Hagar and she became pregnant.  Sarai despised her when she found out she was pregnant.



God’s covenant with Abram and his change of name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah and they will bear a child named Isaac.  Which means he laughs, which was Abraham’s first reaction when God told him he would have a son at 99 years old.



Three men of the Lord came to Abraham and he fed them and they told him that Sarah would bear a child. The Lord went to destroy Sodom and Abraham said if there are just ten righteous.



Two angels came to Sodom and Lot brought them into his house.  The wicked men of Sodom came and wanted to have homosexual relations with them. The angels struck the mob with blindness.  The Lord was going to destroy Sodom and told Lot to get his family out of there.  He told his son in laws to get up and get out because the Lord was to destroy this place, but that thought he was joking.  The angels told him to get his wife and two daughters and escape they even took his hand and led him out.  They told them not to look back and head for the mountains.  Lot asked if instead they could go to the city of Zoar and the Lord allowed it. 


The Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.


Lot then went to the mountains, because he was afraid to go into Zoar and the dwelt in a cave.  Both daughters said there was no man to lay with and they made their father drunk and slept with him on two different nights and gave birth to a child.   The two sons became the longstanding enemies of Israel Moab and Ammon



Abraham again lies and tells a king that Sarah is his sister.  This time to king Abimelech.  God comes to Abimelech and lets him know that Sarah is his wife and not to touch her.  He sends Abraham on his way with livestock and precious metals.



Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born.  Sarah told Abraham to cast out the son of their bond servant, because he was not to heir. After she was cast out, God came to Hagar and told her Abimelech would rule a great nation.



The sacrifice of Isaac, but God gave him a Ram in place and blessed Abraham for his faith.



Sarah’s death and burial in the cave that Abraham purchased.




Abraham sent his chief servant to Mesopotamia to get a bride for Isaac.  The servant went to the well were they draw water and asked the Lord to show him which girl, by her offering to give drink to him and the camels.  No more did the servant pray this and Rebekah came and did exactly that.  The servant gave Rebekah gold nose ring and bracelets and asked if there was place for him and his camels.  They brought him to her fathers house.  He asked that Rebekah go back and be Isaac’s wife and they said ok, but kept putting him off as when to leave, but she said she would go and left with her sister and nurse.  She and Isaac are married. 


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Abraham takes another wife, after Sarah’s death. They have children.  He also gives gifts to the sons he had with the concubines and sends them away so that Isaac is heir without competition.    Abraham dies and is buried with Sarah.  His two son’s Ishmael and Isaac bury him.  Ishmael was from the servant Hagar. 

Now Rebekah gave birth to twins.  Esau the hunter and Jacob a mild man.  Now Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob.  Esau had come out of the womb first and was considered the first-born.   Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for some stew.    Isaac later lies and tells the king that Rebekah is his sister, just like his dad did with Sarah. 



Rebekah has Jacob dress as Esau after over hearing that Isaac (who is blind now due to age) is going to bless Esau.  Isaac asked Esau to get food and when he comes back he will bless him.  Jacob dresses up like him and Rebekah cooks a goat.  Isaac blesses Jacob.  Esau and Isaac find out the deceit after it is too late.  Esau says after mourning his father he will kill Jacob. 



Jacob leaves and Esau and him take a wife.  Jacob on his journey rest and has a dream of a ladder reaching heaven and angels are ascending and descending.   He sees the Lord and is told that he will never leave him and he will come back to this land.  Jacob vows to give a tenth of all the Lord gives him back.



Jacob loves Rachel and says he will serve seven years for her.  Then Laban gave Leah his older daughter to Jacob after the seven years. He told him that he cold not give the younger Rachel before he gave the older Leah.  If he wanted Rachel he would have to serve another seven years.  He got Rachel and still stayed another seven years.  Leah bore four sons and Rachel was barren. 



Rachel gives Jacob her maid to bear children and he bears many.  Leah once she stops having children does the same they compete. 

Jacob wanted to leave and the girl’s father who wanted to pay him, give me the spotted sheep and he would raise them.  When they get ready to leave he will take just the spotted ones.  His flocks became large and strong and he prospered. 



Jacob leaves Rachel and Leah’s father, Leban.  He saw that he was no longer happy with him.  Rachel stole the family idols and Leban pursued them.  When he caught them he could not find the idols, because Rachel was sitting on them and Jacob did not know.   The two made a covenant and Jacob returned to his father, Isaac’s land. 



Jacob going back home has to face Esau.  Jacob was distressed, because he remembered Esau wanted to kill him for fooling their father Abraham into giving him Esau’s blessing.  So he sent many livestock as gifts that preceded his arrival.  That night Jacob wrestled with an angel till the morning, in which time the angel touched Jacob’s hip and put it out of socket.  Jacob would not let him go until he blessed him.  The angel changed Jacob’s name to Israel and blessed him.  This Angel of the Lord is believed to be Jesus. 



Jacob meets Esau and the embrace. 



A prince raped Jacob’s daughter. He and his father came to Jacob to ask for the daughter’s hand in marriage.  Jacob held his peace and told them they all needed circumcised before they would ever consider such an arrangement.  When all the men got circumcised and were in pain, Jacob’s son killed them all and took their wives and goods.



Jacob flees knowing people will retaliate for his sons actions.  Rachel dies during childbirth. One of Jacob/Israel’s sons, Reuben lay with one of his concubine. 

Isaac, Israel’s dad dies. 



Family of Esau


Jacob gave his favored son Joseph a tunic of many colors.  This upset his brothers.  He told his brothers of his dream that they would serve him and kneel before him.  His brothers cast him into a pit and sold him to the Egyptians.  They told Jacob that a beast had eaten him.



Judah had sons and a couple of the sons displeased the Lord so he killed them.  Tamar the widow of one of the sons disguised herself as a prostitute and got Judah to sleep with her and father a son so she could have an heir. 



Even though Joseph was a slave he prospered and soon his master made him head of all.  His Masters wife tried to get him to sleep with her and when he refused, she accused him of trying to rape her and he was sent to prison.  There Joseph was head of the prisoners. 



The butler and the baker of pharaoh were sent to prison.  They had dreams and asked Joseph to interrupt them.  He told the butler he would be restored and to remember him to pharaoh.  He told the baker he would be hanged.  The butler did not remember him to pharaoh at that time. 



A new pharaoh was king and he had a dream.  Joseph interrupts it to be of a famine.  After seven years of great harvest there was to be seven years of famine.  So he told them to store up grain.  Pharaoh made him head of all and to store the grain as he saw fit.  After the seven years came the great famine. 


Joseph’s brothers come to buy grain and bow down to him, just like he saw in his dream, because they did not recognize him.  He acted as if he did not know them and called them spies and imprisoned all, but one and told him to get the youngest brother who was left at home. 



He let them all go back, but said do not come back unless you bring the youngest brother with you next time.  The youngest brother was Joseph’s full brother.  After all the food was eaten they had to go back for more food.  Jacob/Israel did not want the youngest to go, but finally agreed to send him.  Joseph had his servants prepare food for the brothers.  They thought they were going to be persecuted, because the first time they came all their money was placed back in their bags along with the food.  They all ate in amazement of the hospitality. 


Joseph had his servants fill their donkeys with all the food they could carry and restore all their money.  He had them put his cup in Benjamin’s donkey so his servants followed him and accused him of stealing it so they brought Benjamin back.  This was Jacob’s only real brother from Rachel.  Judah returns with him and pleads for Benjamin, because if they don’t bring him back Jacob will surely die after losing both his sons by Rachel. 



Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.  They did not know what to say and they all wept.  Pharaoh heard that Joseph brothers had come so he sent carts, donkeys, food etc.. to go get them and gave them the choice land to live on.  Israel could not believe Joseph was alive.



Jacob and all his family all went to Egypt to live and make a great nation.  This is how the Hebrew nation came to Egypt and later the start of their slavery, in which Moses will free them.



The famine was so severe that the people spent all their money, all their livestock and gave all their land to Pharaoh.  Joseph gave the people seed to plant and they were to give pharaoh 1/5 of all harvest.  Israel lived seventeen years in Egypt before he died and mad Joseph take him back with Abraham and Isaac to be buried. 



When Jacob dies he blesses Joseph’s sons and tells the younger will be greater then the older.



Jacob’s last word to his sons.  He remembers Reuben’s sin of sleeping with Jacobs’s maidservant and he gets nothing.  From Judah’s heritage come David, Solomon and Jesus.  He tells of the 12 tribes from each of his sons.



Joseph buries Jacob.  Joseph lived to be 110 and died. 



Abraham wife Sara beautiful told king was his sister----Isaac and Ishmael

Isaac-----Esau (hunter) Jacob later know as Israel

Esau sold his birth right to his brother Jacob for food.  When it came time to bless the older child Isaac was tricked by his wife and Jacob and gave his blessing to Jacob. Once Esau found out, Jacob fled as to not be killed by his brother. He then spent 20 years to get his wife Rachel.  He was tricked into also taking her older sister.  Rachel could not conceive but the older sister did. This caused jealousy.



Joseph had a dream that he would rule over his brothers.  So they sold him and told Jacob that a beast had killed him.  Joseph goes on to become chief officer under Pharaoh, until Pharaoh’s wife said Joseph tried to lay with her.  A lie she made up because he had refused her.  He was put in prison and soon became in charge of all the prisoners.  Joseph later interrupts two of the prisoners dreams.  Pharaoh finds out and has him come interrupt his dream.  It is of a seven year famine and Joseph has them store grain.  Once the famine hits they trade grain for property and become very much in power.  Joseph is now in charge of all grain and again the right hand man of Pharaoh.  Joseph’s brothers come for food and bow down before him.  Just like in the dream he had.  He is later reunited with his father and gives them the best land in Egypt to live.  His father now is




Joseph and his brothers have all died and a new pharaoh who did not know Joseph was ruling.  He feared the amount of people the Hebrews was turning into and placed them into slaves.  The people continued to grow.  Pharaoh commanded his people to cast all the newborn males into the river and keep the females.  The maidservants did not do this.




Moses is born and put in bulrushes in the river and the daughter of pharaoh takes him and asks his own mother to nurse him.  Moses kills an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew.  Pharaoh finds out and wants Moses killed so he flees.  Moses came up on a family that he helped with a flock and ends up taking a wife of this family


God comes to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt.


Moses questions God on how the people will know God sent him.  He cast his rod and it becomes a snake, his hand leprosy and water to blood.  Then Moses asks God to send someone else.  God will provide the help and the words he needs. 


First encounter with Pharaoh Moses asked for his people to go and sacrifice to God and he would not.  He made their workload even harder, because they had to gather their own straw for the bricks and did not reduce the quota.  The people were beat for not making their quota and complained to Moses for causing it.  Moses addresses the Lord. 



God told Moses to let the people know he is the Lord and will deliver the people out of Egypt.  Go to Pharaoh.  It also gives the names of the families of Moses and Aaron. 



Now go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.  God will harden his heart so he can show signs and wonders that all will know he is God.  Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83.  Aaron cast his rod and it became a serpent, and pharaoh’s magicians did the same and it became serpents.  Aaron’s rod then swallowed up all the other serpents.  Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. 


First Plague:  Water to blood for seven days

Second Plague:  Frogs

Third Plague: Lice

Fourth Plague: Flies

Fifth Plague: Livestock diseased

Sixth Plague: Boils

Seventh Plague: Hail

Eight Plague: Locust

Ninth Plague: Darkness

Tenth Plague: First born dies

Put blood on the doors and God gave them specific instructions on how to do this and to eat the lamb.  This will show God who the believers are.  This is the first of Passover and this feast shall continue to remind them of the day they were brought out of Egypt. 



Moses took the bones of Joseph when he left Egypt and headed into the wilderness towards the red sea. The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. 



 The parting of the red sea.  The Egyptians pursued the children of Israel to the Red Sea.  Moses stretched his staff over the sea and it parted and they crossed on dry land.  The Egyptians pursued them into the Red Sea and the walls of water caved in on them and killed everyone of them.



They sang songs of praise for the deliverance from the Egyptians.  They came to bitter water and God made it sweet so they could drink.



They were hungry so God gave them Quail to eat in and bread came down from heaven in the morning.  On the sixth day they gathered twice as much, because the seventh day was holy and no bread was given.  They called this bread Manna and they ate if for forty years.  They took a small amount and laid it up before the Lord to remind them of how the Lord provided.  This small amount was eventually placed in the Ark of the Covenant. 



The people were thirsty and went to Moses.  God had him go a head of the people with some elders and use his staff to get water from a rock.  The Israel people fought the Amalekites and as Moses raised his staff his people would prevail, but when his hand went down the Amalekites would.  So Joshua and Hur help hold Moses’ hand up until his people won. 


Jethro, Moses’ father in law brings Moses’ wife and children to him where he was at in the wilderness and sees him judging the people from morning to night.  He tells him to appoint people under him to judge the small things and he to deal with the larger problems.  Moses takes his advise. 


The Lord descended on mount Sinai in a cloud of smoke and the people could hear God talking to Moses.  Moses tells the people they can not touch the mountain or they will die. 


Ten commandments


Rules of servants, law concerning violence and animal control.


Rules on property. 


An angel is sent before them obey him because God’s name is in him.  Do not provoke him because he will not pardon your transgressions.  Mind God’s commands and they will have health etc..


The people said all the Lord has said we will do.  On the mountain Moses ,Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel saw God and there was under His feet at it were paved work of sapphire stone.  This indicates they did not raise their eyes above his feet.  So they saw God and the ate and drank.  Then Moses went up into the mountain and a cloud covered the mountain.  On Mount Sinai the cloud covered it six days and on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.  Moses went into the midst and was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.


Take an offering and make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.  Making of the ark of the convenient.  Making of the mercy seat.  Table of Showbread and the gold lampstands. 


Making of the tabernacle.

The tabernacle was to provide a place where God might dwell among his people. 


Altar of Burnt offering, court of the tabernacle and care of the lampstands.



The Ephod, breastplate and priestly garments.


Consecrate Aaron and sacrifice.


Holy oil , ransom money



Joseph’s family multiplied so much that Egypt feared the numbers and put them into bondage.

Moses and the people of Israel Let my people Go!

Lord turned the river to blood

Plague of frogs

Plague of lice

Plague of flies

Plague to the livestock

Plague of boils

Plague of hail

Plague of locusts

Plague of darkness

Death of first born


The people made a gold calf as Moses was on the mountain and they worshiped it.  The Lord was going to destroy them all and Moses pleaded for their lives.  Once Moses came down from the mountain he asked for who ever was with the Lord to come to him.  It was the tribe of Levi.  They strapped on their swords and killed the rest. 


They built a beautiful tabernacle to worship in, by the specifications of the Lord. 






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Burnt offering, Grain offering, Peace offering, Sin Offering


Aaron and his sons consecrated


Aaron sacrificed for his sons and the people and the Lord appeared to all the people and fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the offering.  When all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their faces. 


Aaron’s two oldest sons Nadab and Abihu violated the way to burn incense and the Lord consumed them in fire and they died.  Aaron held his tongue and later did not eat the sacrifice as he should because he was too distraught.



Which animals can be eaten and what is unclean.


Ritual of childbirth


Law of Leprosy


Ritual of cleansing healed lepers


The law concerning bodily discharges


Aaron makes atonement for Israel


Sanctity of blood


Sexual morality


Moral and ceremonial laws

This has a lot of points on how to act.


Penalties for breaking the law

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Conduct of priests and sacrifice


Feast to the Lord and Passover.  Care of the tabernacle lamps


Sabbath of  the seventh year, year of jubilee fiftieth year shall be a jubilee to you, redemption of property, lending to the poor, slavery and buying back yourself.  Set free in the year of the jubilee.


Promise of blessing and retribution.  If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, it list the blessings they will receive.  If not it list the consequences.


Redeeming persons and property dedicated to God. It talks about how many shekels to pay to redeem a person or animal.



The Lord told Moses to take a census.  Those 20 years or older were numbered to see who could go to war.  All but the Levites they are to tend to the Tabernacle and camp around it.  They set it up and tear it down. They transport it.


Tribes and leaders of the army.  Each tribe had their place to camp around the Tabernacle.


The Levites serve Aaron and his sons.  This list the families and their duties to the Tabernacle. 


Numbering and duties of the sons of Khath, Gershon and Levites.


Concerning unfaithful wives and jealousy of a husband.  She is made to drink water and if she is guilty of laying with another man, it will cause her belly to swell and her thigh to rot.


Law of the Naziriet who vows t the Lord his separation.


Offering of the leaders.

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Levites cleansing.  The second Passover.  When the cloud was on the tabernacle they would camp.  When it was gone they would move whether it was a day or a year.


Two silver trumpets were used for battle and for gatherings.  Also used to tell the people to move camp.  It was well organized when they would leave.


People complained and the Lord consumed some in fire because the complaining displeased the Lord.  Moses talked to the Lord and the fire was quenched.  The manna fell when the dew fell on the camp at night.  The people were begging for meat and complained to Moses.  Moses told the Lord to kill him, because he could not deal with all these people.  So the Lord told him to gather seventy elders so that they may bear the burden of the people with you and you do not have to alone.  The Lord told Moses to tell the people they will eat meat until it comes out of their nostrils since they have despised the Lord.  A wind came and quail from the sea was all over.  But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed the wrath of the Lord was aroused against the people and the Lord struck the people with a very great plague.  There they buried the people who had yielded to craving. 


Aaron and Miriam complained of Moses marring a Ethiopian women.  This displeased the Lord because Moses was faithful.  The Lord struck Miriam with leprosy and Abraham repented and asked Moses to heal her.  The Lord healed her after seven days.


Spies sent into Canaan. They saw that is flows with milk and honey and the people are stronger then them.  So they told a lie that the place was inhabitable because they were afraid of the people there. 


Joshua and Caleb said the land they saw was good and not to be afraid of the people that are there because the Lord is with us.  The people wanted to stone them.  The Lord wanted to strike all the people down and rise up a greater nation and Moses pleaded with him not to do so.  The Lord said that these people will not see the promised land, but Caleb, since he has a different spirit will.  From 20 years old and above will die in the wilderness, except Joshua and Caleb. 


Sin offering.  Violating the Sabbath was to be stoned to death. Unintentional sin consequences. 


Korah, Dathan and Abiram came to Moses and were up set that he held himself up as a prince over them.  They did not believe Moses when he told them he was not doing his will but the Lord’s.  So Moses told them to bring their men to the Tabernacle and the Lord would show who is doing his works.  The Earth swallowed them up and all their families and the men offering incense in their behalf. 

The next day the people complained to Moses that he killed the Lord’s people and this upset the Lord.  He started a plague and before Moses could make atonement for their sins it killed 14,000 people. 


The Lord told Moses to take a rod from each of the 12 households and put it in the Tabernacle.  Whichever rod buds, then that is the one the Lord is with.  Aaron’s was the rod.  He did this to stop the complaining of the people. 


Priest duties and sacrifice. 


Laws of purification


Moses’ Error at Kadesh.  Moses was to speak to the rock, but instead he struck it with his staff.  Moses failed to take God at his work and speak to the rock, so he was rebellious like the people. 

They were refused by the king of Edom to pass through his land. 

Aaron and Moses will not go to the promised land.  Aaron dies. 


People complained of the bread and the Lord struck them dead by a fiery serpent until Moses prayed to the Lord. The Israelites defeated King Sihon and King Og who did not allow them to pass through their land.


The Israelites were camping close to King Balak and he sent for a profit Balaam to curse the people so he could over through them.  Balaam would not curse them, because the Lord told them they are blessed.  The Lord told him not to go and when Balak offered gold and silver Balaam begged the Lord to go and he let him go.  Now while on his way to King Balak an angel came and was in front of the donkey and the donkey turned to the left and right to avoid the angel. Balak became angry with the donkey and struck him.  Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and he spoke to Balak and asked him why he struck him.  Then Balak’s eyes were opened and he say the angel with his sword drawn.  The angel asked him why he struck the donkey, for if he had not turned to the right or left the angel would have killed Balaam and let the donkey live.  Now go and speak only the words I tell you.


Balaam prophesized that the Israelites will be blessed and not cursed.  Balak had Balaam go to 3 different mountains hoping to get a different message as they sacrificed, but the message did not change. 


Israel was blessed three times this upset King Balaam and they separated.


The people of Israel commit harlotry with the women of Moab and worship their god.  This upset the Lord and Moses was told to kill the ones that went to Moab’s god.


The Lord ask Moses to take a count of the people twenty years old and above.

The total number was 601,730.   These will get an inheritance according to the number of names.  Of these there was not a one left from when the Lord had said “they shall surely die in the wilderness.” Except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. 


Laws of the inheritance in the event that a father died and had no sons, goes to daughters if not children goes to brothers and on and on.  The Lord told Moses to go up and he could look at the land that the Israelites would inherit, but he could not go in, because he sinned when getting water from the rock.  Moses asked that someone would replace him and Joshua was chosen. 

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Laws on offering and sacrifice.


The law on vows. 


Israel people took vengeance on the Midianites.  When they brought the spoils back, Moses was upset because the had not killed all the women.  He commanded any women that had been intimate with a man be put to death. 


Children of Gad and Reuben wanted the land on the side of the Jordan because it could support their livestock.  The approached Moses and came to an agreement that if they fought with the Israelites and got the wholly land for their inheritance they could come back to the Jordan to live and they would have no inheritance in the new land. 


Is a recap on the destinations of the trip from Egypt. 


Recap the land of Canaan is the land of inheritance.


Cities for the Levites and the cities of refuge for the people that commit crimes.


Concerning the law of inheritance for females that were heirs. 




Author: Moses

The final weeks of Moses’ life


Moses reviewing the command to enter Canaan and the leaders that were appointed to judge.  He also reviews Israel’s refusal to enter the land, because they felt they could not defeat them.  Then God angered and only Caleb and Joshua of the two that are over twenty years old will enter the land. 


Then you turned to the desert and wondered.  The Lord pointed you to the wilderness that was given to Esau.  There you can buy water and food, but none of it is yours, because it was given to Esau.  Talked about the land that was given to Lot’s decedents and when they passed through it.  Talks of King Sihon and how he would not let them pass, so the Lord was with them and they defeated him.  All the cities were given to the Israelites. 


King Og was then defeated and his land was taken.  All was destroyed except the livestock was taken. 


Moses commands obedience and to make to idols.  When God spoke to them he showed no form so they could not make images of him.  Keep the commandments and you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for all time. 




The Greatest Commandment:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.


God tells them they are the chosen people and all that hate them will fall to them as long as they keep the commandments.  You shall be blessed above all people.


God chasten the people the forty years they wondered.  Their garments did not wear out or did the foot swell those forty years.  The Lord God is giving you a good land and when you eat and become full you can praise the Lord.  Don’t forget the Lord your God when you achieve power and wealth or think it is your hand that has achieved.  Keep the commandments. 


Israel’s rebellions reviewed, the golden calf and Moses’ plea not to destroy the people.

It is not because of your righteousness that the people are driven out of these nations, but due to their wickedness.


The second pair of tablets after the first were broken.  So serve God and keep the commandments.


The land you inherit is a land for which the Lord your God cares, the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to he very end of the year. 

Behold today I set before you a blessing and a curse.  The blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today, and the curse if you do not obey. 


A place to worship and sacrifice to God.  Beware of false gods. 


If a prophet gives you a sign and the sign comes to pass and he says to follow other gods, do not follow.  He is there to test you. 


The meat you can and can’t eat is listed.  The Levite’s inheritance is God, do not forsake them.


Debts canceled every seven years.  You shall open your hand wide to the poor and your needy in your land. 


Passover reviewed, feast of weeks reviewed.


If there is found among you wicked who has served other gods stone them to death. 

Principles of governing kings.  Talks of not multiplying horses, wives, gold and silver and must not return to Egypt. 


The portion of the Priests and Levites, because the Levites have no inheritance.  Their inheritance is the Lord.  Moses tells them that the Lord will rise up a prophet.  They shall hear him according to all they desire of the Lord God.  He seems to be talking of Jesus.


Set aside a city refuge for those that unintentionally have killed.


Principles governing warfare.  If a man was afraid to fight he was excused from the army, because he did thme no good.  When taking a city you shall kill everything that breaths.


The law concerning unsolved murder.  A sacrifice had to be made from the city closes to the body. 

Female captives can be made wives and later divorced.  A thirty day mourning period is allowed for these women before a marriage.

Law concerning first born son’s inheritance.


If your brother’s livestock is lost and you find it you shall deliver it back or if it needs help you shall help.

A man shall not wear anything that pertains to a women and a women anything that pertains to a man.

Laws of sexual morality. 


Cleanliness of the camp and Miscellaneous Laws


Law concerning divorce.


A the brother in law of a widow that has no children shall go in to her and give her a child.  If he does not want to, he must answer to the elders.

Destroy the Amalekites remember what they did to you on your way out of  Egypt.


Offering to the Lord and tithe of the first fruits.


Once they cross the Jordan to the promise land they are to write on stones the laws, (Ten Commandments)

This chapter goes through some of the laws that need repeated as a reminder to the people.


Blessings if they are obedient to all the Lord God has told them.  This chapter list the curse of disobedience.  It is many verses of detailed tragedy to these people.

Some of this curse came about in A.D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed which was a judgment on the apostasy of Israel and their rejection and execution of the Messiah. 



The covenant renewed in Moab


The return of God’s blessing after disobedience.  This suggest Jesus comes to redeem us for our sins.  Choose to obey God and that you may cling to him for He is your life and the length of your days.


Moses is 120 and can not go into the promised land.  Joshua is appointed the leader.  God anoints Joshua and predicts Israel’s disobedience and that they will worship other gods.  He teaches them a song to help them remember what the Lord has done for them.


The song is listed in this chapter. Moses gets to look at the promised land before he is to die.


Moses’ final blessing.


Moses dies on Mount Nebo he was 120 and his physical body was still strong, his eyes were not dim.  To this day no one knows where he was buried. There was not a greater OT prophet until John the Baptist came.




Author Joshua

He was 90 years old when he took command and died at 110.


The command to cross the Jordan.


Joshua sends spies to Jericho and Rehab hides them from the king.  She tells him the went out before the gates were closed.  She asked that they spare her family, because she knows that the Lord gave them this land and they agreed.  Their lives for her families lives.  The men told her she must bring her entire family to her house and bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down from the roof.  Her house was by the wall.  She told the men to hide in the mountains three days until their pursuers come back and then they can go their way.  They told Joshua all that had happened.


The people crossed the Jordan.  The waters that came down from upstream stood still and they crossed over on dry land.


They had each man from the twelve tribes to pick up a stone from the middle of the Jordan and put it on the shore as a memorial for the miracle God performed.  The people feared Joshua as they did Moses.  As the priests with the Ark of the Covenant feet hit dry land the waters returned.


The males are circumcised, because the ones that were are the ones that died in the wilderness.  So all that were left are the uncircumcised.  Then they ate the produce of the land.  The manna ceased the day after they had eaten the produce and they had no more manna. 

Then the Commander of the Lord’s army appeared to Joshua.  This is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.  Joshua fell on the ground and worships him.  He was told to take his shoes off for this is holy ground.  He was sent to have victory over the Canaanites.


They were to march around the walls of Jericho and on the seventh day the priests shall blow the trumpets and all the people shout, then the walls will come down.  They destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.  All except Rehab’s house she dwells in Israel because she hid them men.



A group of men went to attack King Ai and they could not defeat them. They lost some men and Joshua went before the Lord as to why they could not.  The Lord told him that some had sinned in the camp and had taken spoils for themselves.  They were to bring that person and family out and stone and burn them.  Then they would be able to conquer Ai.



They went after Ai and sent an ambush that when they would chase after them the Israelites would take over the city and burn it.


The Gibeonites fooled Joshua by acting like they came from a far away land.  They had old wine skins and moldy bread so it looked as though they traveled a long way.  Joshua made a treaty with them not to kill them thinking they were from a land far away and later found out they were their neighbors.  Once he found out they had been deceived he made them woodcutters and water carriers.


The sun stand still.  A bunch of kings went to war against Gibeon and Joshua went to save them .  The Lord told Joshua not to worry because the kings are delivered to them.  The Lord cast down large hail and killed more then the Israelites had killed with a sword.  Then Joshua spoke to the Lord and asked him to make the sun stand still until the people had their revenge.  So the sun stood still and did not go down for about a whole day.   The kings were hiding in a cave and Joshua told them to bring them to him.  He had all of them killed that had attacked Gibeon.  Joshua continued to take the land from all the Kings in it.


And it came to pass, when Jabin king of Haxor heard these things that he sent to Jobab king of Mdon, to the king of Shimron, to the king of Achshaph and to the kings who were from the north.  They gathered and the Lord delivered them to Joshua.  They killed everyone by the sword. 


List of the kings conquered by Moses and Joshua.


Joshua was advanced in years and there was still much land to take.  The Lord drove out the people so that they could have it as an inheritance.  Only to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance, because their inheritance was God. 


The land is divided west of the Jordan


The land of Judah and Caleb occupies Hebron and Debir.


Cities of Refuge for whoever might kill someone accidentally


The gave cities from their land to the Levites to dwell in.

The Lord fulfilled his promise and all was given to them.  Not an enemy remained.


The children of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh departed from the land of Canaan to go to the country of Gilead which they obtained according to the word of Moses.

They built an altar near the Jordan and the people of Israel were upset because they thought it was done against the Lord.  Once they explained it was to honor the Lord and speak to the many generations to come of their relationship with the Lord, the Israelites were ok with it.



Joshua’s farewell address and warning not to back slide or suffer the consequences.



Joshua gathers the people and confirms with them what the Lord did for them out of Egypt and that they are to serve no other gods.  The people agree and serve the Lord all the days of Joshua’s life and the elders that outlived Joshua.  He died at 110.



Samuel is likely to be the author

Gives a tragic sequel to the book Joshua and Israel’s disobedience.


Conquest of Canaan in review. 


Israel’s disobedience and Joshua’s death.


Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.  So HE sold them into slavery and they cried out for the Lord and he delivered them.  The land rested for 40 years.  Then the people did evil again and the Lord allowed them to be defeated and they cried out to the Lord and he delivered them again. Ehud a left handed man went to King Eglon and told him he had a secret, when all the people left he went close to the king and stabbed him.  He locked the doors and left and lead Israel to defeat the Moabites.  The land rested 80 years.  


Israel sinned again and was sold in to slavery. The prophetess Deborah helped Israel defeat Sisera.  This is where after killing all the troops, Sisera went to the tent of Jael for protection and while he was sleeping she took a tent stake and drove it down through his temple.


The song of Deborah.  The land rested for 40 years.



Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord.  So the Lord delivered them into the hands of Midian for seven years.  The Angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him that the Lord was with him and he was to save Israel.  The Lord told Gideon to tear down the alter of baal and build one to the Lord.  Offer up a bull.  He did this at night for fear of the people and when they arose and saw this and found out who did it they said bring him here so we can kill him.  It was said by Gideon’s father if Baal want to defend his temple let him do so and it did not happen.  Gideon ask God to show him a sign on the Fleece that it would be wet with due and the ground dry if he was the one to save Israel.  God provided this sign twice for him.


The Lord said to Gideon there are too many with you that you will think it is you who destroy the Midianites and not the Lord God.  So tell them whoever is afraid does not have to go and 2,000 people left, but 10,000 remained.  The Lord God said that is still too many so bring them down to the water to drink.  Whoever laps water with his tongue separate from whoever gets down on his knees to drink.  The number that used their hands and drank was 300, the rest got down on their knees.  So the Lord said by the 300 men that lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hands. 

Gideon split them up into three companies each with a trumpet.  The Midianites had a dream interrupted that Gideon was coming to kill them and when they heard the trumpets blow the Lord set every man’s sword against his companion throughout the whole camp.  


They pursued them and in their pursuit they came across the men of Succoth and ask for bread for the troops the men denied them and so did the men of Penuel.  He told them after they were done with the Midianites they would be back to do the same to them. 


By this time there were 15,000 men left 120,000 had died by the sword.  The 300 pursued them and routed the army and took the Kings Zebah and Zalmunna.  Gideon told his son to kill them, but he was still a youth and did not so Gideon killed them both.  He then went back to the men of Succoth and Penuel and dragged them under heavy weights over thorns and briers, which painfully tore their bodies. 


The people asked Gideon to be King and rule over us.  He declined and said God is your King.  The land was quiet for 40 years in the days of Gideon. Gideon had 70 sons and many wives. 


Gideon died and Israel sinned right after his death. 


Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal killed his brothers all but one, the youngest who hid himself.  He killed 70 all on one stone.  The men of Shechem made him king.  After he reigned over Israel for three years God sent a spirit of ill will between him and the men of Shechem.  They men that followed Abimelech and the men of Shechem fought.  Abimelech had a millstone dropped on his head by a women and he had his armor bearer kill him so people could not say he was killed by a women.


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People sinned and were sold into slavery.  Jephthah was expelled by the people. He had a group of men that were pillaging.  When Israel needed someone to defend them they called on him.  He told the Lord that if the people of Ammon were delivered to him then whatever came out of his house to greet him he would give as a burn offering to the Lord.  His daughter came out and he sacrificed her to the Lord.  He was very distraught. 

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The men of Ephraim were upset that they did not get to go and defeat the men in battle with Jepthah, probably because they wanted to share in the spoils.  So Jephthah and Ephraim people fought and Jephthah won. 


Israel did evil and was delivered to the Philistines.  The Angel of the Lord came to Danites whose name is Manoah’s wife and told them that they would have a son and no razor should  come to his head.   They asked if he could come again so Manoah could hear and understand what the child would be doing.  The Angel came back and they talked to him and offered a burnt offering to God and the Angel went up in the flame to the heavens.  Samson was born. 



Samson wants a wife from the Philistine and asks his father and mother to get her.  Samson encounters a lion and he kills it with his bare hands.  When he comes back by it there are bees devouring it and honey where the bees are so Samson tastes the honey.  He poses a riddle to some men about this and they entice his wife to tell them the answer.  She does and he becomes angry and kills 30 men to take the clothing and pay off the debt.  While he is doing this, his wife is given to his best man.



Samson was upset when he found out his wife was given to another and caught 300 foxes tied torches on their tails and they ran through the Philistine’s fields and burnt their crops. When the people found out who did it they burnt his wife and her father and wanted Samson life.  Samson defeated 1000 men with a jawbone of an ass. 



Samson loved Delilah and the men asked her to find what it is that gives him strength.  He lied to her three times and she tried all those times and the Philistines came in and he broke free, until he finally tells her his hair gives him strength.  The Philistines came in and took him.  They put his eyes out and he became a grinder in the prison.  His hair began to grow while in prison.  They brought him up to perform for them.  While he was standing there he asked the lad who held him by the hand to let him feel the pillars which support the temple.  He pushed on the pillars and the temple came crashing down killing more people than Samson killed in his life and also killing him.


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Micah created an idol and asked a Levite to be his priest and live with him.  600 hundred men of Dan going to war came and took the idol and the priest from Micah as they were going to over take some land. 


A certain Levite had a concubine that ran off to her father’s house.  He went after her and the father continued to detain the man and kept telling him to stay another night.  After a couple of days of this he will not stay another night and takes her and goes.  On their journey as the day was spent they went to Gibeah and he sat down in the middle of the town because no one would take them in.  An old man saw them there and took them in.  Men came to the door and wanted them to send out the visitor to commit sodomy against him.  The old man offered his virgin daughter and the concubine for the men and they would not hear of it. They sent the concubine out and they ravished her all night.  The Levite slept and got up in the morning to find the women on the doorstep.  There was no response from her.  He took her on the donkey home and cut her into 12 pieces and sent them to all the territories of Israel. 


The children of Israel were outraged and when to the tribe of Benjamin and demanded these men so they could put them to death.  When the tribe of Benjamin refused there started a war to rid Israel of these perverted people. They were fighting there own brothers of Israel.  The children of Israel defeated the children of Benjamin.  The children of Israel grieved for they struck down one of their tribes and vowed not to give wives to anyone remaining in the tribe of Benjamin.  They ended up giving them wives from Jagesh Gilead, because they did not help in the battle against the children of Benjamin



Samuel as the author.


Naomi was married to Elimelech and they took their family to Moab.  Naomi’s husband died and her sons took wives.  Two of her sons died and Naomi told them to return to their mothers house and find husbands, because she was returning to Judea.  Ruth would not leave her and told her she will return with her and where she dies so will Ruth. 


Ruth went to glean wheat in the field of Boaz and he found favor on her.  He was a relation of Naomi and let her glean even the sheaves. 


Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz he is a close relative and could be her husband, but before he could perform as husband they had to see if there were any closer relatives. 


They found the one that was closer and told him he could buy the land of Naomi and receive Ruth as wife.  He was unwilling to, because he did not want to split his inheritance with more children.  So Boaz bought and married.  Ruth gave birth to Obed, he is the father off Jesse, the father of David.  This was to keep the lineage to Jesus. 



Samuel 1


Author is Samuel

Samuel begins, Israel was at a low point spiritually.  The priesthood was corrupt, the ark of the covenant was not at the tabernacle, idolatry was practice and the judges were dishonest. 


Hannah could not bear children and prayed to the Lord, if he would give her a child she would give him to the Lord and no razor would touch his head.  This boy was Samuel.


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The Lord came to Samuel, at first Samuel thought it was Eli (Was the priest) calling for him and ran to him three different times he was summoned, then Eli realized it was the Lord trying to talk to Samuel.  The Lord told Samuel that he would be judging Eli’s house since his sons did evil. 



Eli’s sons did evil and God Judged his house for the iniquities.  Eli’s sons died in a battle and the ark of the covenant was captured when the messenger came and told Eli this he fell over backwards and died at 98 years old.  Phinehas was with child and when she heard her father in law died and her husband was killed she gave birth and named the son Ichabod.


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The Philistines returned the Ark after it smashed their fish idle.  The men of Beth Shemesh were struck 50,000 of them for they looked into the ark of the Lord. The sent it back on a cart with gold sacrifice and milk cows that had never been harnessed.  No driver so if it went on its own then they new God was the one that caused the plagues and suffering for retaining the Ark.



The Philistines were going to attach Israel and Samuel offered a suckling lamb and prayed to God and God confused the Philistines and they chased them away.



The people asked Samuel for a king, since he was getting old.  God told Samuel they have forsaken Me and served other gods. So Samuel told them how a king will take their families, flocks and fields for his own, but the people did not listen, they wanted a king.


Saul was taller then all his family and more handsome.  He was sent by his father to look for some stray donkeys when he came up to Samuel.  Samuel was told Saul would come and to appoint him king. 


Saul is anointed king.  His heart is changes by God and he prophesizes with the prophets. 

Some questioned why Saul should be king and rejected him.



Saul saves Jabesh Gilead.  They were approached by the Ammonites who were going to put the right eye out of everyone and make them servants. Saul takes oxen and cuts them up, spreads them all over and tells the Israelites any one that does not serve Saul, their oxen too will be butchered.   Saul steps in and defends Jabesh Gilead and kills the Ammonites. Then those that questioned Saul’s kingship no longer question him.


Samuel tells Israel of the bad they did asking for a king.  They had God as their king and have forsaken him for a human king.  They cry out to God in their need and once they are satisfied they sin against Him.  Go will grant you a king.




Saul reigned two years and had fought battles. Now he was against the Philistines and he did not wait for Samuel to make the sacrifice.  He did it himself.  As soon as he was done Samuel came and said what have you done?  Since you have not kept the commandments of the Lord your kingdom will NOT continue. The Philistines did not allow the Israelites to have a blacksmith so they did not have swords.



Saul’s son Jonathan snuck up on the Philistines and he and his armor bearer attacked about 20 men and killed them, it caused a big war and Saul told none to taste food until the revenge, Jonathan tasted honey from the trees that was forbidden by Saul ( although Jonathan had not heard the command not to eat), when Saul tried to kill him the people saved him recognizing that the Lord was with Jonathan.

Saul’s commander was Abner.



Saul was told to destroy Amalek and all in it, but he didn’t.  He kept the best live stock to sacrifice to the Lord and let King Agag live.  The Lord removed his hand from Saul, because he did not obey.  He gave into the people who wanted to keep the best of the oxen and sheep.  Samuel has king Agag brought to him and chops him up and never returns to Saul again until his death.  He tells Saul that God has appointed someone else as king.



Samuel went to the house of Jesse and had his eight boys pass by until the youngest whose name was David and the Lord said this is the one.

God anoints David as king.  Saul sends for David to play his harp and sooth the trouble spirit that was with Saul. David became his armor barer and admired Saul.


David kills Goliath with a sling and a stone.  Uses Goliath’s sword to kill him after knocking him down.  Then cuts his head off.


Saul put David over the men of war and Saul’s son, Jonathan and David’s souls became knit together as great friends.  When Saul heard the women singing that he had killed thousands and David tens of thousands he resented David.  As David was playing for Saul he through a spear and tried to pin David on the wall.


Saul gave David his daughter if he brought a dowry of 100 Philistines foreskins.  He thought the Philistines would kill David, but when he and his men brought back 200, Saul knew the Lord was with him and feared him. So Saul became David’s enemy. 



Saul tried to kill David and Jonathan said kind words about him and not to kill him so he didn’t for a while.  Then the distressed spirit was on Saul again and he tried to pin him to the wall with his spear.  Later Michal his wife, Saul’s daughter helped him escape and David ended up with Samuel.



David feels Saul is going to kill him so he and Jonathan decide that he will not be at the kings table and if Saul reacts aggressively then Saul wants to kill him.  David will hide in a field and Jonathan will come out and shot arrows.  He will have a boy go after the arrows and depending on what he says will tell David to flee or stay.  When Saul did not see David at the table his anger was stirred and asked Jonathan where he was.  When he told him Saul cast a spear at Jonathan and told him to get David so that Saul could kill him.  Jonathan went to the field and warned David by shooting the arrows.



David was recognized by a priest and lied that the king had sent him on a secret journey.  He asked for a sword, because he had to leave in haste and was given Goliath’s sword the one he killed.  A king recognized him and he pretended to be mad, not trusting God to deliver him.



Saul kills the priest that gave David the sword and bread.  The priest did not know that David was on the lamb, but Saul did not believe him and had him and all the priest of Nob killed.  Eighty men in all.  One escaped and went to David.  David told him to stay and realized he caused the death of all these men. 



David and his men saved Keilah from the Philistines and when Saul heard they were in Keilah he pursued them.  David fled to the wilderness.  Saul pursued David again at Ziph and as they were getting close to capturing them the Philistines attacked Saul’s kingdom and they had to go back to defend their place. 



Saul was delivered to David in a cave where Saul was using the restroom. David cuts off a piece of Saul’s robe and does not kill him.  After Saul leaves the cave David cries out to him and tells Saul that he could have killed him, but would not kill his master the king and his hand is not against Saul.  Saul weeps and asks David not to cut off his decedents and that David surely will be king.


Samuel dies. 

Now there was a man named Nable and his wife Abigail.  David’s men had protected Nable’s sheep and men while they were in the wilderness and never took food for themselves.  They went to Nable to provide them with food and he would not.  David and his men were going to kill Nable and all the males when Abigail stepped in unbeknown to her husband and asked for forgiveness and provided the food.  The next day she tells Nable what she did and his heart became like a stone and ten days later the Lord struck him and he died.  When David found out that Nable died he took Abigail as his wife.  In the mean time Saul had given David’s wife to someone else.



Saul pursues David again this time David catches him in a deep sleep given by the Lord and takes his sword by his head and the water pot.  Then gets on the hill on the other side and yells at Saul.  He awakes and sees David could have killed him, but spared him and admits he has sinned and goes back to his home.    



God told David to stay in Judah he went to the enemy of Israel the Philistines for protection and Saul could not pursue him.  David raid villages and killed everyone so they could not report back to the Philistines that he was actually killing some of their allies.  He would report back an lie to the Philistines of who he attacked.




Saul consults a medium and she brings up Samuel and he speaks to Saul as to why he would disturb him.  Samuel tells him that tomorrow he and his sons will be with him and Israel will be taken by the Philistines. 




When the Philistines gathered to battle the Israelites David and his men were in the back to fight, but the lords of the Philistines did not approve of David fighting with them.  Since David and Saul were once allies.  So they told him to depart he could not fight with them. 



When David got back to his camp the Amalekites had attacked and taken all the women and children and burned Ziklag.  The people talked of stoning David because this happened.  He strengthened himself in the Lord and inquired if they should pursue them.  The Lord told him they would recover all.  He took 600 men and went after them.  200 men could not cross the river when they came to it, because they had not eaten or drank anything for three days.  They recovered all and shared all with the 200 that did not make it all the way.



After sending David away the Philistines attack Saul and his men and killed Saul and his sons.


2 Samuel



an Amalekite came to David and told him Saul and his sons were dead.  He told him that when Saul saw him he asked the Amalekite to kill him.  Even though Saul had fallen on his sword he was still alive.  So he did and took his crown and bracelet and gave them to David.  David later kills the Amalekite for killing the Lords anointed one. 



David made king of Judah and Abner the commander of Saul’s army took Ishbosheth the son of Saul and made him king over Gilead, Ashurites, Jezreel, Dphraim, Benjamin and all of Israel.


David and his men met Abner and his men at a pool and they took 12 each of their best fighters and had them fight.  All 24 lay dieing so it settled nothing and a fight broke out.  Abner tried to flee and Asahel who was fleet of foot followed.  Abner killed him after warning him to pick up armor.  There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David.



Abner went into Saul’s concubine and Ishbosheth condemned him for it.  Abner then told Ishbosheth he was going to David and give him all of Israel. David told Abner that he could not see his face unless he brought his first wife Michal with him and he did. 


Abner went in peace, but Joab found out about it and secretly called him back.  When he went to talk to him in private he killed him for his brother Asahel death.  David mourned the loss and said let this fall on the house of Joab and his descendents to repay them for the evil that he had done.




Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth who was lame because he fell when his nurse hurried and fled when they heard about Saul and Jonathan’s death.  Two guys killed Ishobosheth (Saul’s son) and brought his head to David.  David told them that the person that thought he was bring good news that Saul was dead, he had executed.  How much more do you think I will do to you?  He had them killed.




David was 30 years old when he reign over Israel and he reigned for 40 years.  David conquered more land with the Lords help.  He was built a house.



David went to get the ark of God and when the oxen stumbled Uzzah put his hand on it to stable it.  God was angered against Uzzah and he struck him there for his error and he died.  (The Levites were the only ones to move the ark).  David was afraid of the Lord that day and would not bring the ark into the City of David.  It remained in the house of Obed-Edom for Three months.  The house was blessed.  Later David went to get it and he danced and played instruments as it came into the city.  Michal, Saul’s daughter looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart.  She felt he acted as a fool and uncovered himself.  David’s actions were for the delight of the Lord and not his maidservants.  Michal did not have children to the day of her death.  Thus provided no air to David’s throne of Saul.



God’s covenant with David.  God tells Nathan to tell David that he will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.  He will have a son that God will be his Father, and he shall be My son.  I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men.  But My mercy shall not depart from him.  This is Jesus. 



David defeated the Philistines, Moab, Hadadezer, and many more.  They became his servant and he dedicated spoils to the Lord.  David reigned over all Israel, Joab was over the army, Jehosphaphat was the recorder and David’s sibs were chief ministers.



David finds out that Jonathan’s son still lives and he brings him before him.  He tells him that he will eat at his table as one of the king’s sons.  The people that took care of him will harvest the grounds that used to belong to Saul for he is restoring all of it back to him.  Mephibosheth was lame in both feet because he was dropped when Saul was overtaken and the nurse tried to hurry and escape.



The king of the people of Ammon died and Hanun his son reigned in his place.  David wanted to show kindness to Hanun for Ammon was kind to David.  So he sent some of his men to comfort him concerning his father.  Some of Hanun’s men convinced him that David was spying on him with these men so he shaved half their beards and cut their pants at the buttocks and sent them away.  The people of Ammon asked for help from the people of Syrians and drew the battle lines.  David defeated them.




David sees Bathsheba on a roof top and sleeps with her.  She becomes pregnant and to hide what he had done he has her husband come home from battle.  He hopes that Uriah will lie with his wife and the baby could be explained as his.  Uriah does not so eventually David has Joab put Uriah in the front line and retreat so that he is killed and he takes Bathsheba as his wife.



Nathan’s parable of the lamb and David’s confession.  The Lord told David the sword will never depart from his house and his son will surely die.  Bathsheba bore another son his name was Solomon and the Lord loved him. 



Ammon lusted for his half sister Tamar and raped her by pretending to be sick and as she came to nurse him he lay with her.  Tamar’s real brother Absalom hated Ammon .  After two years Absalom invited all the king’s sons to a feast.  The king did not want to burden him with all the brothers so Absalom asked that Ammon could go in the kings place.  Once all the brothers where there, Absalom had Ammon killed by his servants.   Absalom fled and the king mourned for his son and wanted to go to Absalom. 


Joab had a women pose as a mourner and approach the king to get him to realize that Absalom should come back.  The king granted his return, but did not want to see his face.  Finally king David forgives Absalom.


Absalom stole the hearts of the people in Israel by telling them as they would come to David for judgment that he would hear their case.  He started a conspiracy against the king.  David leaves Jerusalem with his following.  He sends Hushi back to be a spy on him and his dealings in Jerusalem.  He leaves behind 10 concubines. 



Ziba makes a false accusation about his father so as to have David give him his property.  He brings David donkeys and food.  Absalom goes into David’s concubines to show Israel he is king. 



Absalom’s adviser Ahithophel told him to send 12000 men to defeat David while he was weary.  Absalom seeked the advice of Hushai, the one David had sent back to spy.  Hushai told him to gather a big army and lead them into battle against the king.  Then he sent two guys to tell the king so they had more time to prepare.  Ahithophel saw his advice was not followed and hung himself. 





Before the battle took place David told the captains to deal gently with Absalom for his sake.  When the battle started the woods devoured more then the sword.  Absalom gets stuck in a tree and Joab, against the orders of the king thrust three arrows into his heart while he is still alive.  The news is delivered to David that Absalom is killed and he weeps.



Joab went to the king and told him to stop weeping for it is perceived that he loves his enemies and hates the people that just risk their lives for his.  David was brought back and found out Absalom had deceived some of the people to follow him thinking it was David’s wishes.  He forgave them.  It talks of Jonathan’s son and how he was given his father’s land, but was taken back when he did not follow David, because he was deceived.  David latter made him share in the land even though he had no fault.  He was unsure of some of their stories.



David made Absalom’s general his general and Joab pretended to come up to him to give him a kiss and stab and killed him.  Joab was reinstated as general.  They went to attack a city to get Sheba the person that caused a revolt against King David.  When they got to the city a women came out and talked to Joab, so as not to destroy all of them.  He said we want Sheba and so the women told the people and they cut off his head and threw it to Joab so they would not destroy the city. 



There was a famine in the land.  David inquired of the Lord as to why.  It was because Saul tried to kill the Gibeonites.  David ask them what he could do to make it right to them and they wanted seven of Saul’s decedents so they could hang them.  After they hung them one of the mothers of the men Rizpah did not leave the side of her dead son and would not let a bird land on him.  David heard of her devotion and took Saul’s bones and Jonathan’s bones and buried them with these men’s bodies and the land was healed. 


War was going on against the Philistines and David grew tired.  One of the worriers saw this and tried to kill him, but David was saved by Abishai.  After this they said David could go out no more.


King David’s song of praise to God for being so gracious to David.



The story of David wanting water and his mighty men broke through and risk their lives for it, but he would not drink the water because he did not deserve them risking their lives for him.  It also list the might men the amazing feats they did.  Great stories of battle.



David took a census of the people.  He realized after the count came back that he had sinned against the Lord.  Instead of relying on the Lords power he was relying on the number of soldiers he had.  The Lord issued judgment on David and gave him a choice of a famine, plague or have his enemies pursue him.  A plague killed 70,000 people. 






David was very old and they gave him a virgin to lie with him to keep him warm.  David was to old to procreate and so Adonijah David’s eldest living son claimed he will be the next king. Nathan the prophet and the mighty men who belonged to David did not agree.  Nathan and Bathsheba approached David, because Solomon was to be the next king.  Nathan and Zadok the priest anointed Solomon as king.  Adonijah was afraid of Solomon, but not a hair on his head would fall to the ground if Adonijah proves himself a worthy man.



David gave instructions to Solomon on who to die a hard death and who should sit at the kings table.  David dies.  Adonijah asks for a certain women as wife which would have been possession of the royal harem and showed he was trying to generate a revolt to the throne so king Solomon had him executed.  Solomon also killed Joab the commander of David’s army for he had struck two innocent people down earlier when he served king David.  Upon David’s death bed he told Solomon to have Joab die violently for the innocent people he killed.  Joab was in the temple and Solomon had him killed there. 



Solomon execute those that were to over through his kingdom.  God asks Solomon what he wants and he replies Wisdom.  Since he did not ask for extension of life or gold or riches, God granted him Wisdom and all the other.  The two women with the baby, one dead baby one a live.  Solomon says to split the baby in two.  The mother that said no, is determined to be the real mother.





Talks of the 12 governors that provide food each month the 40,000 stalls of horses the wisdom of Solomon was greater then anyone.



Solomon builds God’s temple.  30,000 labor force to Lebanon.  10,000 at a time they would be 1 month in Lebanon and 2 mo. Home.   He had 70,000 who carried burdens and 80,000 who quarried stone in the mountains.  A treaty was signed between Hiram and Solomon.  Hiram provided the Cedar trees.



Other buildings of Solomon and furnishing of the temple.  The ark brought into the temple.  Solomon’s speech and dedication.


Solomon sent for the Ark of the Covenant that contained the tablets of stone to put into the Lords temple.  A dark cloud came over the temple and the Lord said He would dwell in the cloud.  Solomon prayed on his knees in front of the temple and thanked God.  He blessed the people and then made sacrifices and had a 14-day feast.


God’s second appearance to Solomon.  Now if you walk before me as you father David did and keep my statutes and judgments then I will establish the throne of your kingdom forever.



Queen of Sheba came to test Solomon’s wisdom.  She left convenience he was wiser then described.  Solomon’s wealth and wisdom far exceeded any previous kings.  Gold was as common as stones in his day.




Solomon turns from the Lord, by his love with foreign women that brought him to sacrifice to other gods.  The Lord raised up an adversary against Solomon.  Rebellion started and Solomon died.  God will take the kingdom out of his son’s hands and give it to 10 tribes.



Rehoboam his son reigned.  A revolt against Rehoboam.  Jeroboam came to Rehoboam and asked him to lighten the burdensome service of your father.  R. asked the elders and they said to do so.  He then asked a childhood friend and he said to make it worse.  So R. made it worse on J.’s people.  This caused a split and of Judah and Jeroboam as king.




The man of God came to Jeroboam the altar shall split apart.  The man was not to go in the same way he came nor eat bread or drink water.  An old prophet fooled him into doing so, and the man of God died.  Jeroboam continued to do evil.



Judgment on the house of Jeroboam his wife disguised herself and went to Shiloh with their son Abijah because he was sick.  The prophet Ahijah saw through it.  He told her that the boy would die and the lord would raise up a king who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam. Jeroboam dies.  Rehoboam who was over Judah also died and all the gold shields that Solomon dedicated to the Lord where stolen.



Abijam ruled over Judah and he did not follow the Lord.  There was war between him and Jeroboam.  Abijam died, he was a son of David.


Asa ruled Judah he too was a son of David and walked in the ways of the Lord as his father did.  Nadab reigns in Israel he is the son of Jeroboam.  He like his father did evil.  Then Baasha the son of Ahijah killed Nadab and reigned in his place.  He killed all of the house of Jeroboam.   




Baasha the son of Ahijah became king over all Israel and he did evil.  The Lord came to the prophet Jehu and said whoever belongs to Baasha will die in the city and the birds of the air shall eat whoever ides in the fields.  Then his son Elah reigned in his place. 

Now after two years Ziumri, his commander of half his chariots conspired and killed Elah and reigned in his place.  Then he killed all of the household of Baasha thus bring the words of the Lord to truth.  In seven days the people made Omri the commander of the army and they went after Ziumri he burnt the kings house down upon himself and died.  Omri did evil.  Now Ahab the son of Omri reigned and did evil. 


Elijah proclaims a drought to Ahab and then goes to Brook Cherith where God had instructed the ravens to feed him.  The brook dries up and he finds a widow and her son that have enough bread to feed one.  The lord provides and the bin of flour and jar of oil never ran dry.  The boy becomes sick and Elijah brings him back from the dead.



Elijah returns to tell Ahab the drought is because of his disobedience and gathers at the Mount Carmel. He challenged all at the Mount that followed Baal as god, as Jezebel influenced them.  Those who believe in Baal put a bowl on the wood, but don’t light the fire, and he put one on.  Then call on Baal and I will call on my God to light the fire.

They called on Baal from morning to evening.  Elijah had the people of Israel put water on the offering three times then called upon God to light his and the lord did.  Then the rain came and ended the drought.  Elijah executed the prophets of Baal some 400.  Elijah was the last prophet.



Elijah confronts Jezebel and she threatens him so he escapes to Beersheba.  Elijah went to a cave and the Lord came to him and told him to appoint three men.  By the death of the last man Ball was worshiped no more. Elijah picked Elisha as his successor.



Ben Hadad told Ahab king of Israel that all the gold and silver and all the loveliest wives were his and should be sent to him or they would take them by force. Ahab was able to sneak up on Ben Hadad’s larger army while they were drinking and win a battle against them, through a prophet that told him this could happen through the grace of God.  Ahab struck a treaty with Hadad and sent him on his way.  The Lord through a prophet said that Ahab and the people would die, because he let Hadad go alive and he was an enemy of God.



Ahab’s wife Jezebel has their neighbor stoned so they can take possession of his vineyard.  The lord sees this and tells Ahab of his dome, he repents and the Lord will exercise this doom on his children and not him.



Ahab is deceived by his prophets that he will win a battle.  He brings Micaiah in to confirm and he tells him the truth that he will lose.  He does not believe him and dies in battle.  His son Ahaziah reigns over Israel and did evil in the site of the Lord.  Jehoshaphat’s(this was ASA’s son and he did good in the sight of the Lord) rules over Judah, son Jehoram reigns after his death.


2 King


Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room and told his servant to ask Baal-Zebub if he would live.  Elijah intercepted him and told him since there was no God in Israel he would surely die.  Ahaziah three times sent 50 men to bring Elijah to him, fire came from heaven and devoured the first 2. Then the Lord said it was safe and he went to the king and the king died.   Jehoram became king.



Elijah dies, Elisha does not leave his side.  Elijah struck the water and the two of them crossed on dry ground.  A chariot of fire appeared and took Elijah to heaven.  Elisha asked for twice the abilities of Elijah.  Elisha performs miracles.



Jehoram the son of Ahab became king over Israel and continued to sin.  He wanted to fight Moab because he defaulted on payment of sheep. So the king of Judah and Edom went with them.  There was no water on the trip and they called for Elisha the prophet.  Because of his love for Jehoshaphat king of Judah who did right in the eyes of the Lord, he agreed to help.  Through God Elisha filled the valley with water.  They defeated the Moabites.



A Shunammite women prepared a place for Elisha to rest and eat at her house.  Her husband was old and they had no children.  Elisha told her she would have a boy and she did.  The boy suffered heat stroke and died.  She went to Elisha and he brought him back to life.  There was a famine in the land and they made a pot of stew and had some bread that never ran out.



Naaman a great warrior had leprosy and went to the king of Isreal to be healed.  The king could not do it and Elisha said he would.  He healed this man and was offered dollars, but turned them down. Elisha’s servant went behind his back and made the guy pay him. Once Elisha found out he put Naaman’s leprosy on his servant and his descendants forever.



Elisha’s people were building by a river and an axe head fell into the water. Elisha through a stick in the water and made the head float so they could get it.  Then he warned the king of Israel about possible attacks by the Syrians.  The Syrians thought they had an informant until they found out it was the prophet warning the king. So they went to capture Elisha, he blinded the troops and walked them into captivity, but instead of killing them, they fed them and sent them back.



A famine happened and the king wanted Elisha’s head cause he thought with his powers he could fix it and didn’t.  The king sent an officer to take Elisha’s head, he knew he was coming and told him tomorrow they would sell flour and eat.  The officer questioned the Lord’s ability to do this and so Elisha told him he would see all this, but would not eat.  The Samaria’s leave their camp because the Lord made them hear large armies coming to them.  The people were able to feast at the Samaria’s camp and the officer was to protect the gate.  He got trampled from the people when they saw the food.  So as Elisha predicted he saw the bounty of the Lord and did not eat.



Ben Hadad is ill and sent Hazael to ask Elisha if he will live.  Elisha sees that the king will not die of his illness, but also sees that Hazael is planning on killing the king.  It so it happens and Hazael becomes king.  Jehoram reigns in Judah and does evil he and Joram attack Hazael.



Jehu is told he will kill all in house of Ahab and take over as king of Israel.  Jehu kills Joram and repays him the killing he did to get the kingdom of Israel. He also killed Ahaziah king of Judah. He goes to where Jezebel is and has them through her out the window to her death.



Jehu kills all of Ahab’s relation as the Lord directed him.  They killed 70 sons by having the people taking care of them behead them.   Then he kills all of Ahaziah’s brothers 42 slaughtered.   Jehu has all those that worship Baal to come to a sacrifice he is going to give. He does this to deceive those that worship Baal and kills them all.  Jehu did not depart from his sins and dies after 28 years of ruling.



Athaliah mother of Ahaziah sees that her son is dead and proceeds to kill all his sons.  One of the sons is hidden away by a sister for 7 years he is then appointed king and they kill Athaliah and tear down the temple of Baal. Jehoash was 7 when he became king.



Jehoash repairs the temple. Joash is later killed by his servants and Amaziah reigns.



Elisha died when he was put in a tomb his bones touched a dead body and it came to life.  He told Jehoash before he died to shoot all the arrows into the ground, he only shot 3 and since he did not have faith he would only have 3 victories against the king that suppressed Israel.



Amaziah king of Judah challenged Jehosah king of Israel to war. Jehosah wins the war and his son Jeroboam rules when he dieds. Azariah then rules Judah.



Azariah did right in the sight of the lord, except for the high places. The Lord struck him and he became a leper until when he died. Then Jotham his son took over. Jotham did what was right in the eyes of the lord.



Ahaz reigns in Judah he dies and his son Hezekiah rules



Hoshea reigns in Israel. People did wrong in the sight of the Lord.




Hezekiah reigns in Judah and does good in the eyes of the Lord. A messenger of king Sennacherib of Assyria told Hezekiah’s people that they should worship Sennacherib leave Judah to a better place with Hezekiah.



Assyria is going to attack Judah, Isaiah assures deliverance.  The Lord heard Hezekiah prayers and in the night an angel of the Lord went out and killed 180,000 in the camp.  When Sennacherib saw all the corpse they went home.  Later his own two sons kill him as he is worshipping his God.



Hezekiah was sick and Isaiah goes to him and says thus says the Lord you shall die.  Hezekiah prays to the lord and weeps bitterly and before Isaiah left the court yard the Lord told him to return and tell Hezekiah he will live.  The Lord added 15 years to his life. Hezekiah dies later and his son Manasseh takes over.



Manasseh was 12 when he took over and did major evil and reigned 55 years. After his death his son Amon takes over and did evil.  He lasted 2 years before his servants killed him and the people put to death those servants.  Josiah became king he was 8.



Josiah reigned 31 years. He did what was right. The found the book of law in the house of the Lord and when Josiah read it he realized the wrath of the lord would come down on them.  He tore his clothes and humbled himself.  A prophet told him because he humbled himself he will die in peace and not see the wrath.



Josiah got rid of the high places that they burnt incense and did many things to get rid of the wooden idols and more items of worship of false Gods.  He did good in the eyes of the Lord.  He turned to the Lord with all his heart and there was no king like him, before him. Nevertheless less the Lord did not turn from the fierceness of His great wrath with which His anger was aroused against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him.  Josiah dies in battle and his son Jehoahaz takes over at 23 he did evil he reigned 3 months and was killed.  Jehoiakim reigned 25 years.



Jehioakim dies and Jehiachin his son takes over in Judah at 18 he ruled 3 months and did evil. The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzer takes him prisoner. He cuts out all the gold from the temple and takes all the people from Jerusalem except the poorest people.  Then he made Zedekiah king in place of Jechiachin he was 21 he reined for 11 years.  He did evil. Then Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzer.





They built a wall around so the city was besieged and famine set in.  They captured Zedekiah and killed his sons in front of him and then put out his eyes. Nebuchadnezzer makes Gedaliah governor of Judah.  Gedaliah is killed .  In the 37 year of captivity of Jehoiachin he is released.  He was treated well the rest of his life and this fulfilled Gods promise to David


1 Chronicles

1-9 is Who is related.



The Philistines fought against Israel and pursued Saul and his sons.  They killed Jonathan friend of David and Abinadab and Malchishua.  Saul too died after being wounded and fell on his sword. Saul died for his unfaithfulness (he sacrificed before a battle and should not have done so.) and David ruled.



Talks of the mighty men of David and examples of what they have done. Like the time the men risk their lives to get David a drink of water and he poured it out at of respect for what they did. Joab became captain of King David’s army.  David’s three might men were Jashobeam, Eleazar and Abishai.



Talks of David’s army and the mighty men that came to him to take over Saul’s kingdom.



Ark of God is brought in.  Uzza put his hand out because the ox stumbled to stop the ark from falling.  Because he touched the ark the Lord put him to death.  David feard the Lord and did not bring it in. It was at the family of Obededom and they were blessed.



David defeats the Philistines due to Gods glory.



The ark was brought to Jerusalem, because it was not brought in after Uzza was put to death.  The wife of David, daughter of Saul saw him dancing around in front of the ark and despised him.



Ark is brought into temple and he celebrated with the people.



David wants to build a house for the Ark and Nathan reveals to him that the Lord wants him to build his own house and let his son build the house for the Ark. This out of a giving God.



David’s Conquests


David sent servants to Nahash’s son Hanun who was ruling over the Ammon people.  They were to show kindness to Hanun since Nahash showed kindness to David.  Hanun shaved their beards and cut their garments and sent them off because he thought David sent spies.   The people of Ammon hired the Syrians to help defeat David, but it did not work, they were defeated.



David ravaged the country of the people of Ammon.



Satan moved David to count the people. Joab said may the Lord make the people 100 times more then they are, but David’s word prevailed.  This was a SIN he was gratifying his pride of his strength.  David repented of his sin and God said pick one of the three I will do to you:

3 year famine, 3 months defeated by your foes, or 3 days of plague.  He pick plague and 70,000 fell.  David ask for his life to be taken and not the people God stop the angle and told David to builed an altar at Ornan.



God does not want David to build a house for him, since he has shed so much blood.  He wants his son to, after David’s death.  So David gathers much timber, gold etc…and tells Solomon, his son to build.




Divisions of people related to and what they did.          



David tells the people that Solomon will build the temple for the Lord God



People gave willingly of precious stones and silver and gold for the temple. David dies and Solomon is king.


Solomon is a great king and asks for wisdom and God gives him not only wisdom, but much more.  He ends up sinning when he lays with foreign women that cause him to worship other gods.


Solomon dies and his son Rehoboam becomes king.  Because of Solomon’s sin the kingdom is taken from Rehoboam after he tells a certain people that he is going to make their yoke even harder then his father did.  Jeroboam takes the throne and sins by worshipping other gods.


1Kings 13


2 Chronicles


Solomon asks for wisdom. Since he did not ask for wealth or power, God granted him wisdom and wealth power and longevity.



Solomon starts to build the temple


Solomon furnishes the temple and brings the Ark to the temple.  The Ark is placed in the most holy of places with the two tablets of Moses



Solomon’s dedication prayer of forgiveness when the people sin and confess at the alter. Solomon talks of how it was in David’s heart to build the house for the Lord.  In the Ark of the Covenant was the two tablets which Moses put there when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel. 



Solomon Dedicates the temple and fire comes down from the heavens and consumes the offering.  22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep were sacrificed.  The feast lasted 7 days.



Three feast a year.  The feast of Unleavened Bread, feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles.



Queen of Sheba comes to test Solomon and finds out he is even more wise then described.  She brings treasure and spice, but Solomon gives her more then she brought.  He continues to acquire wealth.  He becomes the riches king in the world.  After 40 years of reign he dies.  Chronicles does not touch on Solomon’s separation from God due to his wives influences.  He led the nation into idolatry this split the kingdom.



Rehoboam Solomon’s son is king and the people asked him to lighten their yoke.  He consulted the elders and they told him to be kind and to so this, then he consulted the young people he grew up with and they said to make it even worse, so he did so.  This was to fulfill the prophecy of the Lord that this country would be separated, because of Solomon’s sin.



Rehoboam fortifies the cities and has many children.



Rehoboam grows stronger and forsakes the Lord.  King Shishak is going to attack him and destroy him.  He humbles himself to the Lord so the Lord does not destroy him.  The Lord does have Shishak take away many treasurers.  Rehoboam dies and had done bad in the eyes of the Lord.  Abijah his son reins.



Abijah reigns in Judah and fights Jeroboam.  He stands on a mountain and tells Jeroboam of their wicked ways of worshiping golden calves and that Abijah will not forsake God.  They destroy 500,000 men of Israel that day with the help of the Lord.



Abijah dies and his son Asa takes over.  Asa was attacked by Zerah, since Asa did good in the eyes of the Lord he prayed and asked for help and the Lord defeated the 1,000,000 army.





Asa dedicates himself to the Lord and Judah dedicates itself.  That any man or women not believing would be put to death.  He even removed his mother from queen mother spot for an idol she made.



Asa made a treaty w/ Syria.  Asa sinned and a messenger was sent to him telling him that he would have wars because of it.  He put the messenger in prison and Asa later died.



Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah. The Lord was with him.  He prospered greatly.



King Ahab had his prophets tell him he could win a battle. Then they sent for Micaiah who the Lord spoke through.  Miciaiah told him he would not win the battle and would die and that all the other prophets were lying.  He had Micaiah put in prison until her returned in peace.  Ahab dies in battle.  Jeshoshaphat is attacked but cries out the Lord and is saved.



Jeshoshaphat reforms to the Lord.



A great multitude came to attack Judah and J. prayed to the Lord for help.  The Lord heard his prayers and caused the great multitude to kill each other.  J. was able to take great riches from all the bodies.  He lives long and peaceful and dies.



Jehoram Reigns in Judah.  He killed all his brothers with the sword. He reigned eight years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord. The Lord through Elijah told him since he did not walk in the ways of the Lord and killed his brothers, he and the people of Judah will have a sickness that will make the intestines come out.  He died and no one mourned.



Ahaziah reigns.  He did evil. He was killed.  So the mother of Ahaziah, Athaliah she destroyed all the royal heirs, but Jehoshabeath took Joash and stole him away.  The only son of Ahaziah that escaped while Athaliah reigned.



Joash crowned king. Athaliah heard the noise and went down to see. Jehoiada the priest told them to take her out and kill anyone that follows her and kill her.



Joash was 7 when he became king. He repaired the temple and did right in the eyes of the Lord while Jehoiada was alive,  Jehoiada died.  Joash starts to do evil and the son of Jehoiada comes and tries to correct him, but he kills him.  So Joash is wounded in battle and when they withdraw from him, his own servants killed him.


Amaziah Reigns in Judah.  Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but did not have a loyal heart. He worships other gods and is warned not to.  He does not listen. He wanted to fight Israel and did.  He lost and they took all the treasurer in the house of God. He was later conspired against him and killed him.



Uzziah reigns in Judah.  He was just 16 and ruled 52 years.  He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  Uzziah was full of pride and tried to burn incense on the Lord’s alter.  He is not allowed to do so and the priest tried to get him out.  He became angry and there in the Lord’s house he got leprosy and had it until he died.


Jotham reigns in Judah.  Did right in the sight of the Lord.  He was 25 when he became king and reigned 16 years. 



Ahaz reigns in Judah. Reigned 16 years and did not do good in the eyes of the Lord. Judah was under attach many times and they took women, children and treasure, because Ahaz was not pleasing to the Lord.  He continued to take all from the house of the Lord and sacrifice it to other gods.  He dies.



Hezekiah reigns in Judah.  29 years reigned he did good.  He repaired the house of the Lord and sacrificed. 



He keeps the Passover and it last for days and days.  Nothing like this had happened since the time of Solomon.



he broke down the wooden images and destroyed the high places.



King Sennacherib sets up camp to try to destroy Hezekiah.  They cut water off to him and prepare for battle. Sennacherib tells the people that no god will protect them and they are being lied to by H.  God sends an angel down that destroys him and his army.  He returns in shame to his land and his kids kill him.  H. dies.



Manasseh Reigns at 12 years old for 55 years.  He did evil. M. was carried off with hooks by the king of Assyria.  He humbled himself greatly before the lord while he was captured.  He was brought back by the Lord to power and worshiped him.  He dies and Amon’s reigns at 22 for 2 years he did evil.  He did not humble himself to the Lord as his father did, but did more and more evil.  So his servants killed him. The people then killed the servants and his son Josiah became king.



He was 18 reigned for 30 years he did right.  Later Hilkiah finds the book of the Law and they see they are not following Gods word.  So they go to a prophet and he tells them that the wrath of God will come upon them, but Josiah will go to his grave in peace, because he humbled himself.



Josiah kept the pass over.  He later enters into a battle with Necho king of Egypt. Necho was told by God to form an alliance and Josiah disused himself to fight him.  He is killed in this battle. Obviously Josiah did not think he was speaking of the living God.



Jehoahaz reigns 23 years old reigned for 3 months. Necho made Jehoahz’s brother king and took Jehoahaz off to Egypt.  His brother was Jehoiakim.  He was 25 reigned for 11 years and did evil. He was carried off to Babylon.  Jehoiachin became king at 8 years old reigned for 3 months and he was taken to Babylon. Zedekiah Reigns at 21 for 11 years did evil. God send warnings to them, but they mocked him until there was no remedy and the wrath of God fell on them.   He brought death by the sword and no mercy on young men and virgins.  They took all out of the house of God and burned it.  The Lord stirred the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to rebuild the temple of God.



Author Ezra and Nehemiah.  God had taken Israel out of slavery in Exodus.  Because Judah persisted in her unfaithfulness to the covenant, God chastened His people to 70 years of captivity.  Cyrus the Persian overthrew Babylon and the book of Ezra begins with the decree of Cyrus one year later for the Jews return to Jerusalem.



King of Cyrus, Persia was stirred up by God to build back the house in Jerusalem.



The captives return to Jerusalem from Babylon.



Worship restored in Jerusalem. The temple was being rebuilt.  The first destroyed 50 years earlier.  This one was not of the splendor of the original.  The nation was not as rich.



Resistance to rebuilding the Temple.  Since the people would not allow others to help, they cause a lot of problems to delay the building. 




Restoration of the temple resumed



They return the treasures out of the temple that were taken into Babylon and vow to build the temple and kill anyone that tries to stop them.   Temple completed and dedicated.  Passover celebrated.



Letter from king Artaxerxes to priest Ezra, giving him gold and silver to buy sacrifices to the temple and do God’s work as told to Ezra.



Heads of families return from Babylon with Ezra. Servants were selected for the temple, fasting and prayer was made.  Gifts were given.



Intermarriage with Pagans.  The seed of Abraham that God had set apart was not to be mixed with other nations.  This marriage with Gentile women would bring idolatry into the next generation.


Pagan wives were put away



Ezra was the author.  The book of Ezra and Nehemiah were one.  God rose Nehemiah up to be the cup bearer and confidant.


God chastened His people with 70 years of captivity in Babylon.



Nehemiah’s prayer for his people.



Nehemiah the king’s cub bearer was before the king and was sad.  The king concerned asked what he could do for him and Nehemiah lead by God asked to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem.  He was sent to Judah to rebuild the wall. Some laughed at this attempt.  The king gave him permission and it was God’s vision. 



Repair the wall



They had to defend the wall against enemy attack.  So each man wore his sword as he work.



The people had mortgaged their land and sold their children.  Nehemiah told them to forgive each others debt.  Normally every 7 years debt would be forgiven and the children returned this was not happening.



A conspiracy against Nehemiah raised up.  They sent him letters to get him to come down so they could kill him.  They sent a false prophet too.  The wall was completed.


7 &8

The captives returned to Jerusalem.  Ezra read from the law of Moses and the people had the feast of the tabernacles.



People confess their sins and have a long prayer that thanks God for his mercy on the people that continue to turn away and yet he has mercy on them and brings them back, only for them to again turn away.


10 & 11&12&13

People made a covenant to live by God’s law.  People cast lots to bring one out of 10 to dwell in Jerusalem.  Nehemiah dedicates the wall and gives temple responsibilities.  Nehemiah returns to the king in Babylon.  He visits Jerusalem and finds Tobiah desecrated the house of God by moving into a room.  Nehemiah through him out.   He finds many ways in which the people have left the covenant to God.  He does his best to get the people back on track.



The next messages from God for Israel do not come until over 400 years of silence had passed after which the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were announced. 



This and the book of Ruth are the only two books of the Bible that are named for women.  Author is unknown although they look at Ezra or Nehemiah.  God is never mentioned in this book. 



King Ahasuerus has a feast and on the seventh day calls for Queen Vashti to come before him.  She refuses and he dethrones her.  The reason for her not coming is not mentioned.



Esher is queen in place of Vashti.  She beat out all the other virgins.  Her adopted dad was Mordecai and he over heard about a plot against the king and told Esther.  They hung the guys.  Esther did not reveal at this time her family.


3 4 5 6

The king made Haman above the princes and everyone was to bow to him.  Mordecai did not, so Hamman set out to destroy all the Jews young and old. Esther found favor in the eyes of the King and requested he and Haman to a banquet.  Haman had gallows constructed so he could hang Mordecai.  He went to the king the next day and the king that night had just found out the Mordecai had saved his life,  Haman ask the king to honor the person he wants with a robe, horse and parade him around.  Haman thought the king would pick him, instead he does so for Mordecai.  This enrages Haman.



At the banquet the king offered anything Esther wanted up to half the kingdom.  She asked for her and her people, because they had been sentenced to death.  The king outraged asked who did such a thing and Esther said Haman.  So they hung him from the gallows Haman had built to hang Mordecai.



Esther disclosed how Mordecai was related to her. The Jews were saved from death.

The Jews defeated their tormentors and hung Haman’s sons.  Mordecai was great and a man of peace.



Author is unknown but Moses, Solomon and others are suggested.



Job was a blameless and upright person.  He was the greatest of all the people in the east.  Satan attacks Job’s character and says that Job is faithful because of all the blessings God has given him.  So Satan is allowed to take all from Job and kill his family.  Job falls to the ground and says the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.



Satan attacks Job’s health with Boils all over his skin.  His wife tells him to curse God and die and give up his faith.  He does not.



Job deplores the day he was born.  Eliphaz thought that Job suffered because he was not holy enough.  E. tells him that God punishes, but heals too.  At this time they think Job’s problem is sin.



Job ask God to teach him and show him where he erred.  He is at this time hoping for death.  Job is asking God to pardon his sin, even though Job does not know of any.  He asks for a moment just to swallow his saliva.  The worms were in his flesh.



Bilad says repent. All are unaware that even God has said Job is blameless when he and Satan discussed Job. 



Job realized that he was not sinless but wished for a mediator between he and God, so he could plead his case.  He did not feel he sinned so much as to deserve this suffering.



Job pleads with God for relief before he dies.  He calls death darkness.  Zophar urges Job to repent. Job asks God to end his pain, but is more concerned with his relationship with God.



Eliphaz comes back in and accuses Job of sin.  He states “If God puts no trust in His saints, and the heavens are not pure in His sight, how much less man, who is abominable and filthy.”


Job not happy with Eliphaz for there is no comfort in his words.  Here he is close to death and all E. can do his condemn him. Job again prays for relief and rest in the dust.



Job’s friends continue to give little pity to him.  He trust in his redeemer and says all have become a stranger to him.  He knows he will be with God soon.



Zophar speaks of the wicked man and hypocrisy.

Job rebukes Zophar’s words and states that some wicked men live in great wealth and sing and dance with joy.  So how can he say that Job is wicked.



Job proclaims God’s righteous judgments and complains on violence on the earth.  Bildad asks how can man be righteous and Job testifies of God’s majesty.



Young Elihu waits for the elders to speak and then gives his opinion.  Not happy that no one answered Job’s question of why this was happening to him and what sin he had committed. Elihu proclaims God’s justice.  He is who created the world and has power over us living or dieing.  We are unjust.



The Lord God answers Job, but first he puts him in his place.  He makes him understand how little we know and how little strength and control we have.

Job repents and God gives him more then he ever had and he lives full of years.



Different authors, King David, sons of Korah etc.



The way of the righteous shall prosper the ungodly shall perish.


The Messiah’s triumph and kingdom.


The Lord helps his troubled people.


Safety of the faith


A prayer for guidance.


A prayer of faith in time of distress


Prayer and praise for deliverance from enemies


The glory of the Lord in creation


Prayer and thanksgiving for the Lord’s righteous judgments


A song of confidence in God’s triumph over evil


Faith in the Lord’s righteousness


Man’s treachery and God’s constancy


Trust in the salvation of the Lord


Folly of the Godless and God’s final triumph




Author is Solomon



The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.   You need to seek knowledge of the Lord.  There is no excuse for not knowing.



Seek wisdom and understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.  Deliver you from the immoral woman, the seductress that leads you to death.



Happy is the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding.  Length of days is in her right hand and riches and honor in her left.



Get wisdom and understanding and your years will be many.  Do not walk in evil.


Peril of adultery. She is bitter as wormwood.  Stay with the wife of your youth.


Laziness leads to poverty.  Talks of promises and warning of them.   A wicked man shall be broken without remedy. 

Seven things the Lord hates

1.      A proud look

2.      A lying Tongue

3.      Hands that shed innocent blood

4.      A heart that devises wicked plans’

5.      Feet that are swift in running to evil

6.      A false witness who speaks lies

7.      One who shows discord among brethren

Beware of  adultery, she will allure you with her beauty.  A man is reduced to a crust of bread and the adulteress will prey upon his precious life.

Whoever commits adultery with a woman destroys his own soul.


It speaks of a situation of a women seducing a man.  Vs 23 states He did not know it would cost his life.  Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of death.


Wisdom is better then rubies.   Who ever finds wisdom finds life and favor from the Lord.


Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge.  But he who hates correction is stupid.


A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.


14 Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.


6Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart form it.



21 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat

and if he is thirsty give him water to drink

for so you will heap coals of fire on his head

and the Lord will reward you


2Let another man praise you and not your own mouth, a stranger, and not your own lips

20 Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.



Written by Solomon

Talks of the search for earthly joy and recognition and the fact that only through God can you find satisfaction.


1 Vanity vanity  for in much wisdom is much grief  and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.  All that is will be forgotten.

2All my labor in which I had toiled under the sun must be left to the man who comes after me.  Solomon is stating all is vanity he sees his works, pleasure etc…is grasping for the wind. For a wise man dies just like a fool.



Everything has its time.

Nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor it is the gift of God. 


Better is he who has not existed and saw the evil under the sun.  Two is better then one.



Make a vow to God pay it.  Fear God.  Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin.  Watch making vows for a man that God has given riches and powers to receive it is his heritage and a gift from God.


The Lord gives and takes away.  The blessings of God cannot be taken for granted.  They should be enjoyed with thankfulness while they are available.


More is learned from adversity then from pleasure.  Words of great wisdom are hear.


God generally rewards obedience and punishes disobedience.


Wisdom may not be heard


Talks of wise words and fools words.


Enjoy life but do not commit iniquity one can only receive true satisfaction as a gift from God.


Remember God in our youth.  Keep the commandments.  God will bring every work into judgment.  Including every secret thing. 



Song of Solomon 1,2,3

A love letter between Solomon and his future wife.


Isaiah the son of Amoz, ministered in and around Jerusalem as a prophet to Judah.

He met his death by being cut into by a wooden saw under King Manasseh.

This is the vision he saw of Judah in the days of Uzziah, Jothan, Ahaz and Hezekiah.


The people were rebelling against God.  Put away the evil that you are doing.  The sacrifices mean nothing if you continue to do evil.  Your sins like scarlet shall be as white as snow, if you are willing and obedient, but if you refuse you shall be devoured by the sword. 




Future house of God



Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem.

The women were more concerned with their outward appearance then their inner.  This will all change.  The Lord will take away all the jewelry, fragrance etc..


The vineyard (Israel) and wild grapes (people of Judah)


In the day of the Lord he will judge wicked women indirectly by allowing a slaughtering of the males. Leaving a shortage of husbands

Talks of a vineyard which illustrates the Lord’s gracious choice of Israel.  He expected a good yield from His investment, but got sour berries.  The trampling of grapes is an illustration of Israel falling again and again until its repentance at the second coming. 





Seraphim that had six wings two covered his face two covered his feet and two flew and they cried Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory.


Ahaz was told to ask for a sign and he refused to test the Lord.  Because he did not test the Lord they told him of the virgin birth that would happen in the future.  The prophesy in this section began in the days of Ahaz and reached its climax when the Messiah will return to deliver Israel and establish His kingdom on earth. 


Talks of the coming Messiah and the wrath of God to Israel. 


Did not understand



Talks of the seed of Jesse, which is King David’s father.  That a little child shall lead.  This is talking of Jesus.


The fall of Babylon. Mercy on Jacob. The fall of the kings of Babylon.  The fall of Lucifer. 


The destruction of Moab


Egypt will turn to the Lord in the day of Jesus.

20, 21,22,23

The fall of Babylon proclaimed.  Proclamation against Edom,  Jerusalem & Tyre.


The next four chapters give praise to God for His future victory over all enemies and the final deliverance of Israel in the Day of the Lord.

The earth will be violently broken, spit open, it will fall, and not rise again.  The Lord of  hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before His elders, gloriously.

He will swallow up death forever.  And the Lord God will wipe away every tear.  And it will be said in that day, “Behold, this is our God, We have waited for Him, and he will save us.” 


When Christ reigns on earth, nations from the whole world will glorify and fear him.  The kingdom of the Lord will host his great banquet on Mt. Zion. 


The dead shall live.  The innocent killed by their oppressors are to come to life and testify against their murderers. 




Israel will be restored.  In the future kingdom of the Messiah, restored Israel will rule with Him and fill the earth with the fruit of righteousness and peace. 


Listen to God.  It talks more of corner stone in Zion. 


Woe to Jerusalem.  They could not hear the prophets, their ability to hear has been impaired.  When the Messiah come the deaf shall hear and the blind shall see.  The people will be able to hear the word and recognize the Messiah. 



Futile confidence in Egypt.  Judgment in Assyria


God will deliver Jerusalem


All will be revealed.  The miser will not appear to be generous. 


A prayer in deep distress and impending judgment on Zion.


Judgment on the Nations.  Since the nations will not obey God’s way of sacrifice for sins, they became the sacrificial penalty for their own sins. 


Highway of Holiness where the redeemed are lead back to Jerusalem. 


Sennacherib Boasts against the Lord.


Word of the Lord concerning Sennacherib.  Sennacherib gets defeated and his sons kill him after the angel of the Lord killed 180,000 of his troops. 


Hezekiah was told by the prophet Isaiah to prepare his household he was going to die.  Hezekiah prayed to God and wept bitterly and God granted him fifteen more years because he had done all God required.  God showed him a sign by the sun moving backwards on the sundial ten degrees. 


Hezekiah paraded his wealth to the people of Babylon.  Isaiah informed him that all his positions will be carried off due to bragging and his child will be in captivity.  Oddly Hezekiah reacted positively to this news.


God’s people are comforted.  Jerusalem’s misery is to end and comfort will come to the city in the Messiah’s future kingdom. 


In the last days, God will regather Israel from her worldwide dispersion as He did from Egypt and Babylon because Israel is God’s chosen nation.  At His second coming, Christ will rule over a kingdom in which justice prevails throughout the world.  The millennial kingdom from the throne of David in Jerusalem will be for all nations, even though Israel will be the glorious people.



The servant of the Lord. The spiritual blind will see.  


The Lord will deliver Israel, he is the redeemer.  Pleading with the unfaithful that have not followed the laws of God.


God’s blessing on Israel and there is no other God.  Idolatry is foolishness.  Israel is not forgotten and Judah will be restored.


There is no other God.  Through him we are saved. 


At God’s appointed time Israel will be saved and Jesus will have his righteous kingdom.   


The predicted fall of Babylon


Plan to redeem Israel


When the Lord saves and regathers Israel,  they will return to the Land, to which Joshua brought their ancestors after their exit from Egypt, now restored and glorious. 


Why did people not believe in God after all he had done?  An invitation to be saved.

51 52

Talks of Zion and God’s wrath.


Talks about Jesus bearing our sins on the cross and provided the intercession for our transgressions.


God’s perpetual covenant of Peace.  God will not be angry with his people again.  He will fulfill this promise after the final restoration. 


An invitation to abundant life


Gentiles can also have salvation.  Israel's leaders that has the responsibility to correct them did not.


Isreal's futile idolatry. 


Fasting that includes feeding the hungry and acting humanely toward those in need.  Keeping the Sabath. 


Separated from God.  Sin confessed.  The redeemer.


God will be our light no more sun or moon.  The days of mourning shall be ended.  They shall inherit the land forever.  The branch of My planting and the work of My hand, that I may be glorified.  Israel will be in a never before world prominence. 


Israel will receive double portions of blessing to replace the double punishment of her exile. 


The good news of salvation.


Assurance of Zion’s salvation


Words can not express all the goodness and mercy God has shown us.


God’s mercy on us the sinner.


God has sought those who did not ask for him.  For those who did many unholy things, he will repay them. 

God’s servants shall eat, but those that did not follow will go hungry. Will drink you will go thirsty, will rejoice you will be ashamed, shall sing for joy, you will cry for sorrow……


“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.  The wolf and the lab shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox.


by fire and by His sword The Lord will judge all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many.

National Israel will have a never ending existence through the Millennium, and on into the new heavens and the new earth throughout eternity. 

The corpses of those enduring everlasting torment will serve as a vivid reminder to all of the grievous nature and terrible consequences of rebellion against God. 





Prophecies of Jeremiah. (read Chapter 52 for a summary of Jeremiah.)


The Lord knew Jeremiah was going to be a prophet before he was in the womb.  He is sent to a people to prophesize that they are worshiping to the wrong gods.


Israel was into idolatry and God would bring his wrath on them for forgetting that he brought them out of Egypt and gave them the land of milk and honey.


God calls for Israel to repent of its past sins of playing the harlot and worshiping other gods.  God will accept them back and not let his anger fall on them. 


God asking his people to turn from their ways and back to him.


God’s judgment on Israel that turned its back on Him. 


destruction from the North


Will you seal, murder, commit adultery, sear falsely, and walk after other gods and then come and stand before Me in this house.

God’s judgment on obscene religion.

8 9

People are not following the Lord and will be devoured by the sword.  People are worshipping the wrong god and our Lord will show his wrath on them.


Idols and the true God

***O lord correct me, but with justice, not in Your anger, lest you bring me to nothing.


House of Judea and Jerusalem broke the covenant.  The Lord of hosts, who planted you has pronounced doom against you for the evil of the  house of Israel and the house of Judah. 


God will pluck out the people that did not follow him and actually give them another chance to follow him.  If they do not he will destroy them.


Symbol of the linen sash he put it on his waste which symbolized Israel’s closeness to God and then he buried it and it became of no use symbolized Israel’s sin and God having no use for them. 


Famine and people die by the sword and pestilence.


The Lord asked Jeremiah not to return to the people but make his people return to him away from their sinful ways. 


God told Jeremiah that he will not take a wife from these people, because they will be all destroyed for their iniquities.   God will restore Israel. 


I the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his doings. 

Keep the Sabbath day holy.


God is the potter and we are the clay.  God’s people worship other gods.


The houses of Jerusalem and Judah will be destroyed the people will die by the sword for worshiping Baal.

20 21

Jeremiah was put in the stocks and in great pain and he cried out and cursed the day is was born.  He fell into sinful despair, and questioned the wisdom and purpose of God, for which he should have been thankful. 


People will die and not see their land again, because the have forsaken the Lord God.

A message to Josiah’s son that he will die for he did not worship God as his father was so faithful. 


Tells of Jesus’ coming and warns of false prophets. 


The sign of the two baskets of figs one was of good figs and one of bad.  Just like the people that will follow God and the people that will not have a heart for God.


70 years of desolation and Judgment on the nations for not following God


God’s judgment on the nations because they followed other gods. 


The people sought to kill Jeremiah for his negative prophesy of their eminent death due to their disregard of God’s commandments. 


Hananiah was a false prophet and took a yoke off of the prophet Jeremiah and broke it as a symbol of the victory Babylon.  Jeremiah returned with a yoke of iron and told him that he replaced the wood with iron and Babylon would not fall, but Hananiah will die this year.  He died and Babylon did not fall.


To the people held captive pray to God and follow him with all your heart and after seventy years he will come to release them from captivity. 

30 31

Restoration of Israel and Judah

I will be their God and they shall be My people.

32 33

David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel.


God told the people to let their slaves go.  They did and then went an brought them back into bondage.  God will make their lives full of pestilence and gamine and some will die by the sword for their disobedience.


Rechabites had been told not to drink wine and live in tents their whole life.  They obeyed their father and would not drink the wine.  Israel was lacking this kind of commitment. 


Jeremiah was instructed to write words down on a scroll of words of the Lord spoken against Israel, all the adversities which the Lord purposes to bring upon them that have turned to their evil ways.  When they went to read it before the king he threw it in the fire and burned it.  The Lord instructed Jeremiah to write a second scroll and tell the king that his body will be cast out and he will have to heir to the throne.


Jeremiah was imprisoned.  The king sent for him and J. told him Babylon would take over.   King Zedekiah put him back in prison, but gave him bread each day.


The princes cast J. into the dungeon for predicting their demise.  J. sunk in the mire as he was lowered down by rope.  Ebed Melech told the king that J. would surely die with out food and water so they took 30 men and brought him back up.  King Zedekiah sent for J. and asked him what the Lord said to him.  He told hi to surrender to the king of Babylon and live otherwise he will surely die.   


King Zedekiah did not surrender and Jerusalem fell.  The king of Babylon killed Zedikiah’s sons in front of him and then put out his eyes.  The king of Babylon set Jeremiah free. 


Gedaliah is made governor.  There was word that Ishmael was going to kill him, but Gedaliah did not believe this. 


Ishmael Kills Gedaliah.  He continues his evil as men come in and he deceives them and kills them too. 


Johanan and all the people who remained came to Jeremiah and asked him to tell them what the Lord would have them to do.  They are forbidden to go to Egypt and are no to be afraid of the king of Babylon. 


Johanan said that J. prophesized falsely and they were not going to stay in the land of Judah but go to Egypt.  They did not obey the Lord. 

J. warned them again on their way to Egypt that just a few would survive to go back and tell the remaining people in Judah that God’s words would prevail.

44 45

Egypt prepares for Battle Israel will be restored.

47 48 49 50

A list of judgements on Philitia, Moab etc…….


Babylon will fall and not rise from the catastrophe that will be caused.


Jerusalem’s fall reviewed

Zedekiah was 21 when he became king of Jerusalem and did evil in the eyes of the Lord and he rebelled against the king of Babylon.  The king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and then put out his eyes. 

Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard for Babylon took the people captive, but left the poor people behind.  He broke down the walls around Jerusalem. He burnt the house of the Lord and the king’s house and they took bowls, post lampstands whatever was solid silver they took away.  Some of these people were put to death. 





This word means loud cries.  This is Jeremiah looking at the ruin of Israel and crying after God passed judgment over his people.



Jerusalem in affliction


God’s anger with Jerusalem


Prophet’s anguish and hope


Degradation of Zion list many terrible things that went on in Zion.


A plea for the Lord to turn back to them.  The ravished land, the famine, ravished women, the slavery and death that goes on.  The plea for restoration.




Taken captive in Babylon.  He was a priest and prophet.


Judgment against Israel death by sword, famine and pestilent.



Ezekiel’s vision of God

In the vision he saw creatures the with face of a man each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, face of an ox on left side face of an eagle.  They had wings.


Ezekiel is sent to the rebellious Israel by God.


God gave him the words to say to the people . When he warns a person of his unrighteousness and he changes then he did his job.  When God tells him to not warn but condemn then that person dies in his sin and he did his job.  He can not save the later of the two.


The siege of Jerusalem


A sword against Jerusalem

1/3 will die of famine, 1/3 will die of pestilence and 1/3 will be scattered for their disobedience God is angered.


Judgment on idolatrous Israel


Destruction of Israel


In a vision Ezekiel sees the seat of jealousy.  The abominations in the temple.  God’s eye will not spare nor will have pity on them for their abominations.


Put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done and kill all the others men, women and children.



Judah’s captivity.  Told Ezekiel to go in and out of house as if in captivity.  They will be destroyed by sword, famine and pestilence, but a few ill remain to declare that I am the Lord.


Prophesy against the false prophets. 


Idolaters will be punished. It talks of persistent unfaithfulness and God says even if Noah, Job and Daniel where in the land and the people were persistently unfaithful, their children and wives would not be saved only them due to their righteousness.


The outcast of the vine.  Thus I will make the land desolate, because they have persisted in unfaithfulness, says the Lord God.


God’s Love for Jerusalem.  He picked them and washed it of the blood, clothed them gave them a crown and jewelry.  Jerusalem as the chosen one turns their back on God and plays the Harlot.  God will allow those to take all that he had given Jerusalem and abuse her.   Then God will remember his covenant with Jerusalem and they will never forget the shame.


The eagles and the vine and Israel exalted at last.


But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. 

Cast away fro you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.  For why should you die, O  house of Israel?  For I have no pleasure in the death of none who dies. 


Israel degraded.


The rebellions of Israel and God will restore Israel.


Babylon the sword of God


Sins of Jerusalem are listed and the vengeance of the Lord on the leaders and Jerusalem. 



The story of the two harlot sisters which describes the spiritual infidelity of Israel and Judah. 



Ezekiel’s wife died and he was not to mourn for her, as a symbol to Israel that they should not mourn the loss of their families.

25 26 27 28

Proclamation against Moab, Edom, Philistia, Ammon and Tyre.  Lamentation for Tyre.

Proclamation against the king of Tyre and Lamentations.


Proclamation against Egypt and Babylonia will plunder Egypt.


The fall of Egypt and proclamation against Pharaoh.



This chapter is a metaphor comparing Egypt to a huge tree that dominates a forest to a king that dominates the world.  If the Egyptians tend to be proud and feel invincible, let them remember how powerful Assyria had fallen already.


Lamentation for Pharaoh and Egypt. 


The Watchman and his message. The watchman must warn the others or he is liable for their fate.  If he warns them and they do not turn from their way tn their fate rests with them. 


God is upset that the shepherds have not fed the sheep.  Meaning hethey have not taught them the word.  God is the true shepherd and will appoint on shepherd over them (Jesus). 

35 36

Blessing on Israel this talks of the renewal of Israel.  Along with the physical reality of a return to the land, God pledged spiritual renewal.  A new heart of the New Covenant a new spirit of disposition His spirit dwelling in them, enabling them to walk in obedience to his word.  


Ezekiel is told to “Prophesy to these bones and as he does they come to life.  An army of dry bones come to life.    God will restore the nation of Israel to life and give them His Spirit in true salvation and spiritual life.  It talks of David being king over them and they shall all have one shepherd.  They shall walk in My judgments and observe My statutes and to them.  They shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children’s children, forever and My servant David shall be their prince forever.


Gog and allies attack Israel.  Judgment on Gog.


The defeat of Gog.  A vast army would have much weaponry, requiring 7 years to burn.  Since this is likely at the end of the time of tribulation, synonymous with the battle of Armageddon the burials would extend into the millennial kingdom. 

40 41

Dimensions of the new city and new temple.

42 43

Talks of the future temple of the Lord and that he will dwell with Israel forever.  These glorious future plans show how much Israel forfeited by their sins. 



The east gate and only the Lord God can pass through, but the prince can sit in it to eat bread before the Lord.  Those admitted to the temple and the laws of governing priests.


The day of atonement is never mentioned, but God institutes a never be3fore celebrated festival to start the New Year with an emphasis on holiness in the temple.  It indicates that there will be sin in the kingdom, committed by those who entered alive and their offspring.

Passover and unleavened bread are combined as in the NT and focus on remembering God’s deliverance of the nation from Egypt and Christ’s death providing deliverance from sin.  They continue on into the Millennium as a week long feast of remembrance, which will serve much the same purpose then as the bread and cup do now. 


The Manner of worship.


Talks of the Water that runs and the trees that are on its banks that each month supply fruit.  The leaves are used for medicine and the water full of fish.  This is talking of Jesus second coming and this seems to be the dead sea turned to a fresh water stream.  This talks of the 1000 year reign and reminds us that children will be born during this time and not all will be saved.


Division of the land




Daniel and others were picked to serve Nebuchadnezzar as king. They were given rations, but Daniel did not want to defile himself and asked to eat vegetables and water and that the chief of the eunuchs could see if it affects their health after ten days, because the eunuch did not want the king to see these boys as less healthy then the others.

After ten days they looked better then the others.  Now Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah there was none like them.  God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. 


Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and demands that the wise men interrupt his dream, but first they must tell him the dream so he knows they can do this thing.  When none of them can he starts killing all the wise men. Then Daniel went to the Lord God and ask for the interpretation of the dream and gave it to the king.


Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold and told all to kneel and worship it.  Daniel’s friends Shdrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego did not worship his god and were cast into the furnace.  The furnace was so hot that it burned up the guards that took them up there.  Then they saw four men walking in the furnace one was like the Son of God.  The king made a decree to worship their God, the true God.


Nebuchadnezzar has another dream; this one about is interrupted to be about himself.  He will be broken to understand that God gives him the kingdom and power and He can give it to who he chooses.  Neb takes head until one day he says this kingdom is mine and for my glory.  As soon as the words left his lips the prophecy came true.  The kingdom was given away and once he praised God he did get it back.


Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar who was king now, told the people to get all the gold vessels out of the Lord’s temple and they would drink out of them and praise the gods of gold and silver.  When he did he saw a hand writing on the wall and told anyone that could read it he would give them gifts.  Daniel was asked to read and told him to keep his gifts.  The words told Belshazzar of the wrong he had done by not humbling himself and that he would lose his kingdom.  That very night he was slain.


Darius takes over the kingdom and Daniel grows in power, because he has a good spirit and worships the living God.  The others plotted against him and tricked the king into signing a law that all should not worship any other except the king.  When Daniel was caught worshiping God he was thrown into the lion’s den and Darius was destraugt.  He did not sleep or eat and the next morning ran to the lion’s den.  Daniel was uninjured and Darius rejoiced and put all his accusers and their children and wives in the den and the lions broke their bones before they reached the bottom.


The war against the saints is the Antichrist persecuting the believers.  It states the saints will receive the kingdom forever. This troubles Daniel and refers to the 7 year period of Antichrist’s power continuing on to Christ’s second coming.  God will then judge sinners and sin.  He will remove the Antichrist’s rule and destroy him and his empire. 


Daniel had a dream of a male goat and a ram.  It is the last days and Antichrist’s power before Christ’s return. 


Here it talks of the 70 years Israel goes.  It tells Daniel about God’s promise at the end of time.  End of sins, to judge it with finality, Make reconciliation for iniquity, signifies to furnish the actual basis of covering sin by full atonement, the blood of the crucified Messsiah.Talks of making the Antichrist right before Christ’s return.  This is clearly the end of the age, the second Advent judgment.


The 3 week delay was due to an evil angel opposing Gabriel in heavenly warfare.  This angel was specially anoi9nted with Persian power in an effort to thwart the work of God.  Daniel see a preincarceration of Christ in this dream. 


This talks of many kings and fights among the kings.  Need to read the notes on this.


This describes Christ’s coming and those that will be brought up from their graves.  Some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. 




 Daniel and his friends obey God.  Nebuchadnezzar was king.  He had a dream and asked the wise men to explain his dream, but he would not tell him what his dream was.  Daniel was the only one able to tell him.  Nebucadnezzar later makes an image of gold and worships it.  He demands all worship it Daniel and his friends do not, so the king has them taken to the fiery furnace, but the furnace does not injure them.  The king finally praises God after being exiled.


Belshazzar is now king and loves Daniel, but is tricked into signing a law that all should perish that do not worship the king and his god.  Daniel is thrown into the lion’s den, because he does not.  The lions don’t hurt him and they throw his accusers and their families in the lions den to be devoured. 


Chap 8-9

Talks of  a vision in the future of the antichrist and the end.

Need to read this more fully has a lot to do with the end.



And at that time your people shall be delivered.  Every one who is found written in the book.  And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.  Those who are wise shall sine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the star forever and ever.





Marries a women that is not faithful.  Much like Israel is not faithful to God and she bears three children.  The first is Jezreel and he will be great one day.


Israel worships other gods.  They will realize that they did wrong and try to turn back.  God will eventual accept them, but at this time he pours out his wrath.


Hosea to seek a women that plays the harlot and not have relations with her for many days.  Just as God seeks Israel’s return, but they must go without prince or king.  It also talks of David’s return to reign. 


Gods’ charge against Israel and the idolatry of Israel and punishment.


Judgment of Israel.

6 7 8 9 10

A calling of repentance.

Israel fell into worship of Baal and this talks of the disappointment and judgment of Israel’s sins.

11 12

God’s love for Israel.


Judgment on Israel and God’s love and wanting them to turn from their sinful ways and back to him.


Israel restored at last





Locust devour everything in their path which represents our sin.  Repent of sins.


The coming of the Lord Repent and be saved.  The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.  And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. 


Joel talks of the gathering of the nations to the earthly courtroom the valley of Jehoshaphat.  The sentence has been handed down and the judge orders His agents to ready the scene for the execution. 

This refers to Christ’s millennial kingdom the ultimate peace and prosperity will be experienced after Christ conquers the world and sets up his millennial kingdom on the earth.







Judgment on the Nations


Punishment of Israel’s sins for not turning to God.


Lament for Israel and a call to repentance.


Visions of Locusts and summer fruit to relate to the people of Israel that God was not happy with them and will let them be taken captive.


The destruction of Israel and the restoration in the millennial reign when the throne of David is restored and the Jews are never again pulled up from their divinely inherited land.  


Addresses Israel’s two sins an absence of true worship and a lack of justice.


They were not pursuing the Lord with their hearts nor following His standard of justice with their neighbors.




Judgment against Edom for oppressing Israel.  ONE CHAPTER  The lord will raise leaders in the millennial reign. 





The Lord came to Jonah and asked for him to go to Nineveh who fell into idol worship and was a great city.  Jonah tried to flee from the Lord and his commission.  Jonah fled from the Lord onto a ship.  The Lord made a huge storm at sea and the ship mates cast lots to see who was the cause of this.  Jonah was the cause and he told them to through him in and it would calm the sea. A great fish swallowed Jonah and he spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly. 



Jonah repented and the Lord made the fish vomit him up.  


Jonah was told to preach to Nineveh and when he did they turned from their evil ways.  God did not bring destruction upon them. 


Jonah wants to die because he has distaste for the Nineveh people and their getting salvation.  He ask to be killed.  He finds rest and God provides a plant to shade him and when He has a worm kill the plant Jonah wants to die again.  God throw his mercy spares him as he did for the Nineveh who turned from their sins.




Israel unfaithfulness and consequences.

Israel’s destruction was to be a warning example to the nations, prefiguring God’s judgment on all who sin against Him.  


Israel restored

3 4

wicked rulers and prophets

False prophets and stood guilty before the Judge because they misled the people.  They were motivated by greed.  Therefore having blinded others, they would be struck with blindness and silence. 


People throughout the earth, not just Israel will come as a spontaneous flow to worship the Lord in Jerusalem during the Millennium. 

Micah continued to describe the wonderful conditions of the coming earthly kingdom of Messiah. 


The coming of Jesus and his greatness.  People to put their trust in God alone.  People will live in peace. 


Punishment of Israel’s injustice.


In spite of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God, the Lord intends to fulfill His unconditional promises in the Abrahamic Covenant .  The ultimate descendant of David, Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem over the world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 




1 2


Nineveh returned to idolatry.  It was proud of its 100ft high and 150ft wide moat.

God’s wrath on His enemies and the destruction of Nineveh.






Habakkuk is a prophet and asks a question, “How long shall I cry, and you will not hear?”  The Lord tells him he will rise up the Chaldeans they are terrible and dreadful.


Woe to the wicked those that make grave images and worship them.


The Lord had answered his prayer the Lord would vindicate His righteousness and ultimately restore a truly repentant people.  While the answer satisfied Habakkuk, the thought of a Chaldean invasion of his people has also left him physically exhausted and overwhelmed.  Nevertheless, the prophet could rest in the day of trouble, because he knew the Lord would judge3 righteously. 





The great day of the Lord when even animal and physical creation will be affected by His judgment of the earth.  .  I will consume everything, because they have sinned against the Lord. 

2 3

Judgment of nations.   The wickedness of Jerusalem.  She ahs not Obeyed His voice, received correction or trusted in the Lord.  God will leave a meek and humble people and take the proud.





The primary theme is the rebuilding of God’s temple, which had been lying in ruins since its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B. C.   There is a good chance that Haggai had seen Solomon’s temple, which would mean he was about 70 years old.



The rebuilt temple of the millennial will far surpass even the grandeur of Solomon’s temple.  





He joined Haggai in rallying the people to rebuild the temple.



Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds.   These are the ones whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fo throughout the earth. 


The Lord will again choose Jerusalem for His earthly throne.  This will be fulfilled in tee millennial kingdom of Messiah.    


An angel measuring Jerusalem.  This could be laying out the future promised land. 


Vision of the High Priest.  (did not understand this)


The vision was to encourage Zerubbabel to complete the temple.


This vision of a woman in a basket focuses on the removal of the whole sinful system from Israel, which will happen before the kingdom comes. 


Vision of the four chariots and spirits of heaven.  This imagery represents divine angelic agents sent out to execute judgment on behalf of the Lord of all the earth, a millennial title designating the universal rule of the Messiah in the kingdom age. 


When people fasted did they fast as obedience or out of self pity?


Jerusalem, holy city of the future.  In the days of the messianic kingdom on earth, the Jews will truly be God’s messengers as originally inte3nded, and will bring multitudes to Christ. 




Alexander the Great treated Jerusalem with kindness after having subjugated Egypt.  It talks of the second coming of Christ.  This could depict the futility of Armageddon when the armies of the God hating world gather in Israel and are destroyed by the Messiah. 



Restoration of Judah and Israel The joy of the restored nation of Israel at the beginning of the Millennium is likened to those who have been drinking wine. 


Desolation of Israel.  It talks of the 30 pieces of silver The Jews of Jesus’ day who offered that amount were saying He was worth no more than a common slave. 


Deliverance of Judah first.  .  The one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God.  This could be referring to the Messiah.


Idolatry cut off.  Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.  Only a portion of the people of Israel will remain faithful to Christ and be alive in the end.  The spiritual survivors will be the remnant who look upon Christ in repentance at His return, which will include those who make up the 144,000.



The day of the Lord no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited.  Who ever does not keep the Feast of Tabernacles will receive no rain.  They will receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep it.  





There were over 400 years of divine silence with only Malachi’s words ringing condemnation in their ears, before another prophet arrived with a message from God.  That was John the Baptist. 


Israel beloved of God talks about the polluted offerings.  Not sacrificing the best, but the ill and the lame.


One women for one man, God hates divorce.  The treachery of infidelity.


the coming Messenger, He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderer’s’ soap.  He will purify the sons of Levi. 

Do not rob God.  Bring all the tithes into the storehouse.  That there may be food in my house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord.  “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”


The Great Day of God.  The day is coming burning like an oven, all the proud, all who do wickedly will be stubble.  And the day which is coming shall burn them up.  But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness hall arise.  Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.  The earth will be restored to Edenic wonder, the curse reversed, the kingdom established with the Messiah reigning and the righteous Jews and Gentiles entering it. 


400 years went by between the old testament and the new.






Mathew was the other name of Levi.  He was the tax collector. 


This gives a list of the genealogy to Jesus.  Mary was pregnant before being married and an angel came to Joseph and told him not to be afraid to take her as his wife, because for that which is conceiv3d in her is of the Holy Spirit. 


“Behold the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Birth of Jesus



The wise men find Jesus.  Herod told them when they find him to come back to him and tell him where he is.  Herod wanted to kill the child, but told the wise men he wanted to worship him.  The wise men were warned in a dream and did not return to Herod.  An angel came to Joseph and said arise take the child to Egypt for Herod wants to destroy him.  The Herod put to death all male children two years or younger.  When Herod was dead, an angel came to Joseph and told him to take the baby to Nazareth. 



John the Baptist  was preaching in the wilderness of Judea.  He was eating locusts and wild honey.  He baptized in water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am no worthy to carry.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 


Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.  John tried to prevent Him, saying, I need to be baptized by YOU, and are you coming to me?  Jesus was baptized by John and when he came up from the water the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.  And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying,  “ This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”


Jesus is tempted by the devil after fasting 40 days and 40 nights.  The devil tempts him first with food, second took him up to a high place and told him to throw yourself down for angels will protect you as it is written in the Bible.  The third temptation was satin offering him all the kingdoms if he fell down and worshiped him. 

Angels came and ministered to Jesus and he later went and started picking his disciples.  John the Baptist was in prison at this time. 


The beatitudes.  Jesus teaches the disciples.  Jesus is here to fulfill the law and takes murder, adultery, divorce and oaths to the very thought of this is a sin.  Turn your cheek to him who slaps it.  Love your enemies. 


Do not publicly give charitable gifts, prayer or fast so that all can see.  Those that do have their gifts.  Those that do it between them and God, He will reward them. 

The Lords prayer is here

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 



Let me remove the speck form your eye and look a plank is in your own eye.

Do not cast  pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet.

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.

Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.


If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good thing to those who ask Him.


Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.


Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.


Parable of the two builders, wise man who built his house on the rock is whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them.  Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 



Jesus healed the leper.  A roman soldier asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant.  He believed that Jesus just had to speak the words and his servant who was at home would be healed.  Jesus marveled at this mans faith and did as he asked.  Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law and that night many demon possessed and sick are brought to him.  Then another of His disciples said to Him, Lord let me first go and bury my father.  But Jesus said to him, follow me and let the dead bury their own dead. 


He stills the sea.


Demons are cast into swine and they run off into the water.



A paralytic was brought to him to heal and he said to him your sins are forgiven.  The scribes thought who is this man that says he can forgive sins?  Then to show him he told the paralytic to get up and walk, and he did.


Jesus was eating with tax collectors and sinners and when the Pharisees saw it, they said Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?  Jesus said “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 


Jesus was on his way to restore life to a little girl when a women that flowed with blood for twelve years touched his garment.  Jesus turned around and saw her and said “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well.”  He went on to the ruler’s house and brought his daughter back to life. 


Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered.  He sad to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers in to His harvest.”



The twelve apostles are sent out to heal, raise from the dead and cast out demons.  Be not afraid of what you will say for it is the Spirit that gives you words. Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.  But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.  Do not thing that I came to bring peace on earth.  I did not come to bring peace but a sword.    Do not love your children above me, your parents or anyone above me. 

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it. 



From prison John the Baptist sends messengers to ask Jesus if he is the Messiah.  Jesus performs healings in front of them and tells them to let John know what you have seen.  There has not risen one greater than John the Baptist, but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.  Jesus rejected Choraxin, Bethsaida and Capernaum because they did not repent after seeing the miracles. 



Controversy over Sabbath Labor the Pharisees questioned Jesus and tried to trick him when they also asked if it was ok to heal on the Sabbath.  Pharisees plan to kill him.  The Pharisees do the unpardonable sin, they blasphemy against the Spirit.  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgive him either in this age or in the age to come.  This is deliberate rejection of that which we  know to be of


But I say to you that for ever idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 

Jesus’ mother and brothers were outside wishing to talk to him and he said for whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother. 


Jesus speaks of parables


Sewer of seed on fertile ground.


Planting wheat and an enemy plants tares with his wheat. Wait till harvest and gather the tares and burn them and put the wheat in the barn.  This is the unbeliever and the believer.


Mustard seed.


Parable of the leaven


Hidden treasure


Pearl of great price




A prophet is not without honor except  in his own country.


Jesus’ brothers James, Joses, Simon and Judas




John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod due to Herodias’ daughter and her dance.

Jesus Feed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish

Jesus was on a mountain praying and his disciples were in the boat to go before Him to the other side while he sent the multitude away.  The boat now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves and Jesus walked on the water to them.  Peter got out of the boat and tried to walk to Jesus and cried for him to help when he started to sink.



Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth this defiles a man.  (Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart and they defile a man)


Jesus heals the women’s daughter.  This is where Jesus says to her after she asks him to heal her, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”    This meaning the lost sheep of the house of Israel must be fed before the little dogs, Jesus was trying to get her to express her faith and she says, “Yes Lord yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”  He then heals her daughter because of her great faith.


Jesus Heals Many

Jesus feeds 4000 with seven loafs and a few fish.


Who do men say I am, Jesus asks,  They tell him some say Elijah, some John the Baptist etc… he asks his disciples who do you say I am? Simon Peter says you are Christ the Son of the living God.


He gives his disciples authority. 


Jesus showed them that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priest and scribes and be killed, and be raised the third day. 


******Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and the n He will reward each according to his works.  Assuredly, I say to you there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. “



The Transfiguration, after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves and He was transfigured before them.  His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light.  And behold Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking with Him.


The disciples asked Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?   Jesus replied that he already came and they did not know him.  (Here my book says he is referring to John the Baptist who came in the spirit and power of Elijah.


Jesus goes on to tell him he must suffer at the hands of man.


Jesus was questioned on why he did not pay the temple tax.  Kings did not tax their own sons so with this Jesus was exempt since He is God’s son, but he told Peter to put a line in the water and the first fish he catches will have a coin in it, give it to them.



Be like little children to enter into heaven.  If anyone causes a little child to sin, it is better to have a milestone around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea.  Parable of the lost sheep, the sheep herder leaves the other 99 and looks for the one and he rejoices when he finds him more for that one then the 99 that where not lost.


Forgive your brother 70 time 7.  Tells of the servant that asked for time to pay his debt and his master forgave him of his debt.  The servant went and found another servant that owed him money and when he asked for time to pay the first servant said no and threw him into jail.  When the master heard what happened he sent the first servant to the torture place.  “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”


Jesus teaches about divorce

The rich young ruler wants to know what he needs to do to have eternal life.  Jesus told him to keep the commandments and he said he had since his youth.  Then Jesus told him to sell all he had and follow him.  The rich young ruler could not, because he had great wealth and went away sorrowful.  Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for rich man to enter the kingdom of God.  


The 12 apostles will sit on 12 thrones in heaven and judge the 12 tribes of Israel.  And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or land, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life.



The land owner gets workers the first hour and promises a denarius for a days wage he goes back each hour and gets more workers.  At the end of the day he pays them all the same.  The first workers are upset, but the land owner can give as he wishes with his things.  We all finish in a dead heat.  Just as at the last minute the thieve on the cross joins Jesus in heaven along side those that have labored their whole lives.  Such is the grace of God.


John and James with their mother ask to sit on each side of Jesus in heaven.  He asks if they will are willing to drink the cup Jesus will have to drink?  (Meaning the crucifixion he will have to suffer)  Not knowing entirely they said they were.  Jesus went on to tell them My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father. 


James did suffer for Jesus and died when he was beheaded.  John was tortured and exiled to Patmos for the sake for Jesus.


Jesus comes in on a colt and people lay down palms on the road.  He curses the fig tree and it withers.


 Parable of the two sons one is asked to work and says no but does it any way and the other says yes and does not do it.  Who obeyed?  The first.  Jesus said to them. “Assuredly I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.  For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but tax collectors and harlots believed him and when you saw it you did not afterward relent and believe him. 


Parable of the landowner:  a landowner planted a vineyard and lease it to vinedressers and went into a far country.  When vintage time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit.  The vinedressers took his servants beat one, killed one and stoned another.  Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did likewise to them.  Then last of all he sent his son to them saying, they will respect my son.  But they killed him.  Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers?


He will destroy those wicked men miserably and leas his vineyard to other vinedressers who will render fruits.   


God is the Landowner.  The vineyard is the Jewish nation.  The Vinedressers are the Jewish leaders.  The servants are the prophets.  The son is Jesus.  The judgment against them is all the spiritual advantages given to Israel would now be given to “other vinedressers” symbolizing the Church which consists primarily of Gentiles. 


Parable of the wedding feast where the king prepares the wedding feast and invites his kingdom, but they kill his servants and made light of it.  The king kills them and burns their city and tells his servants to invite all who would like to come.  There ends up one man at the wedding that is not wearing a wedding garment and the king cast him into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.


The wedding is the free offer of the gospel and invitation to heaven.  Burning the cities is the anticipated destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70  The man that does not have a garment if like a person that knows of Jesus, but willfully rejects him.  This man could have had a wedding garment like all the other guest the king gave them to, but he refused it.


Sadducees ask of the women that married a man and he died she was given to his brother as a wife and he died.  The third brother then is given her and he dies, whose wife will she be in heaven.  Jesus tells for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. 


The greatest commandment You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart with all your soul, and with all your mind.  Second is You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 




Jesus condemns the Pharisees for being fake.  He laments over Jerusalem.




Jesus describes the tribulations before his coming.  Nation against nation, war, anti Christ, earthquakes. 

The coming of Jesus on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.  

Illustration of the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and it took them all.  Two will be in a field one will be taken one will stay. 






25-14 Parable of the Talents

Gave 5 talents to one to another two and to another one each according to his ability and immediately went on a journey. 

The one with 5 traded and made another 5.  Likewise he who had 2 gained 2 more.  The person that had one buried it.  The lord came back and was pleased with the first two and called them good and faithful servants and made them rulers over many things. 

The person that had one was told you wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed.  Give the talent to the one that has ten and cast him into the outer darkness.



Parable of the Ten virgins

Five took additional oil as they went to meet the bridegroom.  When he was delayed the other five ran out and went to buy more as the five with oil went to the weeding (this is Jesus’ coming we do not know when be prepared don’t miss out)



Five made another five

Two made another two

One made none

You wicked and lazy servant take from him the talent and cast him away.  Those that cling to earthly things will be cast into darkness.


At Christ’s millennial reign those who are alive will be judged he will set sheep on his right hand and goats on his left he will say to those on his right come inherit the kingdom I was hungry you fed, thirsty you gave me drink etc..  When did we see you hungry etc… When you did this for the least of my brethren you did it for me.  The goat on his left hand did not.



Mary pours perfume on Jesus.  Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Jesus breaks bread as his body and wine as his blood and tells the disciples that on of them will betray him.  Peter’s denial is also predicted. 


Jesus goes to Gethsemane and takes Peter, John and James to watch with him.  They fall asleep as Jesus ask God to take this cup from his hand.  He betrayed it twice then said arise the so of man is being betrayed.  Jesus was seized and Peter struck a solider.  Jesus told him to put away his sword.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.  I think Jesus asked Peter to go to Gethsemane with him because he would not have let Judas leave to betray Jesus.


Jesus is taken to the high priest and sentenced to death for blasphemy and saying he is Christ the Son of God.  As he is beaten Peter denies Jesus three times. 



Jesus is delivered to Pilate.  Judas takes back the 30 pieces of silver and tells the chief priest and elders that he has shed innocent blood and goes and hangs himself.


Barabbas is freed be cause the chief priest and elders rallied the crowd.  Jesus is scourged.  Jesus is mocked with crown of thorns and robe.  He is lead to Golgotha.  He is crucified and his garments divided.  He is mocked while on the cross.  Jesus dies.  Signs accompanying his death….


Empty tomb.  Mary Magdalane and the other Mary went to the tomb and an angel of the Lord rolled back the stone the guards shook with fear and became like dead men the angel told them he knew they sought the Lord, but he is not here.  Go tell the disciples he has gone o Galilee and as they went Jesus met them and said Rejoice!  They fell on their knees to worship him. 

The guards told the chief priests what happened and they bribed them told them to tell the governor the disciples came and got him while they slept.  The story is obviously bogus.  Roman guards would not know what happened while they slept.  Roman guards would not all sleep on duty.  The disciples went to Galilee to the mountain Jesus had appointed.  When they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.  Jesus said Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. 







Jesus baptized by John voice from Heaven said.  “You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus is tempted in the desert.

First disciples are called

Cast out unclean spirits

Healed Peter’s Mother in law

Healed the leper and told him not to tell anyone.  The leper told all how he was healed and Jesus could no longer enter the city or he would be mobbed by those seeking to be cured. 


A paralytic was lowered down through the roof to Jesus as he preached and he said your sins are forgiven.   The scribes and Pharisees thought only God can forgive sins.  Jesus knew their thoughts and said which is easier to say arise and walk or that you sins are forgiven,  He said arise and walk and the paralytic did.  You now know the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins. 


Parable of the wine skins

Jesus went tint the house of God and ate the show bread, which is only for the pries and he said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. 



Heals on the Sabbath Pharisees plan to kill him and Jesus goes to the sea.  They said he is Beelzebub, ruler of the demons and Jesus said how can Satan cast out Satan.  His mother and brothers where outside and he said you are my mother and brothers for whoever does the will of God is. 






Jesus is rejected in his home town of Nazareth.  The twelve disciples are sent to serve.  John the Baptist is murdered by Herod, because of Herodias’ daughter’s dance she was promised anything and asked for his head on a platter.  Five thousand are fed with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  Jesus sends his disciples a head by boat and he goes up to pray.  Later that evening he comes to them walking on water.



Nothing that goes in a man defiles him, because it enters the stomach and not the heart and it is eliminated.  What comes out of a man, that defiles a man,  For from within out of the heart of man proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts covertness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. 


A Phoenician’s daughter is healed.  She asked Jesus to heal her daughter and Jesus said let the children eat first.  (That is let the Jewish nation hear the word of God first) The lady said yes, but even the dogs eat the crumbs for the masters table.  Because of her faith Jesus told her the girl is healed.   The little dogs are us gentiles that also have a place in God’s kingdom.


Jesus heals a deaf and mute man.


Jesus feeds four thousand.  Jesus heals a blind man. Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Son of God, when he is asked who do you say I am. 

Whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.  For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.


The transfiguration and the appearance of Elijah and Moses.  Jesus’ clothes turn white as snow and the disciples are told not to speak of what happened until after he comes back to life.  The disciples did not understand what he meant at the time of coming back to life.  The demon possessed son is brought to him and the disciples could not rebuke this demon.  Jesus rebukes the demon and is disappointed the disciples could not.  He tells them that this demon takes prayer and fasting to remove.  Jesus foretells his death. 

Whoever receives a child in My name receives Me.  It would be better to have a millstone hung around your neck and cast into the sea then to cause a child to stumble.  If you hand causes you to sin cut it off, If you Eye pluck it out, if you feet cut it off it is better to be lame then to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. 


The Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce to trick him and he said whoever leaves his wife or husband and remarries commits adultery.  The little children were brought to him and the disciples tried to rebuke those that brought them, this displeased Jesus and he said whoever does not receive  the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. 


Rich young ruler who did the commandments.  Jesus tells him to sell all and follow him. He would not and left sorrowful.  Jesus said to the disciples it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then a rich man to inherit the kingdom of heaven.  The disciples were greatly astonished saying amount themselves, who then can be saved.  But Jesus looked at them and said “With men it is impossible, but not with God.


Jesus said there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wives or children or land, for My sake and the gospel’s who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands in the age to come, eternal life. 


James and John wanted to be on Jesus right and left hand.  He asked them if they were willing to be baptized with the water that he was going to be and they said yes.  He told them that the left and right was not for him to give, but God designated it.  Jesus had spoke of his coming crucifixion.


Jesus comes in on a colt and the people cried Hosanna blessed I He who come in the name of the Lord.


Jesus and cursed the fig tree.  The next day Peter sees it has withered and died.  Jesus answered them  Have fait in God.  For assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain, be removed an be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 


Jesus goes into the temple and overturns tables and told them. My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.  But you have made it a den of thieves. 


They questioned Jesus by what authority do you do these things.  And he said I will ask you a question and if you answer it I will answer yours.  Was John baptism by man or Heaven.  They were afraid to say man because all thought him to be a profit and they did not want to say heaven he will say why did you not believe him.  So they did not answer and Jesus refused to answer them.  


Parable of the vinedresser and the owner sending his servants for his share of the harvest and they killed them then he ends up sending his son and they kill him.  Look for this also in my notes in Matthew. 


Parable of Taxes and give Caesar what his Caesar and give God what is God’s.


Questioned about the women that married a man and he dies his brother marries her he dies and the final brother marries her and he dies.  Whose wife is she upon the resurrection.  No ones,  there is no marriage in heaven we are like angels in heaven.


Greatest commandment.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  Second is You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 


Jesus watched a poor widow put in two mites, and he said this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury,  for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.   


The disciples asked Jesus when will the end of times be?  Watch for those who will try to deceive.  For many will come in My name saying I am He and will deceive many.  Rumors of wars, nation against nation, earthquakes famines will happen. 


The second coming only God knows when Jesus will com in the clouds with great power and glory.  He will send His angels and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.  


The chief priests and the scribes want to kill Jesus but not during the feast.  Mary anoints Jesus with costly perfume.  Judas plans to betray Jesus.  They go into the upper room to celebrate the Passover. 


Jesus breaks bread and shares wine with them as his body and blood.  He predicts Peter’s denial and tells them that he will go before them to Galilee upon his resurrection. 


He took Peter, John and James into the upper room and began to pry.  Asked them to stay awake, but they did not. 


They came and laid hands on Jesus and took him.  A young man followed and avoided capture, but in doing so lost his garment.  The notes say this could have been Mark. 

 They led Jesus away to the high priest and with him were assembled all the chief priests, the eldr4s and the scribes.  Now they sought testimony against Jesus to put Him to death so they found some false witnesses.  When he told them he was the Christ the Son of the living God they condemned Him to death. 


Peter denies three times. 


They take Jesus to Pilate.  Pilate cannot find fault in him.  He always released on prisoner before the feast and thought for sure the crowd would want Jesus, but the chief priest stirred up the crowd and Barabbas a murder was released. 

Pilate had Jesus scourged and delivered Him to be crucified.  The guards put a purple robe on him and twisted a crown of thorns on His head and mocked. Him.    Then they compelled a certain man Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus to bear His cross. 


Jesus was crucified in the third hour.  A sign that said The King Of The Jews was above him which was the inscription of His accusation.  They mocked Him while he was on the cross.  The sixth hour there was darkness over the whole land until the ningh hour.  On the ninth hour Jesus cried out My God My God why have You forsaken Me?  Jesus died and the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.  When the ceturion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out like this and breathed His last he said, Truly this Man was the Son of God!


Joseph asked for the body and put it in his tomb, where Pilate had a stone rolled in front of  it and posted guards. 



Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices to anoint the body of Jesus very early in the morning when they got to the tomb a in a white rob said you look for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He is Risen! Tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you into Galilee. 


Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene first and she told them and they did not believe then he appears to two of them on the road and they told the others and they did not believe then he appeared to all eleven and rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart. He said “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  He who believes and is baptized will be saved.  After the Lord had spoken to them He was received up into heaven. 


 Go quickly and leave the house without turning to get clothing.  Go into the mountains to avoid the devastation.  Talks of the tribulation period and that the elect will have shortened days.  They will have 3.5 years as opposed to the 7 years.  This could mean those that are saved during the tribulation or maybe the Israelites. This will be a time of false prophets. After the tribulation the sun will darken and the moon will give light, the stars will fall.  The Son of Man is coming in the clouds with great power and glory.






An angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias as he was in the temple and told him that he and Elizabeth would have a child.  They were a righteous couple.  He was a priest.  This angel was Gabriel and when Zacharias did not believe and was stricken that he could not speak. 


The angel goes to Mary and tells her she will have Jesus.  Elizabeth was already six months pregnant by this time.  Elizabeth’s baby leaped in the womb at the sound of Mary’s voice as she came to visit.  Elizabeth said to Mary, Blessed are you among women and bless is the fruit of  your womb.  The knew that Mary carried the Lord. 


When Elizabeth gave birth she said his name is John and when they looked at Zachrias he asked for a writing tablet to confirm the name and he wrote John.  His tongue was loosened and he said praise the Lord.


Caesar Augustus took a census so Joseph left Nazareth into Judea to the Cit of David which is called Bethlehem and Mary had her baby in a manager because there was no room for them in the inn. 


An angel came to the shepherds and they were greatly afraid.  The angels said fear not I bring to you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  He told them of Jesus in the manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God. 


The shepherds went and visited Jesus and told of all that had just happened to them.  All marveled at what was said, but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 



Jesus was circumcised


Now there was a man named Simeon that was told he would not see death until he saw the Lord Jesus.  When the parents brought in the Child Jesus to do for him according to the law eh took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said.  Lord now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word.  For my eyes have seen your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel. 


Joseph and His mother marveled at those things witch were said.  Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, Behold this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 


Jesus returns to Nazareth and grows strong in spirit , filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him.  His parents go to Jerusalem to the Passover and Jesus was just twelve when his parents headed home and had a days journey thinking he was in another company that traveled with them.  When they found him missing they went back to Jerusalem and after three days of search found him in the temple where others listen to his wisdom.  They approached him and said why have you done this to us we have been looking for you and He said to them.  “ why did you seek Me? Did you not know what I must be about My Father’s business.    But they did not understand. 



John the Baptist ministry.  He baptized and told people to repent of their sins.  He told them he baptizes with water, but on will come and baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.  When John baptized Jesus the heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said You are My beloved Son in You I am well pleased. 


Jesus began his ministry at age thirty. 


Jesus is tempted in the wilderness by Satan.


He goes to Nazareth and preaches and the reject him.  He says “Assuredly, I say to you no prophet is accepted in his own country.  What upset the Nazarenes’ was Christ’s suggestion that divine grace might be withheld form them yet extended to Gentiles.  They tried to kill him and he passed through the midst of them.


He went to Capernaum, a city of Galilee and rebuked a demon out of someone and they marveled at him.  He heals Simon Peter’s mother in law.  He healed many and they did not want him to leave in Galilee, but he had to go preach the word of God. 


Jesus told Simon Peter to Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.  But Simon answered and said to Him we have toiled all night and caught nothing.  Never the less they did and they caught so much the boat could hardly hold.  Peter fell on his knees and said depart from me for I am a sinful Man O Lord.  Jesus said I will make you a fisher of man and they forsook all and followed Him.  James, John and Simon Peter. 


Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic. 


Jesus calls Matthew to follow him. 



Jesus works on the Sabbath and His disciples plucked the heads of grain and ate them.  When asked by the Pharisees He told them He is also Lord of the Sabbath.


Give to everyone who asks of you.  And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.  Give to those that to your enemies.  Even sinners love those that love them.  Judge not for with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. 


Those that hear Jesus’ word and do are building a house on a foundation.  Those that hear and don’t do are building a house on sand. 


Take the plank out of your eye before you judge the speak in your neighbors eye.



Jesus heals a servant by just speaking the words.  The faith of the man that came to Jesus was great.  He knew Jesus didn’t even have to touch his servant to heal him. 


When Jesus went into Nain there was a large crowd and a dead man was being carried out,  The only son of his mother and she was a widow.  Jesus had compassion on her and told her not to cry and put his hand on the casket and the dead man rose.  Then fear came upon all. 


There is no greater prophet then John the Baptist.

Jesus tells all that the least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater then John the Baptist.


A woman anoints Jesus feet and cleans them with her tears and wipes them dry with her hair as he is in a Pharisees house having dinner.  They who were around him thought that if he is a prophet he would know this women is a sinner.  Jesus knew their thoughts.  He said if a creditor has two debtors one owes him 500 denarii and the other 50 forgives them both, who will love him more?  They answered the one with the greatest debt.  He said to the women who had many sins, you are forgiven of your sins. 




Sow seed

Fall Wayward: They hear and the devil takes away the word

Fall on Rock: Hear and believe for a while then temptation takes away

Fall in Thorns: Hear and believe with joy and the riches of the world choke and bring no fruit

Fall on rich soil: Bear fruit hundred fold


Parable of the Lamp

Who are Christ’s brethren?  Those that hear the word of God and do it. 

He calms the storm.

Jesus cast the demons out of the man and into the swine that then run down the hill and drowned into the water. 

The women that flowed with blood for 12 years touches Jesus and is healed immediately.  He asks who touched him because he felt power leave him.  She knew she could not be hidden and publicly admitted her problem.


Jarius’s daughter is raised from the dead.



The twelve disciples are sent to preach. Five thousand are fed with five loaves and two fish.  They were made to sit down in groups of 50 and twelve baskets of leftover was taken up. 


Peter’s confession of faith. 


Jesus said “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and M words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s and the holy angels.  


Peter, John and James went up on the mountain with Jesus to pray and this is when Moses and Elijah appeared in glory and spoke with Jesus. 


Jesus heals a man’s son who was demon possessed that the disciples could not. 


He prophesies His coming Death. 


Samaria rejects Christ and James and John asked if they should ask for fire come down from heaven and consume them.  Jesus said you do not know what spirit you are of.  For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.





Seventy were sent out two by two and told to heal and preach in the name of the Lord.  Enter the house and if they greet you stay and preach and your peace will reside with you on that house.  If they don’t shake the dust from you feet as you leave that town. 


The seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to use in Your Name.    Jesus told them to rejoice that their names are written in heaven. 


Parable of the good Samaritan

As the priest and Levite passed by a man that was robbed and lest naked they did nothing.  The good Samaritan took him to an inn and paid his stay till he got better.

Do so to others.


Mary listens to Jesus’ word as Martha serves and Martha complains.  Jesus lets her know that not to fret over small things and that Mary listening to the word was a good thing.





The Lord’s prayer.  Jesus teaches them to pray.


Parable of the persistent friend that keeps knocking and asking for bread for his guest.  Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. 


Parable of the lighted lamp.


Pharisees try to catch him in something He might say that they might accuse Him.



The unforgiven sin:  And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven. 


Lay treasures in Heaven not on earth. 


For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. 



Parable of the fig tree and the owner wanting to chop it down for it gave no fruit in the past 3 years.  The gardener said he would fertilize and dig around it and if it doesn’t produce fruit then cut it down. 


Parable of the mustard seed



Parable of the ambitious guest

When invited to a wedding do not sit in the choice places, but sit in the back.  So that one that is more worthy does not take your place and send you to the back, but the host comes and gets you and moves you to towards the front.


Parable of the Great supper

Inviting all to the wedding when the people found excuses not to come he sent his servant into the street to fill the wedding ceremony.



Parable of the lost sheep and how the Shepard leaves the 99 to search for the one that is lost.  So too is the rejoicing in heaven over a lost soul seeking salvation. 


Parable of the lost coin.


Parable of the lost son who asked for his inheritance and came back after spending everything.  His father received him and welcomed him home.



Parable of the unjust servant that found out he would no longer be the steward of his masters goods and brought all that were indebted to the master and gave them huge discounts.  This way they were indebted to him and would give him a place to live. 


The parable of the rich man that does not feed Lazarus at the gate and then they both die and Lazarus goes to heaven and the rich man is tormented in hell.  He cries for Abraham to send Lazarus down with just the tip of his finger in water to cool his mouth.  Abraham said there is a great gulf between us and no one can pass, besides good things were given to you on earth and bad to Lazarus and now he is comforted. 

He begged that Abraham would send someone to warn his five brothers of the torment of Hades.  Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets let them hear.



Do not offend a child, better that a millstone is tied to your neck and thrust into the sea.

Don’t expect thanks for doing the work you are to do.

Ten lepers approached Jesus and he sent them to the priest to be cleansed.  One came back to praise the Lord.

When will be the coming of the Lord?  Jesus answers and tells them two will be in the field one will be gone the other still there.  Two women will be grinding together and one will be gone.



Parable of the woman that persistently asks for justice for a judge.  He finally gets tired of her persistence and gives in.  So to is prayer.  Do not lose heart, always ought to pray.


Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax collector who go up to pray.  The Pharisee prays that he is not like the tax collector and he tithes and fasts.  The tax collector sys God be merciful to me a sinner.  This man went down to his house justified rather than the Pharisee.  He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. 


Christ blesses the little children and ask his disciples to bring them to him.


Parable of the rich young ruler.  It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


There is no one who has left house or parent or brothers or wife or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who shall not receive many times more in this present time and in the age to come eternal life.


Jesus foretells his death.


Jesus heals the blind man by the road that kept crying out to him.



Zacchaeus a rich man but not very tall, runs a head of Jesus and the masses that follow him so he can get into a tree and see him pass by.  Jesus tells him to get down from there and he be a guest in his house and salvation had come to his house.


The parable of the Ten Minas, this is the same as the talents


Jesus told the disciples to get the colt that he was to ride in on.  He wept over Jerusalem before going in.  He knew that they would crucify him and that they did not know what that he was the Son of God. 


He then went into the temple and drove out the merchants.



Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees of his authority.  He asked them a question by did John the Baptist baptize from heaven of men?  They could not answer and He would not answer them.


The Parable of the vinedresser beating and killing the servants that came to collect the owner’s share of the profit. 


Question about taxes and Jesus says give Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God’s


Sadducees question him about the women that married many times whose wife will she be.  Jesus told them that they are not given in marriage on the resurrection.


The widow that puts in our of her poverty has put in more than the rich because she tithed out of her necessity. 


The signs of Christ’s coming wars, earthquakes, persecution..


Jesus will come in a cloud with power and glory.


Parable of the fig tree.



Judas agrees to betray Christ.

The upper room is prepared for the Passover. 

The Lord’s supper is instituted and Jesus says “ I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

The disciples argue over who is the greatest.

Christ predicts Peter’s denial and tells him that he his praying for his strength.

Christ prays in Gethsemane and asks the Father to take the cup from his hand.

Judas Betrays Christ.

Peter raised his sword and cut off the ear of one of the guards that came to take Jesus.  Jesus healed the guards ear and told them to put their swords away.


Peter is confronted as Jesus is led away that he is one that follows Jesus.  Peter denies it and again he is confronted as he follows in the distance again he denies then a third time he denies and the rooster crows and the Lord Jesus looks over at him and he remembers his predictions and wept bitterly.



They took him to Pilate and he found no fault, when he found out he was from Galilee he sent him to Herod.  The Same Herod that killed John the Baptist.  Jesus did not answer Herod and he tortured him and sent him back to Pilate.  Pilate said he would chasten him and release him, but the crowd cried out crucify him.  Pilate found no fault and again said he would release him, the priests stirred the crowd and they said crucify him. 

Chris is crucified.  Jesus said forgive them for they do not know what they do.  The criminal on his side rebuked him and told him to save  himself the other criminal asked him to remember him in heaven and Jesus told him today you will be paradise. 


About the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.  Then the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was torn in two .  Jesus said “Father into Your hands I commit My spirit.” And he died. 


Christ is placed in the tomb.   


The resurrection

The women came bringing the spices and found the stone rolled away from the tomb.  Two men stood by them in shining garments.  Shy do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here, but is Risen!  The angel who spoke reminded them of Jesus’ promises then sent them to find Peter and the disciples to report that Jesus was risen.  The disciples were skeptical at first but ran to where the tomb was, John arriving first, but Peter actually entering the tomb first.   They saw the linen wrappings intact but empty, proof that Jesus was risen.  The left immediately, meanwhile, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb, and was standing outside weeping when Christ suddenly appeared to her.  That was the first appearance. 


He appeared to the two men on the road to Emmaus and the two men where surprised that this stranger did not know the events of the last three days.  Jesus then spoke to them about the scripture and the men ask him to stay since the day was all but spent.  He broke bread with them and their eyes were opened and they recognized Jesus.  At that moment he vanished.  So they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven and those who were with them  gathered together, saying “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon !”  And they told about the things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.  Jesus was in the midst why all this was said and he appeared.  They were frightened and supposed they had seen a spirit.  He said to them, “ Why are you troubled?  And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Be hold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself.  Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”  But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He sad to the, “Have you any food here?”  So they gave Him a piece of broiled fish and some honeycomb.  And He took it and ate in their presence.


And He led them out as far as Bethany and He lifted up His hands and blessed them.  Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. 




John the Baptist the forerunner of Christ and the witness to the priests and Levites that one greater then him will come. 

Andrew and peter follow Christ.

Philip and Nathanael follow Christ.




Jesus turns water to wine at the wedding upon his mother telling him that there was no more wine. 


He over turns the tables at the temple.


That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 


John the Baptist said He must increase and I must decrease.  He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. 


Jesus comes to a well and a Samaritan woman draws water.  He asks her for a drink and she is surprised that Jew would talk to her, because the Jews did not associate with the Samaritans.  He tells her of Living Water and that who drinks of this will not thirst again.  He is talking about salvation. 

The disciples came back and the Samaritan women went to the village and told all that there was a man at the well that told her all.  For them to come, he might be the Messiah.

Jesus stayed with them for two days and many believed in him. 


Christ leaves Samarian and heals a nobleman’s son in Galilee.




Jesus heals the paralytic man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees condemn him for doing it on the Sabbath.  He told them he God is his Father and this made them sought to kill him.  The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. 


He spoke of Moses and the if they believe him they should also believe Jesus, because Moses wrote about Jesus.


Jesus feeds the 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves.  When he saw that they were going to take him by force he went to the mountains and the disciples went in a boat to Capernaum.  Jesus walked on the water to the boat. 


Then the multitude seek Jesus and came to Capernaum and Jesus said you come because I feed you seek the bread that you eat and never hunger again.  “I am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. 



The main thrust of this section can be summarized as high intensity hatred.  Since the smoldering dislike of Jesus erupted into a blazing inferno.  His brothers don’t believe him and all wonder if he is the Christ, but did not think he would come from Galilee.  Jesus upsets a lot of people when he tells them he is from the Father and that he is the Christ.  Israel is divided over Christ, the chief priests and Pharisees want to kill him.



The women that is caught in the act of adultery is brought to Jesus and he tells them whoever is without sin let him cast the first stone and they all left from the eldest to the youngest.  Jesus turned to the women and asked her where her accusers were and she answered they are gone.  He said he did not accuse her and to go and sin no more.


This chapter is where Jesus discloses himself to the Jews as the Son of Man and God is his Father.  He accuses the Jewish people of being liars and not following God.  They don’t believe him and are offended by his accusation, because they are sons of Abraham.  Jesus even goes as far as to tell them that he knows Abraham and they call him a liar because he is not even fifty years old.  He says “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”  Declaring Himself t be Yahweh, the Lord of the OT Basic to the expression are such passages where God declared Himself to be the eternally pre existent God who revealed Himself in the OT to the Jews.  They try to stone him and he passes through them in the midst. 



Christ heals the man that was blind from birth and the Pharisees don’t believe the man and ask his family.  They confirm he was blind from birth and told them to ask the man how he regained sight, fearing the Jewish people.  The man told them again about Jesus making clay and giving his sight back, but they didn’t want to believe.  In the commentary of the book it says Jesus might have made clay to fashion new eyes, just as God made us from the dust.



Jesus tells the Jewish people the he is the shepherd and his sheep hear his voice.  He has come to lay down his life for his sheep.


My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish.  Neither shall anyone snatch them our of My hand. 


Jesus goes to Mary and Martha because Lazarus their brother had died.  He lay in the tomb for four days by the time he got there.  He stood outside the tomb and told Lazarus to rise and he came out in his grave clothing.  When the chief priest and Pharisees heard of this they sought to kill him and Jesus no longer walked openly. 



Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was who had been dead and raised.  They prepared a feast and Mary anointed Jesus with perfume.  Judas was upset that it was not sold and put in the money box for the poor.  Not because he cared for the poor, but because he took money from the box.  The Jews came to see him to look to kill him and Lazarus, because many believe due to Lazarus being raised.


The next day a great multitude had come to the feast, they laid Palm trees and went ou t to meet Jesus and cried out Hosanna.


I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.

Jesus If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him, for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 



Jesus washes the disciples feet and predicts Judas’ betrayal.  Jesus tells them that where he goes they can not follow him now, but will follow him later.



In My father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you. 


Jesus said to him “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.



You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is dong, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.


If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.  If you were of the world , the world would love its own. 



It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I depart I will send Him to you.   And when He has come He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. 


Indeed the hour is coming, yes has now come, that you will be scattered each to his own, and will leave Me alone.  And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.  These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace .  In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. 



Jesus prays for the disciples and himself.  “O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with glory which I had with You before the world was. “  Christ prays for all believers. 

18 19


Judas brings the guards to take Jesus.  He tells him that he is Jesus and when he does the they drew back and fell to the ground.  This is significant, because he was protecting his disciples so that the guards would not take them too. 

Jesus is arrested Peter strikes the high priest’s servant aiming for his head, but cutting off his ear.  His name was Malchus.  Jesus heals his ear and tells Peter to put the sword away.    Jesus is brought to trial where he bound and beaten.  Peter denies Christ three times before the roster crows. 


First trial before Annas the once high priest, but removed by Pilate.  Annas sent him to Caiaphas, the current reigning high priest, because if he was to be sent to Pilate for execution it would have to come form the current high priest.


Second before Caiaphas  sent him to Pilate


Third before Pilate had two roman trials of Jesus and offered to release a prisoner as tradition on Passover.  They chose Barabbas as prompted by the high priests and Pharisees in the audience.


Pilate then had Jesus scourged in hopes this would be enough that they would not want him crucified, since he found no sin in him.  He brought him back out to release him and the chief priests and officers saw Him, they cried out, saying Crucify Him, crucify Him.   


As Jesus was on the cross there stood him mother Mary and his disciple John amongst others.  Jesus told John to take Mary as his mother and he took her into his house. 


Jesus seeing that all was done said “It is finished!” and bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. 


Joseph of Arimathea being a disciple of Jesus, asked permission to put Jesus’ body in his tomb. 



Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw the stone was rolled back, she ran to the disciples.  They all ran back to the tomb.  John arrived first and Peter went into the tomb to see the linen that was on his body on the ground and the handkerchief that was on his head was neatly folded.  For as yet they did not know the Scripture that He must rise again from the dead.  Then the disciples went away again to their own homes. 


But Mary stood outside the tomb weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tom.  And saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.  They said “Woman, why are you weeping?”  She said to them, “Because thy have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid Him.”  As she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was Jesus.  He asked why are you weeping?  She thought him to be a gardener and asked where he had put him.  He then said “Mary!”  She turned and said to Him, Rabboni!” (which is to say Teacher.)  Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father.”


Mary came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord. 


Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them “Peace be with you.”  When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side.  Jesus breathed on them and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit. “


Eight days later he shows himself to the disciples this time with Thomas.  Because Thomas would not believe unless he saw him.  Jesus said “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed.  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”


And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written down in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. 


21 22


Now seven disciples where fishing including Simon Peter.  Jesus appeared on the bank and after catching no fish he told them to lower the nets down again and they brought up so much fish the nets could not hold them all.  John said it is the Lord and when Peter heard this he jump into the water and swam to shore to him. 


Peter had denied Christ three times.


Jesus asks Peter. “Do you love Me more than these?”

 Peter said “Yes Lord,” 

then Feed My Lambs  He asked a second time “do you love Me?”

Peter said “Yes Lord you know that I love you.”

“Tend My sheep.”


A third time do you love me?

 Peter said “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”

Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep


The third time Jesus asked Peter, He used Peter’s word for love that signified something less then total devotion, questioning even that level of love Peter though he was safe in claiming.  The lessons driven home to Peter grieved his heart, so that he sought for a proper understanding of his hear, not by what he said or had done, but based on the Lord’s omniscience. 


Jesus told him to “Follow Me.”

This was a prophecy of Peter’s martyrdom.  Peter later was crucified by Nero.  He asked to be crucified upside down because he refused to be crucified like his Lord. 


Peter then asked what about John and Jesus told him “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?  You follow Me.”



Jesus ascends to Heaven and the disciples go to the upper room and pray with others. 

They needed a replacement for Judas and they purposed Barsabas who was surnamed Justus and Matthias.  They cast lots and prayed and Matthias was picked.



The Holy Spirit came upon them and they started speaking in tongue.  Each understanding the other’s native language.  Peter got up and spoke and said this is from God and full fills the prophecy.  Many wonders were done and thousands were saved.



Peter and John healed the lame man outside the temple.  When the people saw the lame man walking they were amazed.  Peter said why are you marveling at what we did?  This was done through Christ who you crucified.  He asked them to repent of their sins and stated that they crucified him out of ignorance. 



Peter and John are arrested when they questioned them they spoke in such boldness and they perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled and realized they had been with Jesus.  The people that they had just healed where also standing there one was 40 years old whom the miracle of healing had been performed. 


The multitude shared in all possessions.  Barnabas a Levite having land, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet. 



Ananias and Sapphira sold a track of land and held money back.  Then lied about the fact that they gave all the proceeds.  Peter told them they lied not to man but to God and both died.

 The apostles were imprisoned and an Angel came and freed them.  They stood in the square and were teaching when the high priest find out they were freed.  The condemned them from teaching and Peter said we must obey God and not men.


When they wanted to kill the apostles Gamaliel a wise teacher and told them to be careful of what they do to the apostles for if it is of man it will never sustain itself, but if it is of God you can not stop it.


Seven were chosen among the Heellenists to lead the church.  One of these was Stephen.  The disciples laid hands and prayed for them.  Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmaen disputing with Stephen they falsely accused him. 


Stephen address the group and tells them of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He tells them of Joseph being sold to the Egyptians and the famine that pursues.  Then the ruler after the Pharaoh with Joseph put the Israelites into bondage and Moses freed them.


He went on to tell them You tiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!  You always resist the Holy Spirit as your fathers did so do you.  And killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of w2hom you now have become the betrayers and murderers. 

Stephen being full of the Holy Spirit gazed in to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right had of God and said, ”Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right had of God!”  They cast him out of the city and stoned him.  And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. 

As he was being stoned he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.”  And when he had said this he fell asleep.



Saul persecutes the Christians as they carried Stephen to his burial.  He would enter every house and drag off men and women committing them to prison.  The gospel is preached to Simon who is practicing sorcery.  He ends up following the apostles and asking to buy the power of laying his hands on people and giving them the Holy Spirit.  The apostles tell him to repent for his heart is not in the right place.  Philip goes to a eunuch who is reading the prophet Isaiah, but does not understand.  Philip helps him understands then baptizes him.  



Saul was on the road to Damascus when a voice came from the heaven.  It was Jesus and he said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”  Saul asked who are you and he said he is Jesus whom you are persecuting.  So he trembled with fear and astonishment and the ones that traveled with him heard the voice, but saw no one.  “Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”  When he arisen he had no sight.  The Lord sent Ananias to Saul.  He was afraid to go see him since he had put so many away that called on the name Jesus.  Through Jesus, Ananias gave him his sight back and gave him instructions as to what he needed to do. 

Peter brings Dorcas back to life.  Many marvelous things are done and the church multiplies.


Cornelius was told by an Angel of God to send his people to get Peter.  Peter sees a vision and is told,” What God has cleansed you must not call common.”


The men from Cornelius’ came to get Peter and he meets Cornelius.  He says to him, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation.  But God has shown me that I should not call nay man common or unclean.“

Peter told them of Jesus.  They repented of their sins.


The Holy Spirit fell on the gentiles and they spoke in tongues.


They were baptized.




The apostles and brethren heard that the Gentiles and when Peter came they were upset he had went and ate and given the word to Cornelius a Gentile.  Peter explained his vision and that Cornelius had seen an angel and sent for Peter.  He reminded them of John’s word that they baptize with the Holy Spirit and if God gave them the gift as He gave Jesus who was Peter to withstand God?  When they heard these words they all glorified God.  And said, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.”



Herod kills James the brother of John wit the sword. When he saw it pleased the Jews he put Peter in prison.  An angel came to Peter who was chained to two guards and took the chains off and lead him out.  Peter thought it was a vision and when he realized it wasn’t knew he had been delivered from Herod.  He went to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname was Mark where the disciples were all in prayer for him.  When he came to the gate a girl named Rhoda answered and recognized him and instead of opening the gate ran back and told them all.  They told her she was out of her mind.  When they let him in they were astonished and he told them all of what happened.  When Herod finds no Peter the next day he commands the guards to be executed. 


Herod dies at a feast in his honor when an angel strikes him because he does not give glory to God.  He endured terrible pain for five days before he died and is eaten by worms. 



A false prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus seeked Paul and Barnabas and tried to disprove them to the council.  Paul stroke him with blindness and the council believed in the faith instead. 


Paul and Barnabas continued to preach the word the Jews and Gentiles.  The Gentiles received the word and the Jews wanted to persecute them.



At Lystra where Paul and Barnabas preached, they healed a cripple man and people started calling them gods.  They called Barnabas Zeus and Paul Hermes.  They got upset with the people that and reminded them that they are men just like them and that they need to turn to the living God.


The Jews from Antioch and Iconium stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing him to be dead.  However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city.  The disciples continued to preach the word through all the strife.


The disciples discussed whether the Gentiles had to keep the Jewish customs and require them to keep the law.  They decided observing rituals were not requirements for salvation.  They all agreed this was God’s direction and wrote a letter telling them to refrain from sexual immorality, idols and from blood and they would do well.


There was a disagreement by Paul over John Mark and Barnabas ended up taking him and Paul went with Silas.



Timothy joined Paul and Silas.  They also stay with Lydia, the seller of purple goods.  There is a woman with an unclean spirit that fortune tells for men and makes them a profit. She was following Paul and Silas around when Paul demanded the spirit to come out.  They were imprisoned when the men found out their way of making money was gone. 


They put them in the inner prison and in the night an earthquake came and shaken the prison.  All the chains were loosed and the doors open.  The guard when he saw this drew his sword to kill himself when Paul yelled do yourself no harm we are all still here.  And the guard came in and asked what he needed to do to be saved.  He and his household were saved and baptized.  When the magistrate finds out he beat and imprisoned a Roman citizen without a trial he is fearful of losing his position and asks them to leave.  Paul insists for him to openly come and tell them, that he will not go quietly.  He does and they leave. 



Paul, Silas and Timothy preach the word and some are believers, but the Jews that are not stir up the crowd and they leave Thessalonica to Berea and they follow them there and continue to stir up the crowd. 



Paul ministering at Corinth.  He gets upset with the Jews and tells them that he will preach to the Gentiles.  The Jews go to Gallio and what him to outlaw Christianity.  He would not so the Jews beat Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue who brought the unsuccessful case to Gallio.  He later converted to Christ


Paul preaches in Ephesus and performs miracles.    A craftsman named Demetrius who made his living making images of the goddess Diana stirred the people to wrath against Paul and the others for they saw their way of making a living going away.


Eutychus falls from the third story window while Paul is preaching and hits the ground and dies.  Paul brings him back to life. 


Paul tells the elders of Ephesus that they will see him no more. 



A prophet took Paul’s belt and bound his hands and feet and said so to will the owner of this belt be bound in Jerusalem and delivered to the Gentiles. 

The disciples plead with him not to go, but he tells them that he will even die for the Lord.  He goes to Jerusalem and the Jews get the crowd in an uproar and the soldiers put chains on him and take him away.  He convinces the guards to let him talk to the people as he is being led away. 




He spoke to the people and told them of his journey to Damascus and when he told them he was told to go to the Gentiles they tore their close and said away with him.  When the guards were getting ready to scourge him he asked if it was right to do this to a Roman that was not condemned and they feared. 


Paul asked to speak to the council and there was an uproar and the soldiers took him to the barracks.  No where was forty men that vowed not to eat or drink until Paul was dead.   They planned to lay in wait and have Paul brought back to council and they would ambush and kill him.  This was told to the chief priests.  So by night he had Paul sent to Felix the governor to judge him.  He said he would when his accusers also came. 


Felix procrastinated and did not do anything with Paul.  He was bound for two years and Porcius Festus succeeded Felix. 


Paul appeals to Caesar and Festus sends him.  Festus as he waits to send him to Caesar, King Agrippa wants to hear what he says.  There being no accusations deserving of death, Festus doesn’t know what to write concerning him. 


He speaks to King Agrippa and tells him of how he persecuted the Jews and of his conversion and vision on the road to Damascus.  Afterwards they decided that he has done nothing deserving death or chains and if he had not appealed to Caesar they could set him free.


Paul was put on a ship and the voyage to Rome begins.  Paul warned them as the weather got bad that there would be loss of life and ship.  They sailed anyway.  When it got so bad an angel came to Paul and told him if they ran the ship aground just the ship would be lost, but all on board would survive.  They finally listened and lost the ship, but all survived.  The ship wrecked on Malta. 


The natives there were kind to them and as Paul gathered wood for the fire a viper bit him and the natives expected him to die.  When he didn’t they thought he was a god.  Paul prayed and healed the sick there.


They later sailed to Rome.  Paul was allowed to stay with the guards and not the prison.   Paul preached to many some believed some did not.  He dwelt two years in his own rented house and received all who came to him.  He preached the kingdom of God and teaching the things, which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.   




Paul’s letter to Rome.  The just live by faith. 


God will render to each one according to his deeds.  Talks of the Gentiles that even though not Jew keep the law and seek glory, honor and good doing, as they too will be children of God’s.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be jus and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. 


Shown that justification is through faith not works and that it is by grace, not the keeping of the law Paul now concludes by showing that it results from divine power, not human effort.  The resurrection provided proof that God had accepted the sacrifice of His Son and would be able to be just and yet justify the ungodly. 


Christ died for the ungodly.  For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 


For if by the one man’s (Adam) offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. 


For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. 


We are dead to sin and alive to God.  We were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 


For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 


Talks about the body and how we sin.  “So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.”


Be of the spirit and not of the flesh.  For whoever is part of the flesh is not with Jesus.    We are joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together. 

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 


If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things,?


Christ is at the right hand of God making intercession for us. 


Israel’s rejection and God’s purpose and God’s justice. 


whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.



Jews rejection Gentiles included branch grafted in to a tree.  Even though some branches broken off the root still supports.  This is the same on Jews that chosen ones (Tree) and Gentiles (grafted branches).



Living sacrifices to God, let your body serve God with spiritual gifts we have many members of one body, but all the members do not have the same function, we are the body of Christ.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.   Behave like a Christian.  Do not repay evil for evil.  Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty; give him a drink, for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. 


Submit to government.  Whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God.  The only power they have, God has given them.  Pay taxes render therefore to all their due taxes to whom taxes are due. 



If we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord.  Why do we judge our brother?  For we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  As I live says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me every tongue shall confess to God. 



Bear others burden be like minded towards one another according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul plans to visit Rome. 


Paul lists people “Roman Saints”  that they are to greet.  The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. 


1 Corinthians



Letter to Corinth to correct their behavior.  Do not be divided.  God does not call to salvation many whom the world would call wise, mighty and noble.  God’s wisdom is revealed to the foolish, weak and common.


Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him.


Now he who plants and he who waters and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.  Each ones work will become clear for the day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.  If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.  If any one’s work is burned, he will surfer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. 


Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and revel the counsels of the hearts.


Immorality defiles the Church


We will judge angels.  This means we will govern.  We were washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus.  He who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.  Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 


Wife does not have authority over her own body the husband does.  Husband does not have authority over his body the wife does.  Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer.  If you cannot exercise self control let them marry.  For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 


If anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.  Therefore if food makes my brother stumble I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.


To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak.  I have became all things to all men that I might by all means save some.



Do not commit sexual immorality, tempt Christ, and complain, God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it. 



The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man and the head of Christ is God.  Paul makes clear directives that women are not to lead or speak in the services of the church. 

Whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 


Gifts are given to us through the spirit.  We are the body of Christ, each with his own gifts.  All working together.


Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself is not purred up, does not behave rudely does not seek its

own, is not provoked thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.  Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things endures all things. 

And now abide faith, hope, love these three, but the greatest of these is love. 



Talking in tongues is not gibberish that is not understand, but each talking in their own language and understood by all.  The Corinthians had been doing  with their counterfeit tongues to impress people.  This was not talking in tongues.



If Christ did not rise our faith is false and we are false witness of God.  Paul labored more than the other apostles.  His ministry was larger then any of the others, even though John out lived him.  Christ was seen by over five hundred people after he raised and all the apostles and then Paul.   


Three stages that will be raised and enter the eternal heavenly stat.  First those who have come to saving faith from Pentecost to the Rapture will be joined by lining saints at the Rapture to meet the Lord in the air an ascend to heaven.  Second those who come to faith during the tribulation with the OT saints as well, will be raise  up to reign with Him during the Millennium.  Third those who die during the millennial kingdom may well be instantly transformed at death into their eternal bodies.  The only people left to be raised will be the ungodly and that will occur at the end of the Millennium at the Great White Throne Judgment of God, which eternal Hell will follow. 


Giving should be on a regular basis, not just when you feel generous.


2 Corinthians


In this letter Paul defends his character and attacks the false prophets.



Paul planning his trip to them.  The person and work of Christ were under attack from the false teachers at Corinth. 


Forgive the offender.

The devil wants to produce sin and animosity that will destroy church unity. 


It talks of the veil Moses put on his face after the glory of God was shown on his face.  When a person comes to Christ, the veil is lifted and his spiritual perception is no longer impaired.  With the veil removed, believers are able to see the glory of God revealed in Christ.  They understand that the law was never given to save them, but to lead them to the One who would. 


The light of Christ Jesus’ gospel.

The outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.  We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. 

For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 


So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away behold all things have become new. 


Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  God says “ I  will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their God and they shall be My people.”  “I will be a Father to you and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”


Corinthians’ repentance.


Christ is our pattern


God loves a cheerful giver. 


Paul’s spiritual war and proof of authority in defense of false prophets at Corinth. 


Paul has a concern for their faithfulness and the false apostles that influence them.  He reluctantly boasts about his perils and beatings.  His times in prison  and in hunger and thirst, his fasting and cold and nakedness. 


Paul talks about being taken up to the third heaven.  He does not know if it was in body or a vision.  The first heaven is the atmosphere and second the plants the third is God’s abode.  He calls this paradise and he can not tell about it because it is unlawful. 

He mentions the thorn in his flesh and how he asked the Lord to take it from him.  It was not, God said My grace is sufficient for you. 


Paul is coming and he prefers to come with gentleness.




Only one Gospel.  Paul give a brief history of how he became an apostle. 


Paul rejected Peter’s attempt to get the gentiles to adhere to the Jewish law.  We are saved by grace through faith and not by our works.  Peter later repented of his sin.   For if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.



The law does not save. Your fait through grace saves


You are no longer a slave but a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ.


If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.


For what a man sows that he will also reap.  Let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap




Letter to Ephesus from Paul a church that Aquila and Priscilla preached at later Timothy and Paul.  In this it talks about losing their first love Jesus, He (God) raised him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places. And He put all things under His feet.


And you He made alive who were dead in trespasses an sins He loves us made us alive with Christ and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in ages to come he might show the exceedingly riches of His grace.


Gentiles should be fellow heirs knowledge of Christ’s love is far beyond the capability of human reason and experience.  It is only known by those who are God’s children. 


We are part of the body of Christ we have been spiritually gifted by the Holy Spirit and are edified through other believers.  WE should not live like the rest of the ungodly.


Have nothing to do with the evilness of Satan.  Give thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .  Wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord.  Husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.  For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become on flesh. 


Honor your father and mother. Which is the first commandment with promise put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against eh wiles of the devil.

Gird you waist with truth

Breastplate of Righteousness

Shod your fee with preparation f the gospel of peace

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword of the spirit which is the word of God


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit. 







Paul is the author. Philippi had a very small Jewish population. Because there were not enough men to form a synagogue (needed 10) they probably met in Lydia’s spacious house.  She was a wealthy merchant dealing in purple goods.  There was a satanic slave girl that was a fortune teller and Paul cast the demon out of her so she could not bear false witness.  Her masters were upset because they could not sell her services and Paul and Silas were beaten and cast in prison.  An earthquake freed them and the jailer turned his life over to Christ Jesus. 


All that has happened to Paul was for the further the gospel of Christ. 

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  For I am hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and be with Christ.  Never the less to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

Not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. 


He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.  His name is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those one earth, and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father. 


For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.


Mediate on things that are noble, just, pure, lovely, etc..


Letter from Paul to the church in the city of Colosse.  It was written while Paul was in prison in Rome.  The church denied Christ deity as the son of God.


Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sin. 


Paul warns them not to worship angels as the false teachers were practicing.  Christ has forgiven you all trespasses, having nailed it to the cross.


set you mind on things above, not on things on the earth.  You are to put off all these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mount.  Above all things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

He who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality. 


Let your speech always be with grace. 


1 Thessalonians


Paul wrote this in response to Timothy’s good report of the church.  The Jews pushed Paul out because of his effective preaching.


Paul’s greeting and praise.


Paul was longing to see them, but Satan hindered them from coming.


Paul’s concern for their faith


But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.  For it we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

The dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 


Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


2 Thessalonians

Paul is the author

Paul wrote to address: Comfort for the persecuted believers

Correction for the falsely taught and frightened believers

Confrontation for the disobedient and undisciplined believers



Greeting God’s final judgment and glory


The revealing of the Antichrist preceded the Day of the Lord so Paul told the Thessalonians they were not in the day of the Lord.  There was some thought that Jesus would come back during their life time.


Warning against idleness.  If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.


Paul wrote 1 Timothy after his release from prison and 2 Timothy while in prison and shortly before his death.  This is a practical letter containing pastoral instruction from Paul to Timothy.


This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 


For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all.


Gives the qualifications of deacons, reverent, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. 


For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving. 


Honor the widows


If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

Honor the elders


For the love of money is a root of all evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

But you O man of God flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.


2 Timothy

Paul is the author from his second imprisonment in which he is ultimately beheaded.  .    It seems that Paul may have had reason to fear that Timothy was in danger of weakening spiritually.  This would have been a grave concern for Paul since Timothy needed to carry on Paul’s work. 


Reminding him of who Jesus is.  Be loyal to the faith.  Paul names some people that were ashamed of his chains and one that ministered to him. 


Paul tells him to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 

For if we died with Him we shall also live with Him if we endure we hall also reign with Him if we deny Him, He also will deny us.  If we are faithless He remains faithful He cannot deny Himself. 




Written by Paul, Titus was a person that ministered with Paul on the Island of Crete.  Lied Paul’s two letters to Timothy, the apostle gives personal encouragement and counsel to a young pastor who, through well trained and faithful, faced continuing opposition from ungodly men. 





The mouths of the insubordinate talkers and deceivers must be stopped. 


Paul lists the qualities of a good church. Older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience. 

Women likewise, that they be reverent, in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. 


Subject yourselves to rulers and authorities. 



Paul is the writer. 

Philemon had been saved under Paul’s ministry probably at Ephesus several years earlier.  He was wealthy and had at least one slave named Onesimus.  He was helping Paul as he was in prison. 


Pauls letter to Philemon.  He is sending back Onesimus a slave of Philemon’s that ran away from him, but has now accepted the Lord and is helping Paul as he suffers in prison.  He is asking Philemon that he will allow Onesimus to come back to Paul and anything that he owes Philemon to put it on Paul’s account.  He states after all not to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides, this because Paul helped get him saved.



Author is unknown.  Believers now have direct access to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Under the New Covenant we dwell in a completely new and heavenly atmosphere, worship a heavenly Savior, have a heavenly calling, receive a heavenly gift are citizens of a heavenly country, look forward to a heavenly Jerusalem, and have our very name written in heaven. 


Christ’s Lord ship over all, he purged us of our sin and is exalted above all.


Do not neglect salvation.  This the greatest gift we have.  That Jesus was made man to die for our sins.  Through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 



If you hear his voice do not harden your hearts.  Now with whom was He angry forty years?  Was it not with those who sinned, did not obey?  He swear that they would not enter His rest. 


Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.  For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His on the seventh day. 


Knowledge without obedience does not advance a person.  Talks of the priest and the knowledge they needed.  The Hebrews were around the word long enough to understand it, but were spiritually immature. 


God’s infallible purpose is Christ.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul.


Talks of Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek, king f Salem, priest of the Most High God.  Also of Jesus the perfect sacrifice.


The New Covenant


The old tabernacle that had the different curtains that started with the lamp stand, the table and the show bread, second part the Holiest of All , which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant.  Now Jesus replaces this with his blood.  Jesus died once for our sins, but after this the judgment. 


For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. 

Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them. 

We enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus.

For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation with will devour the adversaries.  Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace.  For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay. 


This list in faith what Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sara, Moses, Noah…etc.  all did in faith and with the knowledge of the prize in heaven and not of this earth.


My son do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives.  Further more we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect.  Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?


Let Brotherly love continue.  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.  Do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.  Obey those who rule over you , and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. 




It is thought to be James the half brother of Christ that authored this book.  James the brother of John was martyred too early to have written this.  James at first did not believe Jesus to be the son of God and later after believing was the leader in the Jerusalem church and was martyred. 



Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 

Ask for wisdom from God who gives liberally.  Ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life.


Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.  



Faith without works is dead. 

My brethren let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 


The tongue is a little member and boasts great things.  No man can tame the tongue it is and unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.  Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. 


Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  Mourn over your sins.  You ought to say, “ If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”  Because you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  Live is a vapor that appears fro a little time and then vanishes away. 


Be patient and persevering.



Written by Peter

Peter’s brother brought him to Christ(John 1:40-42)  Peter had to watch as his wife was crucified and later when he was crucified he said he was not worthy to be crucified like his Lord and was crucified upside down. 

Nero had burned Rome to satisfy his lust to build more.  This devastated the Roman people and to redirect their anger he blamed the Christians. 

Since the believers addressed were suffering escalating persecution the purpose of this letter was to teach them how to live victoriously in the midst of that hostility.  Without losing hosp, without becoming bitter, while trusting in their Lord and while looking for His second coming. 




Living before God our Father who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay her in fear, knowing that you were redeemed by Jesus. 


Be submissive to the government.  For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully, For what credit is it if when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently?, But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently this is commendable before God.  This is what Jesus did for us.


Submission to Husbands and Husbands give honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that you prayers may not be hindered. 


Do not run with the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.  They will give an account o Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 

Love will cover a multitude of sins. 

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the mainf9ld grace of God.


God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Be sober be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. 


2 Peter


Peter was concerned with the false prophets, thus in an almost last will and testament wrote to warn the beloved believers in Christ about the doctrinal dangers they were facing.  It is believed that Peter wrote this letter from the prison in Rome, where he was facing imminent death. 



Have fruitful growth in the faith.  Yes, I think it is right as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, jus as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me.  This is talking of his crucifixion that Jesus predicted. 



Talks of false prophets and what God will do to them.  If God banished the angels that turned against him to hell then he will also judge the false prophets.  These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. 


People will ask in the final days, where is his coming.  Do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 




Written by John the disciple and apostle.  He was greatly advanced in age but still ministering to churches.   He was the sole remaining apostolic survivor who had intimate, eyewitness association with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, death, resurrection and ascension.  The letter was because of dissention in the church.  



What was heard, seen and touched is true.  Jesus cleanses us of our sins.


Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world , the love of the Father is not in him. 


Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.  Love one another as he gave us the commandment.


He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 


We love him because he first loved us. 


If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  In His Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life. 


2 John


John writes this 2nd of 3 epistle.  In it the theme of a recall to the fundamentals of the faith, Truth, love and obedience. 



Look to yourselves that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.


3 John


John writes this to thee beloved Gaius a very personal letter as the other ones where to a church and a lady and a family ( that could also have meant a church)


Talks about a guy Diotrephes who does not receive them and that John will remember his deeds and he will come soon.



One of the four half brothers of Christ named Judah wrote this.

Jude was written when Christianity was under severe political attack from Rome.


The Lord saved people out of Egypt and destroyed those who did not believe and the angel that did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He as reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.


He goes on to tell them to be strong Praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God.





Written by John as the last surviving apostle and an old man, in exile on the small, barren island of Patmos. 





Rapture the bodily return of Jesus Christ.


Then the seven-year tribulation period: the righteous judgments of God will be poured out upon an unbelieving world.


Then the 1000-year reign of Christ, the resurrected saints will reign with him.


Satan will be released after the 1000-year reign to deceive again.


Satan and his army will be devoured by fire from the heaven.  Following this Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire whereupon Christ, who is the judge of all men will resurrect and judge the great and small at the Great White Throne judgment.


The saved will enter the eternal state of glory with God, after which the elements of this earth are to be dissolved and replaced with a new earth wherein only righteousness dwells  A new heavenly city will come down out of heaven and will be the dwelling place of the saints, where they will enjoy forever fellowship with God and on another.


1000 year reign of Christ

John oldest apostle



Behold He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. 


Jesus comes to John and says I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. Amen.  An I have the keys of Hades and of Death.  The mystery of the seven stares which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands;  The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands which you saw are the seven churches. 






Seven Stars-angels of the seven churches

Seven lampstands-are the seven churches


Ephesus(loveless church)-Left your first love

Smyrna(Persecuted church)

Pergamos(Compromising church)-ate things sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality

Thyatira(Corrupt church)-Jezebel seduce to commit sexual immorality & eat things sacrificed to idols, she will be put in a sickbed and her children killed, she will live in hell for ever.



Sardis(Dead church)

Philadelphia(Faithful church)

Laodicea(Lukewarm church)



Saw a throne and 24 other thrones that had the elders with crowns of gold.  Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God.

Saw four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. First like a lion, second like a calf, third like man and fourth lie an eagle. They did not rest they said Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come.  When ever the creatures worship him the 24 elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him and say You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power for You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created. 



In the hand of the one that sits on the throne was a scroll and no one in heaven on earth or under the earth could open it except Jesus.

The four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense and they sang,

Your are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals; for You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. 


There were many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the numb of them was ten thousand times ten thousand




First Seal: (White horse) Conqueror

Second: (Red horse) Conflict on earth peace is gone

Third: (Black horse) Famine

Forth (Pale horse) Death by famine, sword and beasts of the earth ¼ of earth dies

Fifth the cries of souls wanting God to judge and avenge their blood

Sixth: Earthquake Sun turn to black; stars fall from the heaven all will hide in caves from God


Chap 7

Four angels on four corners of the earth that hold back the wind.  Do not harm the earth until we have .sealed the servants of our God  140,000of the tribes of Israel were sealed.  Around the Throne stood people in white robes and when one of the elders asked who are these arrayed in white robes?  It was said These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 


Chap 8

7 angels with 7 trumpets

1-Hail and fire burns 1/3 of the trees and grass

2-Mountain fells into the sea and1/3 of the sea became blood & 1/3 of the living creatures in the sea died

3-great star fell on 1/3 of rivers Star name is Wormwood many died because water became bitter

4-1/3 of the sun was struck 1/3 of the moon 1/3 of the stars.  1/3 of the day did not shine and likewise the night.




5-Locusts from the bottomless pit harm only those that do not have the seal of God on their foreheads Not to kill them but torment them for 5 months, like a scorpion strike they will seek death and will not find it.


6-Angels from Euphrates to kill 1/3 of mankind with plagues




Seven thunders uttered their voices.  Paul was told to seal up what the seven thunders said and do not write them. 

The mighty angel with the little book appears before the 7th trumpet. John takes the book and eats it.  It is sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach.  Meaning the sweet anticipation of God’s glory and yet the bitterness of seeing God’s wrath poured out on those who rejected his son.


Chap 11

The two Witnesses preach 3 ½ years. They will turn water to blood, strike the earth w/plagues and cause no rain to fall. This is the second part of the tribulation. When they are done the beast will make war against them and kill them. People will see their bodies 3 ½ days in the streets. After 3 ½ days they will come alive and God will call them up to heaven with a loud voice saying “Come up here.” An earthquake happens at the same time and a 10th of the city will fall


7-The Kingdome is proclaimed. Loud voices in heaven saying “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever!”  There was lightning, noises, thundering and earthquake and great hail


Chap 12

The women the child and the dragon.  Symbolic women giving birth and the dragon (Satan) waiting to devour the child at birth.  Women is Israel and the child is Jesus.  The dragon will pursue the women and child when he is cast to earth.  This means Satan will pursue Israel.  God will hide Israel in the wilderness and protect it.  The dragon will then turn its efforts of the rest of the believers in God.


Chap 13

Beast from the sea with seven heads and ten horns w/ten crowns. One of the heads was dead, but healed.  (This could represent the Antichrist and a fake resurrection). People worshiped the dragon who gave the beast power. The beast spoke against God.  The heads could represent successive world empires.  The final one is made up on all the kingdoms represented by the horns.  Ten is a number that symbolizes the totality of human military and political power assisting the Antichrist.

Beast from the Earth that causes all to worship the first beast. He performs great signs, even makes fire come down from the heavens. He will cause those to worship the beast that was wounded with the sword and lived.  Those that don’t worship the beast will be killed. He causes all to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead.  No one can buy or sell without it.  The number is 666.


Chap 14

Saw the 144,000 on Mount Zion and the lamb standing with them. One angel preaching the gospel to get the people on earth to turn from the beast.  Second angel saying Babylon has fallen, referring to the lack response to the first angel.  Third angel any one with the mark of the beast will suffer the wrath of God.  Through fire and brimstone they shall not rest day or night.  Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.  The ungodly people of the world are ready to be gathered up and judged.  Here they talk of the angel using a sickle to gather the vine of the earth and through the grapes into the wine press, which is the people suffering the wrath of God and the blood being up to the horses bridles.  4ft deep in some places.



15 & 16

At the end of the 7 year tribulation period the 7 bowls of wrath.  These are plagues, the worse of Gods wrath.

1-Lathsome sores on whoever had the mark of the beast

2-Sea turns to blood. Everything in the sea died

3-Water turns to blood

4-Men are scorched by the sun. With no water the sun will become a deadly killer. The men blasphemed the name of God and did not repent.

5-Darkness and pain. They gnawed their tongues because of the pain

6-Euphrates dried up. Since the sun will melt the ice caps and there could be flooding, God will dry it up so the eastern army to get to Armageddon.

7-Earth Shaken. A loud voice saying “It is done!” Cities fell, islands fled away, mountains were not found. Great hail fell.



The scarlet woman (fornicator) and the scarlet beast w/7 heads and 10 horns  on her forehead was written: “Mystery, Babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the admonitions of the earth.” Fornication refers to idolatry, she sits on water refers to ruling over nations.  Having clothed in purple and scarlet refers to nobility.

7 heads are 7 mountains some say this is Rome, 7 kings 5 have fallen

After using the false religious system to unify the world kingdoms and gain control of all the Antichrist with the help of his 10 sub rulers will turn against the system, plunder and destroy it and seize all power and worship for himself.



The fall of Babylon, it becomes a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.  God calls her his people to leave it before his wrath is poured out on it.  And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: gold and silver, precious tones and pearls etc…”Alas that great city in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth for in one hour she is mad desolate” A mighty angel took a up a great stone and threw it in to the sea



Heaven exults over the fall of Babylon.  Jesus comes on a white horse with the armies of God.  His name is written King of King Lord of Lords.  The (antichrist) beast and the false prophet were cast into the lake of fire.  And the rest were killed with the sword.



Satan bound 1000 years. An angel from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain, casts the Devil into the pit for a 1000 years. The souls that were beheaded during the tribulation for their faith in Jesus lived again for the 1000 years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were finished.


 After 1000 years Satan is released to deceive again those that were born to believers who entered the kingdom from the beginning.  He is released to expose these sinners.  Fire comes down from heaven to devour Satan. He will be cast into the lake of fire with the Antichrist and false prophet and be tormented day and night forever and ever.


The Great White Throne Judgement.  The dead, small and great standing before God, and books were opened.  The Book of Life was opened and the dead was judged by their works.  Every thought, action and words.  The sea gave up the dead and Death and Hades delivered up the dead.  They were judged, each according to their works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death and anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.



New heaven and earth. No sea, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven.  God will dwell with us and wipe away every tear.  There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  No more pain.  The new Jerusalem comes down from heaven with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates and names written on them, which are the 12 tribes of Israel.  The city had 12 fountains on them were the 12 names of the apostles.  The wall was all gold the foundations had all kinds of precious stones.  Streets of the city were pure gold.  It has no sun or moon for God is the light.  The gates are not shut; there is no night there.



The river of life on each side are the tree of life that bears 12 fruits and yields it every month..  We will see God’s face and serve him.  His name will be written on our foreheads.  No night will be there.






















































For by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works, lest anyone should boast.  Ephesians 2:8


For as one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man’s obedience many will be mad righteous.  Romans 5:19


So if you walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.  Kings 3:14



On The Cross

1.      Father forgive them they know not what they are doing

2.      Today you will be in paradise with me.  (To the thief)

3.      Be hold your mother (take care of Mary)

4.      I thirst

5.      Why have you forsaken me

6.      It is finished

7.      Give up my spirit

When he Died

1.      Darkness for 3 hours

2.      Vail was torn

3.      Earth Quake

4.      Tombs were opened and dead people walked the streets

5.      Centurion this is truly the son of God



12 Disciples/Apostles

1.      Simon Called Peter (Crucified)

2.      Andrew (Peter’s Brother)

3.      James The brother of John first to be martyred, killed by Herod with a sword.

4.      John (James’ brother) Tortured exiled to Patmos,(Jesus called Boanerges Mark 3:11 Meaning Sons of Thunder)

5.      Philip

6.      Bartholomew

7.      Thomas

8.      Matthew (tax collector) also named Levi

9.      James (son of Alphaeus) Beheaded

10.  Lebbaeus surname Thaddeus

11.  Simon the Canaanite

12.  Judas Iscariot (replaced by Mathis)


Jesus spoke more about money then heaven and hell combined.  15% of what he said concerned money.




Samuel was the last Judge.


Prophet was early term for seer.


Communication was



Separation of Israel and Judea

Rehobaum was at Israel the upper part with 20 tribes he was after Solomon and made taxes even worse then his father and Jeraboaum was at Judea with 2 tribes.


Armour of the Lord

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword:  Word of God

Belt: Truth

Breastplate: Righteousness

Shoes: Preparation of the Gospel of peace


Seven Deadly Sins Proverbs 6:16

Proud look

Lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood

A heart that devises wicked plans

Feet that are swift in running to evil

A false witness

Sows discord among the brethren




Day 1 He divided the day and the night and said “let there be light”

Day 2 He made a firmament in the midst of the waters to divide the waters and the waters

The firmament possibly is a canopy of water vapor which filtered out ultraviolet rays and caused the earth to be like a hothouse and extended life

Day 3 He created land and had the earth bring forth grass, herb that yields seed and fruit etc..

Day 4 He brought the seasons and made two lights one for day and one for night and made the stars

Day 5 He made the fish and all creatures in the sea and the birds above

Day 6   He created cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth. Then God created man in his image, according to Our Likeness



Day 7 He rested


It had not rained on the earth, but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole earth.

God breathed life into man and he became a living being.

God planted a garden and let man tend it.  He instructed him not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or you shall die.

He said that it is not good for man to be alone.  Adam named all the creatures.  God caused a sleep to fall over Adam and took one of his ribs.  He created women for Adam.



The serpent tempted and Adam and Eve ate.



Cain and Able were born.  Able was a keeper of the sheep, and Cain was a tiller of the ground. God respected Able’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain murdered Able.  Cain had a son Enoch.  Adam and Eve had Seth.



Adams family and Noah is born from Lamech.  Also mentions Noah’s sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.



The wickedness and Judgment of man. The sons of God saw the daughters of men.  There were giants on the earth.  When the sons of God cam into the daughters of men they bore children to them.  Those were the mighty men.   The ark was prepared out of gopher wood.



The rains came for 40 days and 40 nights.  Noah had taken seven each of the clean animals and two each of the unclean.  The flood waters were on the earth for 150 days.



The Ark rested on mountains of Ararat.  The Lord said in His heart that he will never again destroy every living thing he had done.




God gives us the rainbow to remind us of his covenant that never a gain will all flesh be cut off by waters of the flood and never again will there be flood to destroy the earth.



Noah’s descendents



The tower of Bable.  The whole earth had one language and the Lord confused their language and scattered them throughout the earth.



The Lord told Abram to leave the country (he is 75 years old) and he showed him land that would be his and his decedents.  There was a famine and he and Sarai went to Egypt.  He told the Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister since she was so beautiful and he thought they would kill him for her if they knew she was actually his wife.  Pharaoh took Sarai and gives Abram great riches for his “sister.” Later Pharaoh was cursed by God and found out Abram’s lie. He sent them away. 


They left Egypt and were very rich.  He and Lot had so much that they had to separate and Lot set his tent close to Sodom. 


The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah were battling other kings and Lot was captured (this is Abrams’s brother’s son) and Abram went and took him back along with all his goods. 


God told Abram that he would have a child and God walked between the carcasses to show his covenant with him.  There appeared a smoking oven and a burning torch that passed between the carcasses.


Abram after 10 childless years was told by Sarai to go into their maidservant Hagar and she became pregnant.  Sarai despised her when she found out she was pregnant.



God’s covenant with Abram and his change of name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah and they will bear a child named Isaac.  Which means he laughs, which was Abraham’s first reaction when God told him he would have a son at 99 years old.



Three men of the Lord came to Abraham and he fed them and they told him that Sarah would bear a child. The Lord went to destroy Sodom and Abraham said if there are just ten righteous.



Two angels came to Sodom and Lot brought them into his house.  The wicked men of Sodom came and wanted to have homosexual relations with them. The angels struck the mob with blindness.  The Lord was going to destroy Sodom and told Lot to get his family out of there.  He told his son in laws to get up and get out because the Lord was to destroy this place, but that thought he was joking.  The angels told him to get his wife and two daughters and escape they even took his hand and led him out.  They told them not to look back and head for the mountains.  Lot asked if instead they could go to the city of Zoar and the Lord allowed it. 


The Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt.


Lot then went to the mountains, because he was afraid to go into Zoar and the dwelt in a cave.  Both daughters said there was no man to lay with and they made their father drunk and slept with him on two different nights and gave birth to a child.   The two sons became the longstanding enemies of Israel Moab and Ammon



Abraham again lies and tells a king that Sarah is his sister.  This time to king Abimelech.  God comes to Abimelech and lets him know that Sarah is his wife and not to touch her.  He sends Abraham on his way with livestock and precious metals.



Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born.  Sarah told Abraham to cast out the son of their bond servant, because he was not to heir. After she was cast out, God came to Hagar and told her Abimelech would rule a great nation.



The sacrifice of Isaac, but God gave him a Ram in place and blessed Abraham for his faith.



Sarah’s death and burial in the cave that Abraham purchased.




Abraham sent his chief servant to Mesopotamia to get a bride for Isaac.  The servant went to the well were they draw water and asked the Lord to show him which girl, by her offering to give drink to him and the camels.  No more did the servant pray this and Rebekah came and did exactly that.  The servant gave Rebekah gold nose ring and bracelets and asked if there was place for him and his camels.  They brought him to her fathers house.  He asked that Rebekah go back and be Isaac’s wife and they said ok, but kept putting him off as when to leave, but she said she would go and left with her sister and nurse.  She and Isaac are married. 


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Abraham takes another wife, after Sarah’s death. They have children.  He also gives gifts to the sons he had with the concubines and sends them away so that Isaac is heir without competition.    Abraham dies and is buried with Sarah.  His two son’s Ishmael and Isaac bury him.  Ishmael was from the servant Hagar. 

Now Rebekah gave birth to twins.  Esau the hunter and Jacob a mild man.  Now Isaac loved Esau and Rebekah loved Jacob.  Esau had come out of the womb first and was considered the first-born.   Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for some stew.    Isaac later lies and tells the king that Rebekah is his sister, just like his dad did with Sarah. 



Rebekah has Jacob dress as Esau after over hearing that Isaac (who is blind now due to age) is going to bless Esau.  Isaac asked Esau to get food and when he comes back he will bless him.  Jacob dresses up like him and Rebekah cooks a goat.  Isaac blesses Jacob.  Esau and Isaac find out the deceit after it is too late.  Esau says after mourning his father he will kill Jacob. 



Jacob leaves and Esau and him take a wife.  Jacob on his journey rest and has a dream of a ladder reaching heaven and angels are ascending and descending.   He sees the Lord and is told that he will never leave him and he will come back to this land.  Jacob vows to give a tenth of all the Lord gives him back.



Jacob loves Rachel and says he will serve seven years for her.  Then Laban gave Leah his older daughter to Jacob after the seven years. He told him that he cold not give the younger Rachel before he gave the older Leah.  If he wanted Rachel he would have to serve another seven years.  He got Rachel and still stayed another seven years.  Leah bore four sons and Rachel was barren. 



Rachel gives Jacob her maid to bear children and he bears many.  Leah once she stops having children does the same they compete. 

Jacob wanted to leave and the girl’s father who wanted to pay him, give me the spotted sheep and he would raise them.  When they get ready to leave he will take just the spotted ones.  His flocks became large and strong and he prospered. 



Jacob leaves Rachel and Leah’s father, Leban.  He saw that he was no longer happy with him.  Rachel stole the family idols and Leban pursued them.  When he caught them he could not find the idols, because Rachel was sitting on them and Jacob did not know.   The two made a covenant and Jacob returned to his father, Isaac’s land. 



Jacob going back home has to face Esau.  Jacob was distressed, because he remembered Esau wanted to kill him for fooling their father Abraham into giving him Esau’s blessing.  So he sent many livestock as gifts that preceded his arrival.  That night Jacob wrestled with an angel till the morning, in which time the angel touched Jacob’s hip and put it out of socket.  Jacob would not let him go until he blessed him.  The angel changed Jacob’s name to Israel and blessed him.  This Angel of the Lord is believed to be Jesus. 



Jacob meets Esau and the embrace. 



A prince raped Jacob’s daughter. He and his father came to Jacob to ask for the daughter’s hand in marriage.  Jacob held his peace and told them they all needed circumcised before they would ever consider such an arrangement.  When all the men got circumcised and were in pain, Jacob’s son killed them all and took their wives and goods.



Jacob flees knowing people will retaliate for his sons actions.  Rachel dies during childbirth. One of Jacob/Israel’s sons, Reuben lay with one of his concubine. 

Isaac, Israel’s dad dies. 



Family of Esau


Jacob gave his favored son Joseph a tunic of many colors.  This upset his brothers.  He told his brothers of his dream that they would serve him and kneel before him.  His brothers cast him into a pit and sold him to the Egyptians.  They told Jacob that a beast had eaten him.



Judah had sons and a couple of the sons displeased the Lord so he killed them.  Tamar the widow of one of the sons disguised herself as a prostitute and got Judah to sleep with her and father a son so she could have an heir. 



Even though Joseph was a slave he prospered and soon his master made him head of all.  His Masters wife tried to get him to sleep with her and when he refused, she accused him of trying to rape her and he was sent to prison.  There Joseph was head of the prisoners. 



The butler and the baker of pharaoh were sent to prison.  They had dreams and asked Joseph to interrupt them.  He told the butler he would be restored and to remember him to pharaoh.  He told the baker he would be hanged.  The butler did not remember him to pharaoh at that time. 



A new pharaoh was king and he had a dream.  Joseph interrupts it to be of a famine.  After seven years of great harvest there was to be seven years of famine.  So he told them to store up grain.  Pharaoh made him head of all and to store the grain as he saw fit.  After the seven years came the great famine. 


Joseph’s brothers come to buy grain and bow down to him, just like he saw in his dream, because they did not recognize him.  He acted as if he did not know them and called them spies and imprisoned all, but one and told him to get the youngest brother who was left at home. 



He let them all go back, but said do not come back unless you bring the youngest brother with you next time.  The youngest brother was Joseph’s full brother.  After all the food was eaten they had to go back for more food.  Jacob/Israel did not want the youngest to go, but finally agreed to send him.  Joseph had his servants prepare food for the brothers.  They thought they were going to be persecuted, because the first time they came all their money was placed back in their bags along with the food.  They all ate in amazement of the hospitality. 


Joseph had his servants fill their donkeys with all the food they could carry and restore all their money.  He had them put his cup in Benjamin’s donkey so his servants followed him and accused him of stealing it so they brought Benjamin back.  This was Jacob’s only real brother from Rachel.  Judah returns with him and pleads for Benjamin, because if they don’t bring him back Jacob will surely die after losing both his sons by Rachel. 



Joseph reveals himself to his brothers.  They did not know what to say and they all wept.  Pharaoh heard that Joseph brothers had come so he sent carts, donkeys, food etc.. to go get them and gave them the choice land to live on.  Israel could not believe Joseph was alive.



Jacob and all his family all went to Egypt to live and make a great nation.  This is how the Hebrew nation came to Egypt and later the start of their slavery, in which Moses will free them.



The famine was so severe that the people spent all their money, all their livestock and gave all their land to Pharaoh.  Joseph gave the people seed to plant and they were to give pharaoh 1/5 of all harvest.  Israel lived seventeen years in Egypt before he died and mad Joseph take him back with Abraham and Isaac to be buried. 



When Jacob dies he blesses Joseph’s sons and tells the younger will be greater then the older.



Jacob’s last word to his sons.  He remembers Reuben’s sin of sleeping with Jacobs’s maidservant and he gets nothing.  From Judah’s heritage come David, Solomon and Jesus.  He tells of the 12 tribes from each of his sons.



Joseph buries Jacob.  Joseph lived to be 110 and died. 



Abraham wife Sara beautiful told king was his sister----Isaac and Ishmael

Isaac-----Esau (hunter) Jacob later know as Israel

Esau sold his birth right to his brother Jacob for food.  When it came time to bless the older child Isaac was tricked by his wife and Jacob and gave his blessing to Jacob. Once Esau found out, Jacob fled as to not be killed by his brother. He then spent 20 years to get his wife Rachel.  He was tricked into also taking her older sister.  Rachel could not conceive but the older sister did. This caused jealousy.



Joseph had a dream that he would rule over his brothers.  So they sold him and told Jacob that a beast had killed him.  Joseph goes on to become chief officer under Pharaoh, until Pharaoh’s wife said Joseph tried to lay with her.  A lie she made up because he had refused her.  He was put in prison and soon became in charge of all the prisoners.  Joseph later interrupts two of the prisoners dreams.  Pharaoh finds out and has him come interrupt his dream.  It is of a seven year famine and Joseph has them store grain.  Once the famine hits they trade grain for property and become very much in power.  Joseph is now in charge of all grain and again the right hand man of Pharaoh.  Joseph’s brothers come for food and bow down before him.  Just like in the dream he had.  He is later reunited with his father and gives them the best land in Egypt to live.  His father now is




Joseph and his brothers have all died and a new pharaoh who did not know Joseph was ruling.  He feared the amount of people the Hebrews was turning into and placed them into slaves.  The people continued to grow.  Pharaoh commanded his people to cast all the newborn males into the river and keep the females.  The maidservants did not do this.




Moses is born and put in bulrushes in the river and the daughter of pharaoh takes him and asks his own mother to nurse him.  Moses kills an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew.  Pharaoh finds out and wants Moses killed so he flees.  Moses came up on a family that he helped with a flock and ends up taking a wife of this family


God comes to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to deliver the Hebrews from Egypt.


Moses questions God on how the people will know God sent him.  He cast his rod and it becomes a snake, his hand leprosy and water to blood.  Then Moses asks God to send someone else.  God will provide the help and the words he needs. 


First encounter with Pharaoh Moses asked for his people to go and sacrifice to God and he would not.  He made their workload even harder, because they had to gather their own straw for the bricks and did not reduce the quota.  The people were beat for not making their quota and complained to Moses for causing it.  Moses addresses the Lord. 



God told Moses to let the people know he is the Lord and will deliver the people out of Egypt.  Go to Pharaoh.  It also gives the names of the families of Moses and Aaron. 



Now go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.  God will harden his heart so he can show signs and wonders that all will know he is God.  Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83.  Aaron cast his rod and it became a serpent, and pharaoh’s magicians did the same and it became serpents.  Aaron’s rod then swallowed up all the other serpents.  Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. 


First Plague:  Water to blood for seven days

Second Plague:  Frogs

Third Plague: Lice

Fourth Plague: Flies

Fifth Plague: Livestock diseased

Sixth Plague: Boils

Seventh Plague: Hail

Eight Plague: Locust

Ninth Plague: Darkness

Tenth Plague: First born dies

Put blood on the doors and God gave them specific instructions on how to do this and to eat the lamb.  This will show God who the believers are.  This is the first of Passover and this feast shall continue to remind them of the day they were brought out of Egypt. 



Moses took the bones of Joseph when he left Egypt and headed into the wilderness towards the red sea. The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light. 



 The parting of the red sea.  The Egyptians pursued the children of Israel to the Red Sea.  Moses stretched his staff over the sea and it parted and they crossed on dry land.  The Egyptians pursued them into the Red Sea and the walls of water caved in on them and killed everyone of them.



They sang songs of praise for the deliverance from the Egyptians.  They came to bitter water and God made it sweet so they could drink.



They were hungry so God gave them Quail to eat in and bread came down from heaven in the morning.  On the sixth day they gathered twice as much, because the seventh day was holy and no bread was given.  They called this bread Manna and they ate if for forty years.  They took a small amount and laid it up before the Lord to remind them of how the Lord provided.  This small amount was eventually placed in the Ark of the Covenant. 



The people were thirsty and went to Moses.  God had him go a head of the people with some elders and use his staff to get water from a rock.  The Israel people fought the Amalekites and as Moses raised his staff his people would prevail, but when his hand went down the Amalekites would.  So Joshua and Hur help hold Moses’ hand up until his people won. 


Jethro, Moses’ father in law brings Moses’ wife and children to him where he was at in the wilderness and sees him judging the people from morning to night.  He tells him to appoint people under him to judge the small things and he to deal with the larger problems.  Moses takes his advise. 


The Lord descended on mount Sinai in a cloud of smoke and the people could hear God talking to Moses.  Moses tells the people they can not touch the mountain or they will die. 


Ten commandments


Rules of servants, law concerning violence and animal control.


Rules on property. 


An angel is sent before them obey him because God’s name is in him.  Do not provoke him because he will not pardon your transgressions.  Mind God’s commands and they will have health etc..


The people said all the Lord has said we will do.  On the mountain Moses ,Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel saw God and there was under His feet at it were paved work of sapphire stone.  This indicates they did not raise their eyes above his feet.  So they saw God and the ate and drank.  Then Moses went up into the mountain and a cloud covered the mountain.  On Mount Sinai the cloud covered it six days and on the seventh day He called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud.  Moses went into the midst and was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.


Take an offering and make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.  Making of the ark of the convenient.  Making of the mercy seat.  Table of Showbread and the gold lampstands. 


Making of the tabernacle.

The tabernacle was to provide a place where God might dwell among his people. 


Altar of Burnt offering, court of the tabernacle and care of the lampstands.



The Ephod, breastplate and priestly garments.


Consecrate Aaron and sacrifice.


Holy oil , ransom money



Joseph’s family multiplied so much that Egypt feared the numbers and put them into bondage.

Moses and the people of Israel Let my people Go!

Lord turned the river to blood

Plague of frogs

Plague of lice

Plague of flies

Plague to the livestock

Plague of boils

Plague of hail

Plague of locusts

Plague of darkness

Death of first born


The people made a gold calf as Moses was on the mountain and they worshiped it.  The Lord was going to destroy them all and Moses pleaded for their lives.  Once Moses came down from the mountain he asked for who ever was with the Lord to come to him.  It was the tribe of Levi.  They strapped on their swords and killed the rest. 


They built a beautiful tabernacle to worship in, by the specifications of the Lord. 






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Burnt offering, Grain offering, Peace offering, Sin Offering


Aaron and his sons consecrated


Aaron sacrificed for his sons and the people and the Lord appeared to all the people and fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the offering.  When all the people saw it they shouted and fell on their faces. 


Aaron’s two oldest sons Nadab and Abihu violated the way to burn incense and the Lord consumed them in fire and they died.  Aaron held his tongue and later did not eat the sacrifice as he should because he was too distraught.



Which animals can be eaten and what is unclean.


Ritual of childbirth


Law of Leprosy


Ritual of cleansing healed lepers


The law concerning bodily discharges


Aaron makes atonement for Israel


Sanctity of blood


Sexual morality


Moral and ceremonial laws

This has a lot of points on how to act.


Penalties for breaking the law

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Conduct of priests and sacrifice


Feast to the Lord and Passover.  Care of the tabernacle lamps


Sabbath of  the seventh year, year of jubilee fiftieth year shall be a jubilee to you, redemption of property, lending to the poor, slavery and buying back yourself.  Set free in the year of the jubilee.


Promise of blessing and retribution.  If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, it list the blessings they will receive.  If not it list the consequences.


Redeeming persons and property dedicated to God. It talks about how many shekels to pay to redeem a person or animal.



The Lord told Moses to take a census.  Those 20 years or older were numbered to see who could go to war.  All but the Levites they are to tend to the Tabernacle and camp around it.  They set it up and tear it down. They transport it.


Tribes and leaders of the army.  Each tribe had their place to camp around the Tabernacle.


The Levites serve Aaron and his sons.  This list the families and their duties to the Tabernacle. 


Numbering and duties of the sons of Khath, Gershon and Levites.


Concerning unfaithful wives and jealousy of a husband.  She is made to drink water and if she is guilty of laying with another man, it will cause her belly to swell and her thigh to rot.


Law of the Naziriet who vows t the Lord his separation.


Offering of the leaders.

8 9

Levites cleansing.  The second Passover.  When the cloud was on the tabernacle they would camp.  When it was gone they would move whether it was a day or a year.


Two silver trumpets were used for battle and for gatherings.  Also used to tell the people to move camp.  It was well organized when they would leave.


People complained and the Lord consumed some in fire because the complaining displeased the Lord.  Moses talked to the Lord and the fire was quenched.  The manna fell when the dew fell on the camp at night.  The people were begging for meat and complained to Moses.  Moses told the Lord to kill him, because he could not deal with all these people.  So the Lord told him to gather seventy elders so that they may bear the burden of the people with you and you do not have to alone.  The Lord told Moses to tell the people they will eat meat until it comes out of their nostrils since they have despised the Lord.  A wind came and quail from the sea was all over.  But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed the wrath of the Lord was aroused against the people and the Lord struck the people with a very great plague.  There they buried the people who had yielded to craving. 


Aaron and Miriam complained of Moses marring a Ethiopian women.  This displeased the Lord because Moses was faithful.  The Lord struck Miriam with leprosy and Abraham repented and asked Moses to heal her.  The Lord healed her after seven days.


Spies sent into Canaan. They saw that is flows with milk and honey and the people are stronger then them.  So they told a lie that the place was inhabitable because they were afraid of the people there. 


Joshua and Caleb said the land they saw was good and not to be afraid of the people that are there because the Lord is with us.  The people wanted to stone them.  The Lord wanted to strike all the people down and rise up a greater nation and Moses pleaded with him not to do so.  The Lord said that these people will not see the promised land, but Caleb, since he has a different spirit will.  From 20 years old and above will die in the wilderness, except Joshua and Caleb. 


Sin offering.  Violating the Sabbath was to be stoned to death. Unintentional sin consequences. 


Korah, Dathan and Abiram came to Moses and were up set that he held himself up as a prince over them.  They did not believe Moses when he told them he was not doing his will but the Lord’s.  So Moses told them to bring their men to the Tabernacle and the Lord would show who is doing his works.  The Earth swallowed them up and all their families and the men offering incense in their behalf. 

The next day the people complained to Moses that he killed the Lord’s people and this upset the Lord.  He started a plague and before Moses could make atonement for their sins it killed 14,000 people. 


The Lord told Moses to take a rod from each of the 12 households and put it in the Tabernacle.  Whichever rod buds, then that is the one the Lord is with.  Aaron’s was the rod.  He did this to stop the complaining of the people. 


Priest duties and sacrifice. 


Laws of purification


Moses’ Error at Kadesh.  Moses was to speak to the rock, but instead he struck it with his staff.  Moses failed to take God at his work and speak to the rock, so he was rebellious like the people. 

They were refused by the king of Edom to pass through his land. 

Aaron and Moses will not go to the promised land.  Aaron dies. 


People complained of the bread and the Lord struck them dead by a fiery serpent until Moses prayed to the Lord. The Israelites defeated King Sihon and King Og who did not allow them to pass through their land.


The Israelites were camping close to King Balak and he sent for a profit Balaam to curse the people so he could over through them.  Balaam would not curse them, because the Lord told them they are blessed.  The Lord told him not to go and when Balak offered gold and silver Balaam begged the Lord to go and he let him go.  Now while on his way to King Balak an angel came and was in front of the donkey and the donkey turned to the left and right to avoid the angel. Balak became angry with the donkey and struck him.  Then the Lord opened the mouth of the donkey and he spoke to Balak and asked him why he struck him.  Then Balak’s eyes were opened and he say the angel with his sword drawn.  The angel asked him why he struck the donkey, for if he had not turned to the right or left the angel would have killed Balaam and let the donkey live.  Now go and speak only the words I tell you.


Balaam prophesized that the Israelites will be blessed and not cursed.  Balak had Balaam go to 3 different mountains hoping to get a different message as they sacrificed, but the message did not change. 


Israel was blessed three times this upset King Balaam and they separated.


The people of Israel commit harlotry with the women of Moab and worship their god.  This upset the Lord and Moses was told to kill the ones that went to Moab’s god.


The Lord ask Moses to take a count of the people twenty years old and above.

The total number was 601,730.   These will get an inheritance according to the number of names.  Of these there was not a one left from when the Lord had said “they shall surely die in the wilderness.” Except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. 


Laws of the inheritance in the event that a father died and had no sons, goes to daughters if not children goes to brothers and on and on.  The Lord told Moses to go up and he could look at the land that the Israelites would inherit, but he could not go in, because he sinned when getting water from the rock.  Moses asked that someone would replace him and Joshua was chosen. 

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Laws on offering and sacrifice.


The law on vows. 


Israel people took vengeance on the Midianites.  When they brought the spoils back, Moses was upset because the had not killed all the women.  He commanded any women that had been intimate with a man be put to death. 


Children of Gad and Reuben wanted the land on the side of the Jordan because it could support their livestock.  The approached Moses and came to an agreement that if they fought with the Israelites and got the wholly land for their inheritance they could come back to the Jordan to live and they would have no inheritance in the new land. 


Is a recap on the destinations of the trip from Egypt. 


Recap the land of Canaan is the land of inheritance.


Cities for the Levites and the cities of refuge for the people that commit crimes.


Concerning the law of inheritance for females that were heirs. 




Author: Moses

The final weeks of Moses’ life


Moses reviewing the command to enter Canaan and the leaders that were appointed to judge.  He also reviews Israel’s refusal to enter the land, because they felt they could not defeat them.  Then God angered and only Caleb and Joshua of the two that are over twenty years old will enter the land. 


Then you turned to the desert and wondered.  The Lord pointed you to the wilderness that was given to Esau.  There you can buy water and food, but none of it is yours, because it was given to Esau.  Talked about the land that was given to Lot’s decedents and when they passed through it.  Talks of King Sihon and how he would not let them pass, so the Lord was with them and they defeated him.  All the cities were given to the Israelites. 


King Og was then defeated and his land was taken.  All was destroyed except the livestock was taken. 


Moses commands obedience and to make to idols.  When God spoke to them he showed no form so they could not make images of him.  Keep the commandments and you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord your God is giving you for all time. 




The Greatest Commandment:  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.


God tells them they are the chosen people and all that hate them will fall to them as long as they keep the commandments.  You shall be blessed above all people.


God chasten the people the forty years they wondered.  Their garments did not wear out or did the foot swell those forty years.  The Lord God is giving you a good land and when you eat and become full you can praise the Lord.  Don’t forget the Lord your God when you achieve power and wealth or think it is your hand that has achieved.  Keep the commandments. 


Israel’s rebellions reviewed, the golden calf and Moses’ plea not to destroy the people.

It is not because of your righteousness that the people are driven out of these nations, but due to their wickedness.


The second pair of tablets after the first were broken.  So serve God and keep the commandments.


The land you inherit is a land for which the Lord your God cares, the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to he very end of the year. 

Behold today I set before you a blessing and a curse.  The blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today, and the curse if you do not obey. 


A place to worship and sacrifice to God.  Beware of false gods. 


If a prophet gives you a sign and the sign comes to pass and he says to follow other gods, do not follow.  He is there to test you. 


The meat you can and can’t eat is listed.  The Levite’s inheritance is God, do not forsake them.


Debts canceled every seven years.  You shall open your hand wide to the poor and your needy in your land. 


Passover reviewed, feast of weeks reviewed.


If there is found among you wicked who has served other gods stone them to death. 

Principles of governing kings.  Talks of not multiplying horses, wives, gold and silver and must not return to Egypt. 


The portion of the Priests and Levites, because the Levites have no inheritance.  Their inheritance is the Lord.  Moses tells them that the Lord will rise up a prophet.  They shall hear him according to all they desire of the Lord God.  He seems to be talking of Jesus.


Set aside a city refuge for those that unintentionally have killed.


Principles governing warfare.  If a man was afraid to fight he was excused from the army, because he did thme no good.  When taking a city you shall kill everything that breaths.


The law concerning unsolved murder.  A sacrifice had to be made from the city closes to the body. 

Female captives can be made wives and later divorced.  A thirty day mourning period is allowed for these women before a marriage.

Law concerning first born son’s inheritance.


If your brother’s livestock is lost and you find it you shall deliver it back or if it needs help you shall help.

A man shall not wear anything that pertains to a women and a women anything that pertains to a man.

Laws of sexual morality. 


Cleanliness of the camp and Miscellaneous Laws


Law concerning divorce.


A the brother in law of a widow that has no children shall go in to her and give her a child.  If he does not want to, he must answer to the elders.

Destroy the Amalekites remember what they did to you on your way out of  Egypt.


Offering to the Lord and tithe of the first fruits.


Once they cross the Jordan to the promise land they are to write on stones the laws, (Ten Commandments)

This chapter goes through some of the laws that need repeated as a reminder to the people.


Blessings if they are obedient to all the Lord God has told them.  This chapter list the curse of disobedience.  It is many verses of detailed tragedy to these people.

Some of this curse came about in A.D. 70 when Jerusalem was destroyed which was a judgment on the apostasy of Israel and their rejection and execution of the Messiah. 



The covenant renewed in Moab


The return of God’s blessing after disobedience.  This suggest Jesus comes to redeem us for our sins.  Choose to obey God and that you may cling to him for He is your life and the length of your days.


Moses is 120 and can not go into the promised land.  Joshua is appointed the leader.  God anoints Joshua and predicts Israel’s disobedience and that they will worship other gods.  He teaches them a song to help them remember what the Lord has done for them.


The song is listed in this chapter. Moses gets to look at the promised land before he is to die.


Moses’ final blessing.


Moses dies on Mount Nebo he was 120 and his physical body was still strong, his eyes were not dim.  To this day no one knows where he was buried. There was not a greater OT prophet until John the Baptist came.




Author Joshua

He was 90 years old when he took command and died at 110.


The command to cross the Jordan.


Joshua sends spies to Jericho and Rehab hides them from the king.  She tells him the went out before the gates were closed.  She asked that they spare her family, because she knows that the Lord gave them this land and they agreed.  Their lives for her families lives.  The men told her she must bring her entire family to her house and bind this line of scarlet cord in the window through which you let us down from the roof.  Her house was by the wall.  She told the men to hide in the mountains three days until their pursuers come back and then they can go their way.  They told Joshua all that had happened.


The people crossed the Jordan.  The waters that came down from upstream stood still and they crossed over on dry land.


They had each man from the twelve tribes to pick up a stone from the middle of the Jordan and put it on the shore as a memorial for the miracle God performed.  The people feared Joshua as they did Moses.  As the priests with the Ark of the Covenant feet hit dry land the waters returned.


The males are circumcised, because the ones that were are the ones that died in the wilderness.  So all that were left are the uncircumcised.  Then they ate the produce of the land.  The manna ceased the day after they had eaten the produce and they had no more manna. 

Then the Commander of the Lord’s army appeared to Joshua.  This is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus.  Joshua fell on the ground and worships him.  He was told to take his shoes off for this is holy ground.  He was sent to have victory over the Canaanites.


They were to march around the walls of Jericho and on the seventh day the priests shall blow the trumpets and all the people shout, then the walls will come down.  They destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.  All except Rehab’s house she dwells in Israel because she hid them men.



A group of men went to attack King Ai and they could not defeat them. They lost some men and Joshua went before the Lord as to why they could not.  The Lord told him that some had sinned in the camp and had taken spoils for themselves.  They were to bring that person and family out and stone and burn them.  Then they would be able to conquer Ai.



They went after Ai and sent an ambush that when they would chase after them the Israelites would take over the city and burn it.


The Gibeonites fooled Joshua by acting like they came from a far away land.  They had old wine skins and moldy bread so it looked as though they traveled a long way.  Joshua made a treaty with them not to kill them thinking they were from a land far away and later found out they were their neighbors.  Once he found out they had been deceived he made them woodcutters and water carriers.


The sun stand still.  A bunch of kings went to war against Gibeon and Joshua went to save them .  The Lord told Joshua not to worry because the kings are delivered to them.  The Lord cast down large hail and killed more then the Israelites had killed with a sword.  Then Joshua spoke to the Lord and asked him to make the sun stand still until the people had their revenge.  So the sun stood still and did not go down for about a whole day.   The kings were hiding in a cave and Joshua told them to bring them to him.  He had all of them killed that had attacked Gibeon.  Joshua continued to take the land from all the Kings in it.


And it came to pass, when Jabin king of Haxor heard these things that he sent to Jobab king of Mdon, to the king of Shimron, to the king of Achshaph and to the kings who were from the north.  They gathered and the Lord delivered them to Joshua.  They killed everyone by the sword. 


List of the kings conquered by Moses and Joshua.


Joshua was advanced in years and there was still much land to take.  The Lord drove out the people so that they could have it as an inheritance.  Only to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance, because their inheritance was God. 


The land is divided west of the Jordan


The land of Judah and Caleb occupies Hebron and Debir.


Cities of Refuge for whoever might kill someone accidentally


The gave cities from their land to the Levites to dwell in.

The Lord fulfilled his promise and all was given to them.  Not an enemy remained.


The children of Reuben, Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh departed from the land of Canaan to go to the country of Gilead which they obtained according to the word of Moses.

They built an altar near the Jordan and the people of Israel were upset because they thought it was done against the Lord.  Once they explained it was to honor the Lord and speak to the many generations to come of their relationship with the Lord, the Israelites were ok with it.



Joshua’s farewell address and warning not to back slide or suffer the consequences.



Joshua gathers the people and confirms with them what the Lord did for them out of Egypt and that they are to serve no other gods.  The people agree and serve the Lord all the days of Joshua’s life and the elders that outlived Joshua.  He died at 110.



Samuel is likely to be the author

Gives a tragic sequel to the book Joshua and Israel’s disobedience.


Conquest of Canaan in review. 


Israel’s disobedience and Joshua’s death.


Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord.  So HE sold them into slavery and they cried out for the Lord and he delivered them.  The land rested for 40 years.  Then the people did evil again and the Lord allowed them to be defeated and they cried out to the Lord and he delivered them again. Ehud a left handed man went to King Eglon and told him he had a secret, when all the people left he went close to the king and stabbed him.  He locked the doors and left and lead Israel to defeat the Moabites.  The land rested 80 years.  


Israel sinned again and was sold in to slavery. The prophetess Deborah helped Israel defeat Sisera.  This is where after killing all the troops, Sisera went to the tent of Jael for protection and while he was sleeping she took a tent stake and drove it down through his temple.


The song of Deborah.  The land rested for 40 years.



Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord.  So the Lord delivered them into the hands of Midian for seven years.  The Angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him that the Lord was with him and he was to save Israel.  The Lord told Gideon to tear down the alter of baal and build one to the Lord.  Offer up a bull.  He did this at night for fear of the people and when they arose and saw this and found out who did it they said bring him here so we can kill him.  It was said by Gideon’s father if Baal want to defend his temple let him do so and it did not happen.  Gideon ask God to show him a sign on the Fleece that it would be wet with due and the ground dry if he was the one to save Israel.  God provided this sign twice for him.


The Lord said to Gideon there are too many with you that you will think it is you who destroy the Midianites and not the Lord God.  So tell them whoever is afraid does not have to go and 2,000 people left, but 10,000 remained.  The Lord God said that is still too many so bring them down to the water to drink.  Whoever laps water with his tongue separate from whoever gets down on his knees to drink.  The number that used their hands and drank was 300, the rest got down on their knees.  So the Lord said by the 300 men that lapped I will save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hands. 

Gideon split them up into three companies each with a trumpet.  The Midianites had a dream interrupted that Gideon was coming to kill them and when they heard the trumpets blow the Lord set every man’s sword against his companion throughout the whole camp.  


They pursued them and in their pursuit they came across the men of Succoth and ask for bread for the troops the men denied them and so did the men of Penuel.  He told them after they were done with the Midianites they would be back to do the same to them. 


By this time there were 15,000 men left 120,000 had died by the sword.  The 300 pursued them and routed the army and took the Kings Zebah and Zalmunna.  Gideon told his son to kill them, but he was still a youth and did not so Gideon killed them both.  He then went back to the men of Succoth and Penuel and dragged them under heavy weights over thorns and briers, which painfully tore their bodies. 


The people asked Gideon to be King and rule over us.  He declined and said God is your King.  The land was quiet for 40 years in the days of Gideon. Gideon had 70 sons and many wives. 


Gideon died and Israel sinned right after his death. 


Abimelech the son of Jerubbaal killed his brothers all but one, the youngest who hid himself.  He killed 70 all on one stone.  The men of Shechem made him king.  After he reigned over Israel for three years God sent a spirit of ill will between him and the men of Shechem.  They men that followed Abimelech and the men of Shechem fought.  Abimelech had a millstone dropped on his head by a women and he had his armor bearer kill him so people could not say he was killed by a women.


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People sinned and were sold into slavery.  Jephthah was expelled by the people. He had a group of men that were pillaging.  When Israel needed someone to defend them they called on him.  He told the Lord that if the people of Ammon were delivered to him then whatever came out of his house to greet him he would give as a burn offering to the Lord.  His daughter came out and he sacrificed her to the Lord.  He was very distraught. 

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The men of Ephraim were upset that they did not get to go and defeat the men in battle with Jepthah, probably because they wanted to share in the spoils.  So Jephthah and Ephraim people fought and Jephthah won. 


Israel did evil and was delivered to the Philistines.  The Angel of the Lord came to Danites whose name is Manoah’s wife and told them that they would have a son and no razor should  come to his head.   They asked if he could come again so Manoah could hear and understand what the child would be doing.  The Angel came back and they talked to him and offered a burnt offering to God and the Angel went up in the flame to the heavens.  Samson was born. 



Samson wants a wife from the Philistine and asks his father and mother to get her.  Samson encounters a lion and he kills it with his bare hands.  When he comes back by it there are bees devouring it and honey where the bees are so Samson tastes the honey.  He poses a riddle to some men about this and they entice his wife to tell them the answer.  She does and he becomes angry and kills 30 men to take the clothing and pay off the debt.  While he is doing this, his wife is given to his best man.



Samson was upset when he found out his wife was given to another and caught 300 foxes tied torches on their tails and they ran through the Philistine’s fields and burnt their crops. When the people found out who did it they burnt his wife and her father and wanted Samson life.  Samson defeated 1000 men with a jawbone of an ass. 



Samson loved Delilah and the men asked her to find what it is that gives him strength.  He lied to her three times and she tried all those times and the Philistines came in and he broke free, until he finally tells her his hair gives him strength.  The Philistines came in and took him.  They put his eyes out and he became a grinder in the prison.  His hair began to grow while in prison.  They brought him up to perform for them.  While he was standing there he asked the lad who held him by the hand to let him feel the pillars which support the temple.  He pushed on the pillars and the temple came crashing down killing more people than Samson killed in his life and also killing him.


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Micah created an idol and asked a Levite to be his priest and live with him.  600 hundred men of Dan going to war came and took the idol and the priest from Micah as they were going to over take some land. 


A certain Levite had a concubine that ran off to her father’s house.  He went after her and the father continued to detain the man and kept telling him to stay another night.  After a couple of days of this he will not stay another night and takes her and goes.  On their journey as the day was spent they went to Gibeah and he sat down in the middle of the town because no one would take them in.  An old man saw them there and took them in.  Men came to the door and wanted them to send out the visitor to commit sodomy against him.  The old man offered his virgin daughter and the concubine for the men and they would not hear of it. They sent the concubine out and they ravished her all night.  The Levite slept and got up in the morning to find the women on the doorstep.  There was no response from her.  He took her on the donkey home and cut her into 12 pieces and sent them to all the territories of Israel. 


The children of Israel were outraged and when to the tribe of Benjamin and demanded these men so they could put them to death.  When the tribe of Benjamin refused there started a war to rid Israel of these perverted people. They were fighting there own brothers of Israel.  The children of Israel defeated the children of Benjamin.  The children of Israel grieved for they struck down one of their tribes and vowed not to give wives to anyone remaining in the tribe of Benjamin.  They ended up giving them wives from Jagesh Gilead, because they did not help in the battle against the children of Benjamin



Samuel as the author.


Naomi was married to Elimelech and they took their family to Moab.  Naomi’s husband died and her sons took wives.  Two of her sons died and Naomi told them to return to their mothers house and find husbands, because she was returning to Judea.  Ruth would not leave her and told her she will return with her and where she dies so will Ruth. 


Ruth went to glean wheat in the field of Boaz and he found favor on her.  He was a relation of Naomi and let her glean even the sheaves. 


Naomi told Ruth to go to Boaz he is a close relative and could be her husband, but before he could perform as husband they had to see if there were any closer relatives. 


They found the one that was closer and told him he could buy the land of Naomi and receive Ruth as wife.  He was unwilling to, because he did not want to split his inheritance with more children.  So Boaz bought and married.  Ruth gave birth to Obed, he is the father off Jesse, the father of David.  This was to keep the lineage to Jesus. 



Samuel 1


Author is Samuel

Samuel begins, Israel was at a low point spiritually.  The priesthood was corrupt, the ark of the covenant was not at the tabernacle, idolatry was practice and the judges were dishonest. 


Hannah could not bear children and prayed to the Lord, if he would give her a child she would give him to the Lord and no razor would touch his head.  This boy was Samuel.


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The Lord came to Samuel, at first Samuel thought it was Eli (Was the priest) calling for him and ran to him three different times he was summoned, then Eli realized it was the Lord trying to talk to Samuel.  The Lord told Samuel that he would be judging Eli’s house since his sons did evil. 



Eli’s sons did evil and God Judged his house for the iniquities.  Eli’s sons died in a battle and the ark of the covenant was captured when the messenger came and told Eli this he fell over backwards and died at 98 years old.  Phinehas was with child and when she heard her father in law died and her husband was killed she gave birth and named the son Ichabod.


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The Philistines returned the Ark after it smashed their fish idle.  The men of Beth Shemesh were struck 50,000 of them for they looked into the ark of the Lord. The sent it back on a cart with gold sacrifice and milk cows that had never been harnessed.  No driver so if it went on its own then they new God was the one that caused the plagues and suffering for retaining the Ark.



The Philistines were going to attach Israel and Samuel offered a suckling lamb and prayed to God and God confused the Philistines and they chased them away.



The people asked Samuel for a king, since he was getting old.  God told Samuel they have forsaken Me and served other gods. So Samuel told them how a king will take their families, flocks and fields for his own, but the people did not listen, they wanted a king.


Saul was taller then all his family and more handsome.  He was sent by his father to look for some stray donkeys when he came up to Samuel.  Samuel was told Saul would come and to appoint him king. 


Saul is anointed king.  His heart is changes by God and he prophesizes with the prophets. 

Some questioned why Saul should be king and rejected him.



Saul saves Jabesh Gilead.  They were approached by the Ammonites who were going to put the right eye out of everyone and make them servants. Saul takes oxen and cuts them up, spreads them all over and tells the Israelites any one that does not serve Saul, their oxen too will be butchered.   Saul steps in and defends Jabesh Gilead and kills the Ammonites. Then those that questioned Saul’s kingship no longer question him.


Samuel tells Israel of the bad they did asking for a king.  They had God as their king and have forsaken him for a human king.  They cry out to God in their need and once they are satisfied they sin against Him.  Go will grant you a king.




Saul reigned two years and had fought battles. Now he was against the Philistines and he did not wait for Samuel to make the sacrifice.  He did it himself.  As soon as he was done Samuel came and said what have you done?  Since you have not kept the commandments of the Lord your kingdom will NOT continue. The Philistines did not allow the Israelites to have a blacksmith so they did not have swords.



Saul’s son Jonathan snuck up on the Philistines and he and his armor bearer attacked about 20 men and killed them, it caused a big war and Saul told none to taste food until the revenge, Jonathan tasted honey from the trees that was forbidden by Saul ( although Jonathan had not heard the command not to eat), when Saul tried to kill him the people saved him recognizing that the Lord was with Jonathan.

Saul’s commander was Abner.



Saul was told to destroy Amalek and all in it, but he didn’t.  He kept the best live stock to sacrifice to the Lord and let King Agag live.  The Lord removed his hand from Saul, because he did not obey.  He gave into the people who wanted to keep the best of the oxen and sheep.  Samuel has king Agag brought to him and chops him up and never returns to Saul again until his death.  He tells Saul that God has appointed someone else as king.



Samuel went to the house of Jesse and had his eight boys pass by until the youngest whose name was David and the Lord said this is the one.

God anoints David as king.  Saul sends for David to play his harp and sooth the trouble spirit that was with Saul. David became his armor barer and admired Saul.


David kills Goliath with a sling and a stone.  Uses Goliath’s sword to kill him after knocking him down.  Then cuts his head off.


Saul put David over the men of war and Saul’s son, Jonathan and David’s souls became knit together as great friends.  When Saul heard the women singing that he had killed thousands and David tens of thousands he resented David.  As David was playing for Saul he through a spear and tried to pin David on the wall.


Saul gave David his daughter if he brought a dowry of 100 Philistines foreskins.  He thought the Philistines would kill David, but when he and his men brought back 200, Saul knew the Lord was with him and feared him. So Saul became David’s enemy. 



Saul tried to kill David and Jonathan said kind words about him and not to kill him so he didn’t for a while.  Then the distressed spirit was on Saul again and he tried to pin him to the wall with his spear.  Later Michal his wife, Saul’s daughter helped him escape and David ended up with Samuel.



David feels Saul is going to kill him so he and Jonathan decide that he will not be at the kings table and if Saul reacts aggressively then Saul wants to kill him.  David will hide in a field and Jonathan will come out and shot arrows.  He will have a boy go after the arrows and depending on what he says will tell David to flee or stay.  When Saul did not see David at the table his anger was stirred and asked Jonathan where he was.  When he told him Saul cast a spear at Jonathan and told him to get David so that Saul could kill him.  Jonathan went to the field and warned David by shooting the arrows.



David was recognized by a priest and lied that the king had sent him on a secret journey.  He asked for a sword, because he had to leave in haste and was given Goliath’s sword the one he killed.  A king recognized him and he pretended to be mad, not trusting God to deliver him.



Saul kills the priest that gave David the sword and bread.  The priest did not know that David was on the lamb, but Saul did not believe him and had him and all the priest of Nob killed.  Eighty men in all.  One escaped and went to David.  David told him to stay and realized he caused the death of all these men. 



David and his men saved Keilah from the Philistines and when Saul heard they were in Keilah he pursued them.  David fled to the wilderness.  Saul pursued David again at Ziph and as they were getting close to capturing them the Philistines attacked Saul’s kingdom and they had to go back to defend their place. 



Saul was delivered to David in a cave where Saul was using the restroom. David cuts off a piece of Saul’s robe and does not kill him.  After Saul leaves the cave David cries out to him and tells Saul that he could have killed him, but would not kill his master the king and his hand is not against Saul.  Saul weeps and asks David not to cut off his decedents and that David surely will be king.


Samuel dies. 

Now there was a man named Nable and his wife Abigail.  David’s men had protected Nable’s sheep and men while they were in the wilderness and never took food for themselves.  They went to Nable to provide them with food and he would not.  David and his men were going to kill Nable and all the males when Abigail stepped in unbeknown to her husband and asked for forgiveness and provided the food.  The next day she tells Nable what she did and his heart became like a stone and ten days later the Lord struck him and he died.  When David found out that Nable died he took Abigail as his wife.  In the mean time Saul had given David’s wife to someone else.



Saul pursues David again this time David catches him in a deep sleep given by the Lord and takes his sword by his head and the water pot.  Then gets on the hill on the other side and yells at Saul.  He awakes and sees David could have killed him, but spared him and admits he has sinned and goes back to his home.    



God told David to stay in Judah he went to the enemy of Israel the Philistines for protection and Saul could not pursue him.  David raid villages and killed everyone so they could not report back to the Philistines that he was actually killing some of their allies.  He would report back an lie to the Philistines of who he attacked.




Saul consults a medium and she brings up Samuel and he speaks to Saul as to why he would disturb him.  Samuel tells him that tomorrow he and his sons will be with him and Israel will be taken by the Philistines. 




When the Philistines gathered to battle the Israelites David and his men were in the back to fight, but the lords of the Philistines did not approve of David fighting with them.  Since David and Saul were once allies.  So they told him to depart he could not fight with them. 



When David got back to his camp the Amalekites had attacked and taken all the women and children and burned Ziklag.  The people talked of stoning David because this happened.  He strengthened himself in the Lord and inquired if they should pursue them.  The Lord told him they would recover all.  He took 600 men and went after them.  200 men could not cross the river when they came to it, because they had not eaten or drank anything for three days.  They recovered all and shared all with the 200 that did not make it all the way.



After sending David away the Philistines attack Saul and his men and killed Saul and his sons.


2 Samuel



an Amalekite came to David and told him Saul and his sons were dead.  He told him that when Saul saw him he asked the Amalekite to kill him.  Even though Saul had fallen on his sword he was still alive.  So he did and took his crown and bracelet and gave them to David.  David later kills the Amalekite for killing the Lords anointed one. 



David made king of Judah and Abner the commander of Saul’s army took Ishbosheth the son of Saul and made him king over Gilead, Ashurites, Jezreel, Dphraim, Benjamin and all of Israel.


David and his men met Abner and his men at a pool and they took 12 each of their best fighters and had them fight.  All 24 lay dieing so it settled nothing and a fight broke out.  Abner tried to flee and Asahel who was fleet of foot followed.  Abner killed him after warning him to pick up armor.  There was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David.



Abner went into Saul’s concubine and Ishbosheth condemned him for it.  Abner then told Ishbosheth he was going to David and give him all of Israel. David told Abner that he could not see his face unless he brought his first wife Michal with him and he did. 


Abner went in peace, but Joab found out about it and secretly called him back.  When he went to talk to him in private he killed him for his brother Asahel death.  David mourned the loss and said let this fall on the house of Joab and his descendents to repay them for the evil that he had done.




Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth who was lame because he fell when his nurse hurried and fled when they heard about Saul and Jonathan’s death.  Two guys killed Ishobosheth (Saul’s son) and brought his head to David.  David told them that the person that thought he was bring good news that Saul was dead, he had executed.  How much more do you think I will do to you?  He had them killed.




David was 30 years old when he reign over Israel and he reigned for 40 years.  David conquered more land with the Lords help.  He was built a house.



David went to get the ark of God and when the oxen stumbled Uzzah put his hand on it to stable it.  God was angered against Uzzah and he struck him there for his error and he died.  (The Levites were the only ones to move the ark).  David was afraid of the Lord that day and would not bring the ark into the City of David.  It remained in the house of Obed-Edom for Three months.  The house was blessed.  Later David went to get it and he danced and played instruments as it came into the city.  Michal, Saul’s daughter looked through a window and saw King David leaping and whirling before the Lord, and she despised him in her heart.  She felt he acted as a fool and uncovered himself.  David’s actions were for the delight of the Lord and not his maidservants.  Michal did not have children to the day of her death.  Thus provided no air to David’s throne of Saul.



God’s covenant with David.  God tells Nathan to tell David that he will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.  He will have a son that God will be his Father, and he shall be My son.  I will chasten him with the rod of men and with the blows of the sons of men.  But My mercy shall not depart from him.  This is Jesus. 



David defeated the Philistines, Moab, Hadadezer, and many more.  They became his servant and he dedicated spoils to the Lord.  David reigned over all Israel, Joab was over the army, Jehosphaphat was the recorder and David’s sibs were chief ministers.



David finds out that Jonathan’s son still lives and he brings him before him.  He tells him that he will eat at his table as one of the king’s sons.  The people that took care of him will harvest the grounds that used to belong to Saul for he is restoring all of it back to him.  Mephibosheth was lame in both feet because he was dropped when Saul was overtaken and the nurse tried to hurry and escape.



The king of the people of Ammon died and Hanun his son reigned in his place.  David wanted to show kindness to Hanun for Ammon was kind to David.  So he sent some of his men to comfort him concerning his father.  Some of Hanun’s men convinced him that David was spying on him with these men so he shaved half their beards and cut their pants at the buttocks and sent them away.  The people of Ammon asked for help from the people of Syrians and drew the battle lines.  David defeated them.




David sees Bathsheba on a roof top and sleeps with her.  She becomes pregnant and to hide what he had done he has her husband come home from battle.  He hopes that Uriah will lie with his wife and the baby could be explained as his.  Uriah does not so eventually David has Joab put Uriah in the front line and retreat so that he is killed and he takes Bathsheba as his wife.



Nathan’s parable of the lamb and David’s confession.  The Lord told David the sword will never depart from his house and his son will surely die.  Bathsheba bore another son his name was Solomon and the Lord loved him. 



Ammon lusted for his half sister Tamar and raped her by pretending to be sick and as she came to nurse him he lay with her.  Tamar’s real brother Absalom hated Ammon .  After two years Absalom invited all the king’s sons to a feast.  The king did not want to burden him with all the brothers so Absalom asked that Ammon could go in the kings place.  Once all the brothers where there, Absalom had Ammon killed by his servants.   Absalom fled and the king mourned for his son and wanted to go to Absalom. 


Joab had a women pose as a mourner and approach the king to get him to realize that Absalom should come back.  The king granted his return, but did not want to see his face.  Finally king David forgives Absalom.


Absalom stole the hearts of the people in Israel by telling them as they would come to David for judgment that he would hear their case.  He started a conspiracy against the king.  David leaves Jerusalem with his following.  He sends Hushi back to be a spy on him and his dealings in Jerusalem.  He leaves behind 10 concubines. 



Ziba makes a false accusation about his father so as to have David give him his property.  He brings David donkeys and food.  Absalom goes into David’s concubines to show Israel he is king. 



Absalom’s adviser Ahithophel told him to send 12000 men to defeat David while he was weary.  Absalom seeked the advice of Hushai, the one David had sent back to spy.  Hushai told him to gather a big army and lead them into battle against the king.  Then he sent two guys to tell the king so they had more time to prepare.  Ahithophel saw his advice was not followed and hung himself. 





Before the battle took place David told the captains to deal gently with Absalom for his sake.  When the battle started the woods devoured more then the sword.  Absalom gets stuck in a tree and Joab, against the orders of the king thrust three arrows into his heart while he is still alive.  The news is delivered to David that Absalom is killed and he weeps.



Joab went to the king and told him to stop weeping for it is perceived that he loves his enemies and hates the people that just risk their lives for his.  David was brought back and found out Absalom had deceived some of the people to follow him thinking it was David’s wishes.  He forgave them.  It talks of Jonathan’s son and how he was given his father’s land, but was taken back when he did not follow David, because he was deceived.  David latter made him share in the land even though he had no fault.  He was unsure of some of their stories.



David made Absalom’s general his general and Joab pretended to come up to him to give him a kiss and stab and killed him.  Joab was reinstated as general.  They went to attack a city to get Sheba the person that caused a revolt against King David.  When they got to the city a women came out and talked to Joab, so as not to destroy all of them.  He said we want Sheba and so the women told the people and they cut off his head and threw it to Joab so they would not destroy the city. 



There was a famine in the land.  David inquired of the Lord as to why.  It was because Saul tried to kill the Gibeonites.  David ask them what he could do to make it right to them and they wanted seven of Saul’s decedents so they could hang them.  After they hung them one of the mothers of the men Rizpah did not leave the side of her dead son and would not let a bird land on him.  David heard of her devotion and took Saul’s bones and Jonathan’s bones and buried them with these men’s bodies and the land was healed. 


War was going on against the Philistines and David grew tired.  One of the worriers saw this and tried to kill him, but David was saved by Abishai.  After this they said David could go out no more.


King David’s song of praise to God for being so gracious to David.



The story of David wanting water and his mighty men broke through and risk their lives for it, but he would not drink the water because he did not deserve them risking their lives for him.  It also list the might men the amazing feats they did.  Great stories of battle.



David took a census of the people.  He realized after the count came back that he had sinned against the Lord.  Instead of relying on the Lords power he was relying on the number of soldiers he had.  The Lord issued judgment on David and gave him a choice of a famine, plague or have his enemies pursue him.  A plague killed 70,000 people. 






David was very old and they gave him a virgin to lie with him to keep him warm.  David was to old to procreate and so Adonijah David’s eldest living son claimed he will be the next king. Nathan the prophet and the mighty men who belonged to David did not agree.  Nathan and Bathsheba approached David, because Solomon was to be the next king.  Nathan and Zadok the priest anointed Solomon as king.  Adonijah was afraid of Solomon, but not a hair on his head would fall to the ground if Adonijah proves himself a worthy man.



David gave instructions to Solomon on who to die a hard death and who should sit at the kings table.  David dies.  Adonijah asks for a certain women as wife which would have been possession of the royal harem and showed he was trying to generate a revolt to the throne so king Solomon had him executed.  Solomon also killed Joab the commander of David’s army for he had struck two innocent people down earlier when he served king David.  Upon David’s death bed he told Solomon to have Joab die violently for the innocent people he killed.  Joab was in the temple and Solomon had him killed there. 



Solomon execute those that were to over through his kingdom.  God asks Solomon what he wants and he replies Wisdom.  Since he did not ask for extension of life or gold or riches, God granted him Wisdom and all the other.  The two women with the baby, one dead baby one a live.  Solomon says to split the baby in two.  The mother that said no, is determined to be the real mother.





Talks of the 12 governors that provide food each month the 40,000 stalls of horses the wisdom of Solomon was greater then anyone.



Solomon builds God’s temple.  30,000 labor force to Lebanon.  10,000 at a time they would be 1 month in Lebanon and 2 mo. Home.   He had 70,000 who carried burdens and 80,000 who quarried stone in the mountains.  A treaty was signed between Hiram and Solomon.  Hiram provided the Cedar trees.



Other buildings of Solomon and furnishing of the temple.  The ark brought into the temple.  Solomon’s speech and dedication.


Solomon sent for the Ark of the Covenant that contained the tablets of stone to put into the Lords temple.  A dark cloud came over the temple and the Lord said He would dwell in the cloud.  Solomon prayed on his knees in front of the temple and thanked God.  He blessed the people and then made sacrifices and had a 14-day feast.


God’s second appearance to Solomon.  Now if you walk before me as you father David did and keep my statutes and judgments then I will establish the throne of your kingdom forever.



Queen of Sheba came to test Solomon’s wisdom.  She left convenience he was wiser then described.  Solomon’s wealth and wisdom far exceeded any previous kings.  Gold was as common as stones in his day.




Solomon turns from the Lord, by his love with foreign women that brought him to sacrifice to other gods.  The Lord raised up an adversary against Solomon.  Rebellion started and Solomon died.  God will take the kingdom out of his son’s hands and give it to 10 tribes.



Rehoboam his son reigned.  A revolt against Rehoboam.  Jeroboam came to Rehoboam and asked him to lighten the burdensome service of your father.  R. asked the elders and they said to do so.  He then asked a childhood friend and he said to make it worse.  So R. made it worse on J.’s people.  This caused a split and of Judah and Jeroboam as king.




The man of God came to Jeroboam the altar shall split apart.  The man was not to go in the same way he came nor eat bread or drink water.  An old prophet fooled him into doing so, and the man of God died.  Jeroboam continued to do evil.



Judgment on the house of Jeroboam his wife disguised herself and went to Shiloh with their son Abijah because he was sick.  The prophet Ahijah saw through it.  He told her that the boy would die and the lord would raise up a king who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam. Jeroboam dies.  Rehoboam who was over Judah also died and all the gold shields that Solomon dedicated to the Lord where stolen.



Abijam ruled over Judah and he did not follow the Lord.  There was war between him and Jeroboam.  Abijam died, he was a son of David.


Asa ruled Judah he too was a son of David and walked in the ways of the Lord as his father did.  Nadab reigns in Israel he is the son of Jeroboam.  He like his father did evil.  Then Baasha the son of Ahijah killed Nadab and reigned in his place.  He killed all of the house of Jeroboam.   




Baasha the son of Ahijah became king over all Israel and he did evil.  The Lord came to the prophet Jehu and said whoever belongs to Baasha will die in the city and the birds of the air shall eat whoever ides in the fields.  Then his son Elah reigned in his place. 

Now after two years Ziumri, his commander of half his chariots conspired and killed Elah and reigned in his place.  Then he killed all of the household of Baasha thus bring the words of the Lord to truth.  In seven days the people made Omri the commander of the army and they went after Ziumri he burnt the kings house down upon himself and died.  Omri did evil.  Now Ahab the son of Omri reigned and did evil. 


Elijah proclaims a drought to Ahab and then goes to Brook Cherith where God had instructed the ravens to feed him.  The brook dries up and he finds a widow and her son that have enough bread to feed one.  The lord provides and the bin of flour and jar of oil never ran dry.  The boy becomes sick and Elijah brings him back from the dead.



Elijah returns to tell Ahab the drought is because of his disobedience and gathers at the Mount Carmel. He challenged all at the Mount that followed Baal as god, as Jezebel influenced them.  Those who believe in Baal put a bowl on the wood, but don’t light the fire, and he put one on.  Then call on Baal and I will call on my God to light the fire.

They called on Baal from morning to evening.  Elijah had the people of Israel put water on the offering three times then called upon God to light his and the lord did.  Then the rain came and ended the drought.  Elijah executed the prophets of Baal some 400.  Elijah was the last prophet.



Elijah confronts Jezebel and she threatens him so he escapes to Beersheba.  Elijah went to a cave and the Lord came to him and told him to appoint three men.  By the death of the last man Ball was worshiped no more. Elijah picked Elisha as his successor.



Ben Hadad told Ahab king of Israel that all the gold and silver and all the loveliest wives were his and should be sent to him or they would take them by force. Ahab was able to sneak up on Ben Hadad’s larger army while they were drinking and win a battle against them, through a prophet that told him this could happen through the grace of God.  Ahab struck a treaty with Hadad and sent him on his way.  The Lord through a prophet said that Ahab and the people would die, because he let Hadad go alive and he was an enemy of God.



Ahab’s wife Jezebel has their neighbor stoned so they can take possession of his vineyard.  The lord sees this and tells Ahab of his dome, he repents and the Lord will exercise this doom on his children and not him.



Ahab is deceived by his prophets that he will win a battle.  He brings Micaiah in to confirm and he tells him the truth that he will lose.  He does not believe him and dies in battle.  His son Ahaziah reigns over Israel and did evil in the site of the Lord.  Jehoshaphat’s(this was ASA’s son and he did good in the sight of the Lord) rules over Judah, son Jehoram reigns after his death.


2 King


Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room and told his servant to ask Baal-Zebub if he would live.  Elijah intercepted him and told him since there was no God in Israel he would surely die.  Ahaziah three times sent 50 men to bring Elijah to him, fire came from heaven and devoured the first 2. Then the Lord said it was safe and he went to the king and the king died.   Jehoram became king.



Elijah dies, Elisha does not leave his side.  Elijah struck the water and the two of them crossed on dry ground.  A chariot of fire appeared and took Elijah to heaven.  Elisha asked for twice the abilities of Elijah.  Elisha performs miracles.



Jehoram the son of Ahab became king over Israel and continued to sin.  He wanted to fight Moab because he defaulted on payment of sheep. So the king of Judah and Edom went with them.  There was no water on the trip and they called for Elisha the prophet.  Because of his love for Jehoshaphat king of Judah who did right in the eyes of the Lord, he agreed to help.  Through God Elisha filled the valley with water.  They defeated the Moabites.



A Shunammite women prepared a place for Elisha to rest and eat at her house.  Her husband was old and they had no children.  Elisha told her she would have a boy and she did.  The boy suffered heat stroke and died.  She went to Elisha and he brought him back to life.  There was a famine in the land and they made a pot of stew and had some bread that never ran out.



Naaman a great warrior had leprosy and went to the king of Isreal to be healed.  The king could not do it and Elisha said he would.  He healed this man and was offered dollars, but turned them down. Elisha’s servant went behind his back and made the guy pay him. Once Elisha found out he put Naaman’s leprosy on his servant and his descendants forever.



Elisha’s people were building by a river and an axe head fell into the water. Elisha through a stick in the water and made the head float so they could get it.  Then he warned the king of Israel about possible attacks by the Syrians.  The Syrians thought they had an informant until they found out it was the prophet warning the king. So they went to capture Elisha, he blinded the troops and walked them into captivity, but instead of killing them, they fed them and sent them back.



A famine happened and the king wanted Elisha’s head cause he thought with his powers he could fix it and didn’t.  The king sent an officer to take Elisha’s head, he knew he was coming and told him tomorrow they would sell flour and eat.  The officer questioned the Lord’s ability to do this and so Elisha told him he would see all this, but would not eat.  The Samaria’s leave their camp because the Lord made them hear large armies coming to them.  The people were able to feast at the Samaria’s camp and the officer was to protect the gate.  He got trampled from the people when they saw the food.  So as Elisha predicted he saw the bounty of the Lord and did not eat.



Ben Hadad is ill and sent Hazael to ask Elisha if he will live.  Elisha sees that the king will not die of his illness, but also sees that Hazael is planning on killing the king.  It so it happens and Hazael becomes king.  Jehoram reigns in Judah and does evil he and Joram attack Hazael.



Jehu is told he will kill all in house of Ahab and take over as king of Israel.  Jehu kills Joram and repays him the killing he did to get the kingdom of Israel. He also killed Ahaziah king of Judah. He goes to where Jezebel is and has them through her out the window to her death.



Jehu kills all of Ahab’s relation as the Lord directed him.  They killed 70 sons by having the people taking care of them behead them.   Then he kills all of Ahaziah’s brothers 42 slaughtered.   Jehu has all those that worship Baal to come to a sacrifice he is going to give. He does this to deceive those that worship Baal and kills them all.  Jehu did not depart from his sins and dies after 28 years of ruling.



Athaliah mother of Ahaziah sees that her son is dead and proceeds to kill all his sons.  One of the sons is hidden away by a sister for 7 years he is then appointed king and they kill Athaliah and tear down the temple of Baal. Jehoash was 7 when he became king.



Jehoash repairs the temple. Joash is later killed by his servants and Amaziah reigns.



Elisha died when he was put in a tomb his bones touched a dead body and it came to life.  He told Jehoash before he died to shoot all the arrows into the ground, he only shot 3 and since he did not have faith he would only have 3 victories against the king that suppressed Israel.



Amaziah king of Judah challenged Jehosah king of Israel to war. Jehosah wins the war and his son Jeroboam rules when he dieds. Azariah then rules Judah.



Azariah did right in the sight of the lord, except for the high places. The Lord struck him and he became a leper until when he died. Then Jotham his son took over. Jotham did what was right in the eyes of the lord.



Ahaz reigns in Judah he dies and his son Hezekiah rules



Hoshea reigns in Israel. People did wrong in the sight of the Lord.




Hezekiah reigns in Judah and does good in the eyes of the Lord. A messenger of king Sennacherib of Assyria told Hezekiah’s people that they should worship Sennacherib leave Judah to a better place with Hezekiah.



Assyria is going to attack Judah, Isaiah assures deliverance.  The Lord heard Hezekiah prayers and in the night an angel of the Lord went out and killed 180,000 in the camp.  When Sennacherib saw all the corpse they went home.  Later his own two sons kill him as he is worshipping his God.



Hezekiah was sick and Isaiah goes to him and says thus says the Lord you shall die.  Hezekiah prays to the lord and weeps bitterly and before Isaiah left the court yard the Lord told him to return and tell Hezekiah he will live.  The Lord added 15 years to his life. Hezekiah dies later and his son Manasseh takes over.



Manasseh was 12 when he took over and did major evil and reigned 55 years. After his death his son Amon takes over and did evil.  He lasted 2 years before his servants killed him and the people put to death those servants.  Josiah became king he was 8.



Josiah reigned 31 years. He did what was right. The found the book of law in the house of the Lord and when Josiah read it he realized the wrath of the lord would come down on them.  He tore his clothes and humbled himself.  A prophet told him because he humbled himself he will die in peace and not see the wrath.



Josiah got rid of the high places that they burnt incense and did many things to get rid of the wooden idols and more items of worship of false Gods.  He did good in the eyes of the Lord.  He turned to the Lord with all his heart and there was no king like him, before him. Nevertheless less the Lord did not turn from the fierceness of His great wrath with which His anger was aroused against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him.  Josiah dies in battle and his son Jehoahaz takes over at 23 he did evil he reigned 3 months and was killed.  Jehoiakim reigned 25 years.



Jehioakim dies and Jehiachin his son takes over in Judah at 18 he ruled 3 months and did evil. The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzer takes him prisoner. He cuts out all the gold from the temple and takes all the people from Jerusalem except the poorest people.  Then he made Zedekiah king in place of Jechiachin he was 21 he reined for 11 years.  He did evil. Then Zedekiah rebelled against Nebuchadnezzer.





They built a wall around so the city was besieged and famine set in.  They captured Zedekiah and killed his sons in front of him and then put out his eyes. Nebuchadnezzer makes Gedaliah governor of Judah.  Gedaliah is killed .  In the 37 year of captivity of Jehoiachin he is released.  He was treated well the rest of his life and this fulfilled Gods promise to David


1 Chronicles

1-9 is Who is related.



The Philistines fought against Israel and pursued Saul and his sons.  They killed Jonathan friend of David and Abinadab and Malchishua.  Saul too died after being wounded and fell on his sword. Saul died for his unfaithfulness (he sacrificed before a battle and should not have done so.) and David ruled.



Talks of the mighty men of David and examples of what they have done. Like the time the men risk their lives to get David a drink of water and he poured it out at of respect for what they did. Joab became captain of King David’s army.  David’s three might men were Jashobeam, Eleazar and Abishai.



Talks of David’s army and the mighty men that came to him to take over Saul’s kingdom.



Ark of God is brought in.  Uzza put his hand out because the ox stumbled to stop the ark from falling.  Because he touched the ark the Lord put him to death.  David feard the Lord and did not bring it in. It was at the family of Obededom and they were blessed.



David defeats the Philistines due to Gods glory.



The ark was brought to Jerusalem, because it was not brought in after Uzza was put to death.  The wife of David, daughter of Saul saw him dancing around in front of the ark and despised him.



Ark is brought into temple and he celebrated with the people.



David wants to build a house for the Ark and Nathan reveals to him that the Lord wants him to build his own house and let his son build the house for the Ark. This out of a giving God.



David’s Conquests


David sent servants to Nahash’s son Hanun who was ruling over the Ammon people.  They were to show kindness to Hanun since Nahash showed kindness to David.  Hanun shaved their beards and cut their garments and sent them off because he thought David sent spies.   The people of Ammon hired the Syrians to help defeat David, but it did not work, they were defeated.



David ravaged the country of the people of Ammon.



Satan moved David to count the people. Joab said may the Lord make the people 100 times more then they are, but David’s word prevailed.  This was a SIN he was gratifying his pride of his strength.  David repented of his sin and God said pick one of the three I will do to you:

3 year famine, 3 months defeated by your foes, or 3 days of plague.  He pick plague and 70,000 fell.  David ask for his life to be taken and not the people God stop the angle and told David to builed an altar at Ornan.



God does not want David to build a house for him, since he has shed so much blood.  He wants his son to, after David’s death.  So David gathers much timber, gold etc…and tells Solomon, his son to build.




Divisions of people related to and what they did.          



David tells the people that Solomon will build the temple for the Lord God



People gave willingly of precious stones and silver and gold for the temple. David dies and Solomon is king.


Solomon is a great king and asks for wisdom and God gives him not only wisdom, but much more.  He ends up sinning when he lays with foreign women that cause him to worship other gods.


Solomon dies and his son Rehoboam becomes king.  Because of Solomon’s sin the kingdom is taken from Rehoboam after he tells a certain people that he is going to make their yoke even harder then his father did.  Jeroboam takes the throne and sins by worshipping other gods.


1Kings 13


2 Chronicles


Solomon asks for wisdom. Since he did not ask for wealth or power, God granted him wisdom and wealth power and longevity.



Solomon starts to build the temple


Solomon furnishes the temple and brings the Ark to the temple.  The Ark is placed in the most holy of places with the two tablets of Moses



Solomon’s dedication prayer of forgiveness when the people sin and confess at the alter. Solomon talks of how it was in David’s heart to build the house for the Lord.  In the Ark of the Covenant was the two tablets which Moses put there when the Lord made a covenant with the children of Israel. 



Solomon Dedicates the temple and fire comes down from the heavens and consumes the offering.  22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep were sacrificed.  The feast lasted 7 days.



Three feast a year.  The feast of Unleavened Bread, feast of weeks and the feast of tabernacles.



Queen of Sheba comes to test Solomon and finds out he is even more wise then described.  She brings treasure and spice, but Solomon gives her more then she brought.  He continues to acquire wealth.  He becomes the riches king in the world.  After 40 years of reign he dies.  Chronicles does not touch on Solomon’s separation from God due to his wives influences.  He led the nation into idolatry this split the kingdom.



Rehoboam Solomon’s son is king and the people asked him to lighten their yoke.  He consulted the elders and they told him to be kind and to so this, then he consulted the young people he grew up with and they said to make it even worse, so he did so.  This was to fulfill the prophecy of the Lord that this country would be separated, because of Solomon’s sin.



Rehoboam fortifies the cities and has many children.



Rehoboam grows stronger and forsakes the Lord.  King Shishak is going to attack him and destroy him.  He humbles himself to the Lord so the Lord does not destroy him.  The Lord does have Shishak take away many treasurers.  Rehoboam dies and had done bad in the eyes of the Lord.  Abijah his son reins.



Abijah reigns in Judah and fights Jeroboam.  He stands on a mountain and tells Jeroboam of their wicked ways of worshiping golden calves and that Abijah will not forsake God.  They destroy 500,000 men of Israel that day with the help of the Lord.



Abijah dies and his son Asa takes over.  Asa was attacked by Zerah, since Asa did good in the eyes of the Lord he prayed and asked for help and the Lord defeated the 1,000,000 army.





Asa dedicates himself to the Lord and Judah dedicates itself.  That any man or women not believing would be put to death.  He even removed his mother from queen mother spot for an idol she made.



Asa made a treaty w/ Syria.  Asa sinned and a messenger was sent to him telling him that he would have wars because of it.  He put the messenger in prison and Asa later died.



Jehoshaphat reigns in Judah. The Lord was with him.  He prospered greatly.



King Ahab had his prophets tell him he could win a battle. Then they sent for Micaiah who the Lord spoke through.  Miciaiah told him he would not win the battle and would die and that all the other prophets were lying.  He had Micaiah put in prison until her returned in peace.  Ahab dies in battle.  Jeshoshaphat is attacked but cries out the Lord and is saved.



Jeshoshaphat reforms to the Lord.



A great multitude came to attack Judah and J. prayed to the Lord for help.  The Lord heard his prayers and caused the great multitude to kill each other.  J. was able to take great riches from all the bodies.  He lives long and peaceful and dies.



Jehoram Reigns in Judah.  He killed all his brothers with the sword. He reigned eight years. He did evil in the sight of the Lord. The Lord through Elijah told him since he did not walk in the ways of the Lord and killed his brothers, he and the people of Judah will have a sickness that will make the intestines come out.  He died and no one mourned.



Ahaziah reigns.  He did evil. He was killed.  So the mother of Ahaziah, Athaliah she destroyed all the royal heirs, but Jehoshabeath took Joash and stole him away.  The only son of Ahaziah that escaped while Athaliah reigned.



Joash crowned king. Athaliah heard the noise and went down to see. Jehoiada the priest told them to take her out and kill anyone that follows her and kill her.



Joash was 7 when he became king. He repaired the temple and did right in the eyes of the Lord while Jehoiada was alive,  Jehoiada died.  Joash starts to do evil and the son of Jehoiada comes and tries to correct him, but he kills him.  So Joash is wounded in battle and when they withdraw from him, his own servants killed him.


Amaziah Reigns in Judah.  Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but did not have a loyal heart. He worships other gods and is warned not to.  He does not listen. He wanted to fight Israel and did.  He lost and they took all the treasurer in the house of God. He was later conspired against him and killed him.



Uzziah reigns in Judah.  He was just 16 and ruled 52 years.  He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  Uzziah was full of pride and tried to burn incense on the Lord’s alter.  He is not allowed to do so and the priest tried to get him out.  He became angry and there in the Lord’s house he got leprosy and had it until he died.


Jotham reigns in Judah.  Did right in the sight of the Lord.  He was 25 when he became king and reigned 16 years. 



Ahaz reigns in Judah. Reigned 16 years and did not do good in the eyes of the Lord. Judah was under attach many times and they took women, children and treasure, because Ahaz was not pleasing to the Lord.  He continued to take all from the house of the Lord and sacrifice it to other gods.  He dies.



Hezekiah reigns in Judah.  29 years reigned he did good.  He repaired the house of the Lord and sacrificed. 



He keeps the Passover and it last for days and days.  Nothing like this had happened since the time of Solomon.



he broke down the wooden images and destroyed the high places.



King Sennacherib sets up camp to try to destroy Hezekiah.  They cut water off to him and prepare for battle. Sennacherib tells the people that no god will protect them and they are being lied to by H.  God sends an angel down that destroys him and his army.  He returns in shame to his land and his kids kill him.  H. dies.



Manasseh Reigns at 12 years old for 55 years.  He did evil. M. was carried off with hooks by the king of Assyria.  He humbled himself greatly before the lord while he was captured.  He was brought back by the Lord to power and worshiped him.  He dies and Amon’s reigns at 22 for 2 years he did evil.  He did not humble himself to the Lord as his father did, but did more and more evil.  So his servants killed him. The people then killed the servants and his son Josiah became king.



He was 18 reigned for 30 years he did right.  Later Hilkiah finds the book of the Law and they see they are not following Gods word.  So they go to a prophet and he tells them that the wrath of God will come upon them, but Josiah will go to his grave in peace, because he humbled himself.



Josiah kept the pass over.  He later enters into a battle with Necho king of Egypt. Necho was told by God to form an alliance and Josiah disused himself to fight him.  He is killed in this battle. Obviously Josiah did not think he was speaking of the living God.



Jehoahaz reigns 23 years old reigned for 3 months. Necho made Jehoahz’s brother king and took Jehoahaz off to Egypt.  His brother was Jehoiakim.  He was 25 reigned for 11 years and did evil. He was carried off to Babylon.  Jehoiachin became king at 8 years old reigned for 3 months and he was taken to Babylon. Zedekiah Reigns at 21 for 11 years did evil. God send warnings to them, but they mocked him until there was no remedy and the wrath of God fell on them.   He brought death by the sword and no mercy on young men and virgins.  They took all out of the house of God and burned it.  The Lord stirred the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to rebuild the temple of God.



Author Ezra and Nehemiah.  God had taken Israel out of slavery in Exodus.  Because Judah persisted in her unfaithfulness to the covenant, God chastened His people to 70 years of captivity.  Cyrus the Persian overthrew Babylon and the book of Ezra begins with the decree of Cyrus one year later for the Jews return to Jerusalem.



King of Cyrus, Persia was stirred up by God to build back the house in Jerusalem.



The captives return to Jerusalem from Babylon.



Worship restored in Jerusalem. The temple was being rebuilt.  The first destroyed 50 years earlier.  This one was not of the splendor of the original.  The nation was not as rich.



Resistance to rebuilding the Temple.  Since the people would not allow others to help, they cause a lot of problems to delay the building. 




Restoration of the temple resumed



They return the treasures out of the temple that were taken into Babylon and vow to build the temple and kill anyone that tries to stop them.   Temple completed and dedicated.  Passover celebrated.



Letter from king Artaxerxes to priest Ezra, giving him gold and silver to buy sacrifices to the temple and do God’s work as told to Ezra.



Heads of families return from Babylon with Ezra. Servants were selected for the temple, fasting and prayer was made.  Gifts were given.



Intermarriage with Pagans.  The seed of Abraham that God had set apart was not to be mixed with other nations.  This marriage with Gentile women would bring idolatry into the next generation.


Pagan wives were put away



Ezra was the author.  The book of Ezra and Nehemiah were one.  God rose Nehemiah up to be the cup bearer and confidant.


God chastened His people with 70 years of captivity in Babylon.



Nehemiah’s prayer for his people.



Nehemiah the king’s cub bearer was before the king and was sad.  The king concerned asked what he could do for him and Nehemiah lead by God asked to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem.  He was sent to Judah to rebuild the wall. Some laughed at this attempt.  The king gave him permission and it was God’s vision. 



Repair the wall



They had to defend the wall against enemy attack.  So each man wore his sword as he work.



The people had mortgaged their land and sold their children.  Nehemiah told them to forgive each others debt.  Normally every 7 years debt would be forgiven and the children returned this was not happening.



A conspiracy against Nehemiah raised up.  They sent him letters to get him to come down so they could kill him.  They sent a false prophet too.  The wall was completed.


7 &8

The captives returned to Jerusalem.  Ezra read from the law of Moses and the people had the feast of the tabernacles.



People confess their sins and have a long prayer that thanks God for his mercy on the people that continue to turn away and yet he has mercy on them and brings them back, only for them to again turn away.


10 & 11&12&13

People made a covenant to live by God’s law.  People cast lots to bring one out of 10 to dwell in Jerusalem.  Nehemiah dedicates the wall and gives temple responsibilities.  Nehemiah returns to the king in Babylon.  He visits Jerusalem and finds Tobiah desecrated the house of God by moving into a room.  Nehemiah through him out.   He finds many ways in which the people have left the covenant to God.  He does his best to get the people back on track.



The next messages from God for Israel do not come until over 400 years of silence had passed after which the births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were announced. 



This and the book of Ruth are the only two books of the Bible that are named for women.  Author is unknown although they look at Ezra or Nehemiah.  God is never mentioned in this book. 



King Ahasuerus has a feast and on the seventh day calls for Queen Vashti to come before him.  She refuses and he dethrones her.  The reason for her not coming is not mentioned.



Esher is queen in place of Vashti.  She beat out all the other virgins.  Her adopted dad was Mordecai and he over heard about a plot against the king and told Esther.  They hung the guys.  Esther did not reveal at this time her family.


3 4 5 6

The king made Haman above the princes and everyone was to bow to him.  Mordecai did not, so Hamman set out to destroy all the Jews young and old. Esther found favor in the eyes of the King and requested he and Haman to a banquet.  Haman had gallows constructed so he could hang Mordecai.  He went to the king the next day and the king that night had just found out the Mordecai had saved his life,  Haman ask the king to honor the person he wants with a robe, horse and parade him around.  Haman thought the king would pick him, instead he does so for Mordecai.  This enrages Haman.



At the banquet the king offered anything Esther wanted up to half the kingdom.  She asked for her and her people, because they had been sentenced to death.  The king outraged asked who did such a thing and Esther said Haman.  So they hung him from the gallows Haman had built to hang Mordecai.



Esther disclosed how Mordecai was related to her. The Jews were saved from death.

The Jews defeated their tormentors and hung Haman’s sons.  Mordecai was great and a man of peace.



Author is unknown but Moses, Solomon and others are suggested.



Job was a blameless and upright person.  He was the greatest of all the people in the east.  Satan attacks Job’s character and says that Job is faithful because of all the blessings God has given him.  So Satan is allowed to take all from Job and kill his family.  Job falls to the ground and says the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.



Satan attacks Job’s health with Boils all over his skin.  His wife tells him to curse God and die and give up his faith.  He does not.



Job deplores the day he was born.  Eliphaz thought that Job suffered because he was not holy enough.  E. tells him that God punishes, but heals too.  At this time they think Job’s problem is sin.



Job ask God to teach him and show him where he erred.  He is at this time hoping for death.  Job is asking God to pardon his sin, even though Job does not know of any.  He asks for a moment just to swallow his saliva.  The worms were in his flesh.



Bilad says repent. All are unaware that even God has said Job is blameless when he and Satan discussed Job. 



Job realized that he was not sinless but wished for a mediator between he and God, so he could plead his case.  He did not feel he sinned so much as to deserve this suffering.



Job pleads with God for relief before he dies.  He calls death darkness.  Zophar urges Job to repent. Job asks God to end his pain, but is more concerned with his relationship with God.



Eliphaz comes back in and accuses Job of sin.  He states “If God puts no trust in His saints, and the heavens are not pure in His sight, how much less man, who is abominable and filthy.”


Job not happy with Eliphaz for there is no comfort in his words.  Here he is close to death and all E. can do his condemn him. Job again prays for relief and rest in the dust.



Job’s friends continue to give little pity to him.  He trust in his redeemer and says all have become a stranger to him.  He knows he will be with God soon.



Zophar speaks of the wicked man and hypocrisy.

Job rebukes Zophar’s words and states that some wicked men live in great wealth and sing and dance with joy.  So how can he say that Job is wicked.



Job proclaims God’s righteous judgments and complains on violence on the earth.  Bildad asks how can man be righteous and Job testifies of God’s majesty.



Young Elihu waits for the elders to speak and then gives his opinion.  Not happy that no one answered Job’s question of why this was happening to him and what sin he had committed. Elihu proclaims God’s justice.  He is who created the world and has power over us living or dieing.  We are unjust.



The Lord God answers Job, but first he puts him in his place.  He makes him understand how little we know and how little strength and control we have.

Job repents and God gives him more then he ever had and he lives full of years.



Different authors, King David, sons of Korah etc.



The way of the righteous shall prosper the ungodly shall perish.


The Messiah’s triumph and kingdom.


The Lord helps his troubled people.


Safety of the faith


A prayer for guidance.


A prayer of faith in time of distress


Prayer and praise for deliverance from enemies


The glory of the Lord in creation


Prayer and thanksgiving for the Lord’s righteous judgments


A song of confidence in God’s triumph over evil


Faith in the Lord’s righteousness


Man’s treachery and God’s constancy


Trust in the salvation of the Lord


Folly of the Godless and God’s final triumph




Author is Solomon



The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.   You need to seek knowledge of the Lord.  There is no excuse for not knowing.



Seek wisdom and understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path.  Deliver you from the immoral woman, the seductress that leads you to death.



Happy is the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding.  Length of days is in her right hand and riches and honor in her left.



Get wisdom and understanding and your years will be many.  Do not walk in evil.


Peril of adultery. She is bitter as wormwood.  Stay with the wife of your youth.


Laziness leads to poverty.  Talks of promises and warning of them.   A wicked man shall be broken without remedy. 

Seven things the Lord hates

1.      A proud look

2.      A lying Tongue

3.      Hands that shed innocent blood

4.      A heart that devises wicked plans’

5.      Feet that are swift in running to evil

6.      A false witness who speaks lies

7.      One who shows discord among brethren

Beware of  adultery, she will allure you with her beauty.  A man is reduced to a crust of bread and the adulteress will prey upon his precious life.

Whoever commits adultery with a woman destroys his own soul.


It speaks of a situation of a women seducing a man.  Vs 23 states He did not know it would cost his life.  Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of death.


Wisdom is better then rubies.   Who ever finds wisdom finds life and favor from the Lord.


Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge.  But he who hates correction is stupid.


A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.


14 Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.


6Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart form it.



21 If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat

and if he is thirsty give him water to drink

for so you will heap coals of fire on his head

and the Lord will reward you


2Let another man praise you and not your own mouth, a stranger, and not your own lips

20 Hell and destruction are never full, so the eyes of man are never satisfied.



Written by Solomon

Talks of the search for earthly joy and recognition and the fact that only through God can you find satisfaction.


1 Vanity vanity  for in much wisdom is much grief  and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.  All that is will be forgotten.

2All my labor in which I had toiled under the sun must be left to the man who comes after me.  Solomon is stating all is vanity he sees his works, pleasure etc…is grasping for the wind. For a wise man dies just like a fool.



Everything has its time.

Nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor it is the gift of God. 


Better is he who has not existed and saw the evil under the sun.  Two is better then one.



Make a vow to God pay it.  Fear God.  Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin.  Watch making vows for a man that God has given riches and powers to receive it is his heritage and a gift from God.


The Lord gives and takes away.  The blessings of God cannot be taken for granted.  They should be enjoyed with thankfulness while they are available.


More is learned from adversity then from pleasure.  Words of great wisdom are hear.


God generally rewards obedience and punishes disobedience.


Wisdom may not be heard


Talks of wise words and fools words.


Enjoy life but do not commit iniquity one can only receive true satisfaction as a gift from God.


Remember God in our youth.  Keep the commandments.  God will bring every work into judgment.  Including every secret thing. 



Song of Solomon 1,2,3

A love letter between Solomon and his future wife.


Isaiah the son of Amoz, ministered in and around Jerusalem as a prophet to Judah.

He met his death by being cut into by a wooden saw under King Manasseh.

This is the vision he saw of Judah in the days of Uzziah, Jothan, Ahaz and Hezekiah.


The people were rebelling against God.  Put away the evil that you are doing.  The sacrifices mean nothing if you continue to do evil.  Your sins like scarlet shall be as white as snow, if you are willing and obedient, but if you refuse you shall be devoured by the sword. 




Future house of God



Judgment on Judah and Jerusalem.

The women were more concerned with their outward appearance then their inner.  This will all change.  The Lord will take away all the jewelry, fragrance etc..


The vineyard (Israel) and wild grapes (people of Judah)


In the day of the Lord he will judge wicked women indirectly by allowing a slaughtering of the males. Leaving a shortage of husbands

Talks of a vineyard which illustrates the Lord’s gracious choice of Israel.  He expected a good yield from His investment, but got sour berries.  The trampling of grapes is an illustration of Israel falling again and again until its repentance at the second coming. 





Seraphim that had six wings two covered his face two covered his feet and two flew and they cried Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory.


Ahaz was told to ask for a sign and he refused to test the Lord.  Because he did not test the Lord they told him of the virgin birth that would happen in the future.  The prophesy in this section began in the days of Ahaz and reached its climax when the Messiah will return to deliver Israel and establish His kingdom on earth. 


Talks of the coming Messiah and the wrath of God to Israel. 


Did not understand



Talks of the seed of Jesse, which is King David’s father.  That a little child shall lead.  This is talking of Jesus.


The fall of Babylon. Mercy on Jacob. The fall of the kings of Babylon.  The fall of Lucifer. 


The destruction of Moab


Egypt will turn to the Lord in the day of Jesus.

20, 21,22,23

The fall of Babylon proclaimed.  Proclamation against Edom,  Jerusalem & Tyre.


The next four chapters give praise to God for His future victory over all enemies and the final deliverance of Israel in the Day of the Lord.

The earth will be violently broken, spit open, it will fall, and not rise again.  The Lord of  hosts will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem and before His elders, gloriously.

He will swallow up death forever.  And the Lord God will wipe away every tear.  And it will be said in that day, “Behold, this is our God, We have waited for Him, and he will save us.” 


When Christ reigns on earth, nations from the whole world will glorify and fear him.  The kingdom of the Lord will host his great banquet on Mt. Zion. 


The dead shall live.  The innocent killed by their oppressors are to come to life and testify against their murderers. 




Israel will be restored.  In the future kingdom of the Messiah, restored Israel will rule with Him and fill the earth with the fruit of righteousness and peace. 


Listen to God.  It talks more of corner stone in Zion. 


Woe to Jerusalem.  They could not hear the prophets, their ability to hear has been impaired.  When the Messiah come the deaf shall hear and the blind shall see.  The people will be able to hear the word and recognize the Messiah. 



Futile confidence in Egypt.  Judgment in Assyria


God will deliver Jerusalem


All will be revealed.  The miser will not appear to be generous. 


A prayer in deep distress and impending judgment on Zion.


Judgment on the Nations.  Since the nations will not obey God’s way of sacrifice for sins, they became the sacrificial penalty for their own sins. 


Highway of Holiness where the redeemed are lead back to Jerusalem. 


Sennacherib Boasts against the Lord.


Word of the Lord concerning Sennacherib.  Sennacherib gets defeated and his sons kill him after the angel of the Lord killed 180,000 of his troops. 


Hezekiah was told by the prophet Isaiah to prepare his household he was going to die.  Hezekiah prayed to God and wept bitterly and God granted him fifteen more years because he had done all God required.  God showed him a sign by the sun moving backwards on the sundial ten degrees. 


Hezekiah paraded his wealth to the people of Babylon.  Isaiah informed him that all his positions will be carried off due to bragging and his child will be in captivity.  Oddly Hezekiah reacted positively to this news.


God’s people are comforted.  Jerusalem’s misery is to end and comfort will come to the city in the Messiah’s future kingdom. 


In the last days, God will regather Israel from her worldwide dispersion as He did from Egypt and Babylon because Israel is God’s chosen nation.  At His second coming, Christ will rule over a kingdom in which justice prevails throughout the world.  The millennial kingdom from the throne of David in Jerusalem will be for all nations, even though Israel will be the glorious people.



The servant of the Lord. The spiritual blind will see.  


The Lord will deliver Israel, he is the redeemer.  Pleading with the unfaithful that have not followed the laws of God.


God’s blessing on Israel and there is no other God.  Idolatry is foolishness.  Israel is not forgotten and Judah will be restored.


There is no other God.  Through him we are saved. 


At God’s appointed time Israel will be saved and Jesus will have his righteous kingdom.   


The predicted fall of Babylon


Plan to redeem Israel


When the Lord saves and regathers Israel,  they will return to the Land, to which Joshua brought their ancestors after their exit from Egypt, now restored and glorious. 


Why did people not believe in God after all he had done?  An invitation to be saved.

51 52

Talks of Zion and God’s wrath.


Talks about Jesus bearing our sins on the cross and provided the intercession for our transgressions.


God’s perpetual covenant of Peace.  God will not be angry with his people again.  He will fulfill this promise after the final restoration. 


An invitation to abundant life


Gentiles can also have salvation.  Israel's leaders that has the responsibility to correct them did not.


Isreal's futile idolatry. 


Fasting that includes feeding the hungry and acting humanely toward those in need.  Keeping the Sabath. 


Separated from God.  Sin confessed.  The redeemer.


God will be our light no more sun or moon.  The days of mourning shall be ended.  They shall inherit the land forever.  The branch of My planting and the work of My hand, that I may be glorified.  Israel will be in a never before world prominence. 


Israel will receive double portions of blessing to replace the double punishment of her exile. 


The good news of salvation.


Assurance of Zion’s salvation


Words can not express all the goodness and mercy God has shown us.


God’s mercy on us the sinner.


God has sought those who did not ask for him.  For those who did many unholy things, he will repay them. 

God’s servants shall eat, but those that did not follow will go hungry. Will drink you will go thirsty, will rejoice you will be ashamed, shall sing for joy, you will cry for sorrow……


“For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind.  The wolf and the lab shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox.


by fire and by His sword The Lord will judge all flesh and the slain of the Lord shall be many.

National Israel will have a never ending existence through the Millennium, and on into the new heavens and the new earth throughout eternity. 

The corpses of those enduring everlasting torment will serve as a vivid reminder to all of the grievous nature and terrible consequences of rebellion against God. 





Prophecies of Jeremiah. (read Chapter 52 for a summary of Jeremiah.)


The Lord knew Jeremiah was going to be a prophet before he was in the womb.  He is sent to a people to prophesize that they are worshiping to the wrong gods.


Israel was into idolatry and God would bring his wrath on them for forgetting that he brought them out of Egypt and gave them the land of milk and honey.


God calls for Israel to repent of its past sins of playing the harlot and worshiping other gods.  God will accept them back and not let his anger fall on them. 


God asking his people to turn from their ways and back to him.


God’s judgment on Israel that turned its back on Him. 


destruction from the North


Will you seal, murder, commit adultery, sear falsely, and walk after other gods and then come and stand before Me in this house.

God’s judgment on obscene religion.

8 9

People are not following the Lord and will be devoured by the sword.  People are worshipping the wrong god and our Lord will show his wrath on them.


Idols and the true God

***O lord correct me, but with justice, not in Your anger, lest you bring me to nothing.


House of Judea and Jerusalem broke the covenant.  The Lord of hosts, who planted you has pronounced doom against you for the evil of the  house of Israel and the house of Judah. 


God will pluck out the people that did not follow him and actually give them another chance to follow him.  If they do not he will destroy them.


Symbol of the linen sash he put it on his waste which symbolized Israel’s closeness to God and then he buried it and it became of no use symbolized Israel’s sin and God having no use for them. 


Famine and people die by the sword and pestilence.


The Lord asked Jeremiah not to return to the people but make his people return to him away from their sinful ways. 


God told Jeremiah that he will not take a wife from these people, because they will be all destroyed for their iniquities.   God will restore Israel. 


I the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his doings. 

Keep the Sabbath day holy.


God is the potter and we are the clay.  God’s people worship other gods.


The houses of Jerusalem and Judah will be destroyed the people will die by the sword for worshiping Baal.

20 21

Jeremiah was put in the stocks and in great pain and he cried out and cursed the day is was born.  He fell into sinful despair, and questioned the wisdom and purpose of God, for which he should have been thankful. 


People will die and not see their land again, because the have forsaken the Lord God.

A message to Josiah’s son that he will die for he did not worship God as his father was so faithful. 


Tells of Jesus’ coming and warns of false prophets. 


The sign of the two baskets of figs one was of good figs and one of bad.  Just like the people that will follow God and the people that will not have a heart for God.


70 years of desolation and Judgment on the nations for not following God


God’s judgment on the nations because they followed other gods. 


The people sought to kill Jeremiah for his negative prophesy of their eminent death due to their disregard of God’s commandments. 


Hananiah was a false prophet and took a yoke off of the prophet Jeremiah and broke it as a symbol of the victory Babylon.  Jeremiah returned with a yoke of iron and told him that he replaced the wood with iron and Babylon would not fall, but Hananiah will die this year.  He died and Babylon did not fall.


To the people held captive pray to God and follow him with all your heart and after seventy years he will come to release them from captivity. 

30 31

Restoration of Israel and Judah

I will be their God and they shall be My people.

32 33

David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel.


God told the people to let their slaves go.  They did and then went an brought them back into bondage.  God will make their lives full of pestilence and gamine and some will die by the sword for their disobedience.


Rechabites had been told not to drink wine and live in tents their whole life.  They obeyed their father and would not drink the wine.  Israel was lacking this kind of commitment. 


Jeremiah was instructed to write words down on a scroll of words of the Lord spoken against Israel, all the adversities which the Lord purposes to bring upon them that have turned to their evil ways.  When they went to read it before the king he threw it in the fire and burned it.  The Lord instructed Jeremiah to write a second scroll and tell the king that his body will be cast out and he will have to heir to the throne.


Jeremiah was imprisoned.  The king sent for him and J. told him Babylon would take over.   King Zedekiah put him back in prison, but gave him bread each day.


The princes cast J. into the dungeon for predicting their demise.  J. sunk in the mire as he was lowered down by rope.  Ebed Melech told the king that J. would surely die with out food and water so they took 30 men and brought him back up.  King Zedekiah sent for J. and asked him what the Lord said to him.  He told hi to surrender to the king of Babylon and live otherwise he will surely die.   


King Zedekiah did not surrender and Jerusalem fell.  The king of Babylon killed Zedikiah’s sons in front of him and then put out his eyes.  The king of Babylon set Jeremiah free. 


Gedaliah is made governor.  There was word that Ishmael was going to kill him, but Gedaliah did not believe this. 


Ishmael Kills Gedaliah.  He continues his evil as men come in and he deceives them and kills them too. 


Johanan and all the people who remained came to Jeremiah and asked him to tell them what the Lord would have them to do.  They are forbidden to go to Egypt and are no to be afraid of the king of Babylon. 


Johanan said that J. prophesized falsely and they were not going to stay in the land of Judah but go to Egypt.  They did not obey the Lord. 

J. warned them again on their way to Egypt that just a few would survive to go back and tell the remaining people in Judah that God’s words would prevail.

44 45

Egypt prepares for Battle Israel will be restored.

47 48 49 50

A list of judgements on Philitia, Moab etc…….


Babylon will fall and not rise from the catastrophe that will be caused.


Jerusalem’s fall reviewed

Zedekiah was 21 when he became king of Jerusalem and did evil in the eyes of the Lord and he rebelled against the king of Babylon.  The king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and then put out his eyes. 

Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard for Babylon took the people captive, but left the poor people behind.  He broke down the walls around Jerusalem. He burnt the house of the Lord and the king’s house and they took bowls, post lampstands whatever was solid silver they took away.  Some of these people were put to death. 





This word means loud cries.  This is Jeremiah looking at the ruin of Israel and crying after God passed judgment over his people.



Jerusalem in affliction


God’s anger with Jerusalem


Prophet’s anguish and hope


Degradation of Zion list many terrible things that went on in Zion.


A plea for the Lord to turn back to them.  The ravished land, the famine, ravished women, the slavery and death that goes on.  The plea for restoration.




Taken captive in Babylon.  He was a priest and prophet.


Judgment against Israel death by sword, famine and pestilent.



Ezekiel’s vision of God

In the vision he saw creatures the with face of a man each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, face of an ox on left side face of an eagle.  They had wings.


Ezekiel is sent to the rebellious Israel by God.


God gave him the words to say to the people . When he warns a person of his unrighteousness and he changes then he did his job.  When God tells him to not warn but condemn then that person dies in his sin and he did his job.  He can not save the later of the two.


The siege of Jerusalem


A sword against Jerusalem

1/3 will die of famine, 1/3 will die of pestilence and 1/3 will be scattered for their disobedience God is angered.


Judgment on idolatrous Israel


Destruction of Israel


In a vision Ezekiel sees the seat of jealousy.  The abominations in the temple.  God’s eye will not spare nor will have pity on them for their abominations.


Put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done and kill all the others men, women and children.



Judah’s captivity.  Told Ezekiel to go in and out of house as if in captivity.  They will be destroyed by sword, famine and pestilence, but a few ill remain to declare that I am the Lord.


Prophesy against the false prophets. 


Idolaters will be punished. It talks of persistent unfaithfulness and God says even if Noah, Job and Daniel where in the land and the people were persistently unfaithful, their children and wives would not be saved only them due to their righteousness.


The outcast of the vine.  Thus I will make the land desolate, because they have persisted in unfaithfulness, says the Lord God.


God’s Love for Jerusalem.  He picked them and washed it of the blood, clothed them gave them a crown and jewelry.  Jerusalem as the chosen one turns their back on God and plays the Harlot.  God will allow those to take all that he had given Jerusalem and abuse her.   Then God will remember his covenant with Jerusalem and they will never forget the shame.


The eagles and the vine and Israel exalted at last.


But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. 

Cast away fro you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.  For why should you die, O  house of Israel?  For I have no pleasure in the death of none who dies. 


Israel degraded.


The rebellions of Israel and God will restore Israel.


Babylon the sword of God


Sins of Jerusalem are listed and the vengeance of the Lord on the leaders and Jerusalem. 



The story of the two harlot sisters which describes the spiritual infidelity of Israel and Judah. 



Ezekiel’s wife died and he was not to mourn for her, as a symbol to Israel that they should not mourn the loss of their families.

25 26 27 28

Proclamation against Moab, Edom, Philistia, Ammon and Tyre.  Lamentation for Tyre.

Proclamation against the king of Tyre and Lamentations.


Proclamation against Egypt and Babylonia will plunder Egypt.


The fall of Egypt and proclamation against Pharaoh.



This chapter is a metaphor comparing Egypt to a huge tree that dominates a forest to a king that dominates the world.  If the Egyptians tend to be proud and feel invincible, let them remember how powerful Assyria had fallen already.


Lamentation for Pharaoh and Egypt. 


The Watchman and his message. The watchman must warn the others or he is liable for their fate.  If he warns them and they do not turn from their way tn their fate rests with them. 


God is upset that the shepherds have not fed the sheep.  Meaning hethey have not taught them the word.  God is the true shepherd and will appoint on shepherd over them (Jesus). 

35 36

Blessing on Israel this talks of the renewal of Israel.  Along with the physical reality of a return to the land, God pledged spiritual renewal.  A new heart of the New Covenant a new spirit of disposition His spirit dwelling in them, enabling them to walk in obedience to his word.  


Ezekiel is told to “Prophesy to these bones and as he does they come to life.  An army of dry bones come to life.    God will restore the nation of Israel to life and give them His Spirit in true salvation and spiritual life.  It talks of David being king over them and they shall all have one shepherd.  They shall walk in My judgments and observe My statutes and to them.  They shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children’s children, forever and My servant David shall be their prince forever.


Gog and allies attack Israel.  Judgment on Gog.


The defeat of Gog.  A vast army would have much weaponry, requiring 7 years to burn.  Since this is likely at the end of the time of tribulation, synonymous with the battle of Armageddon the burials would extend into the millennial kingdom. 

40 41

Dimensions of the new city and new temple.

42 43

Talks of the future temple of the Lord and that he will dwell with Israel forever.  These glorious future plans show how much Israel forfeited by their sins. 



The east gate and only the Lord God can pass through, but the prince can sit in it to eat bread before the Lord.  Those admitted to the temple and the laws of governing priests.


The day of atonement is never mentioned, but God institutes a never be3fore celebrated festival to start the New Year with an emphasis on holiness in the temple.  It indicates that there will be sin in the kingdom, committed by those who entered alive and their offspring.

Passover and unleavened bread are combined as in the NT and focus on remembering God’s deliverance of the nation from Egypt and Christ’s death providing deliverance from sin.  They continue on into the Millennium as a week long feast of remembrance, which will serve much the same purpose then as the bread and cup do now. 


The Manner of worship.


Talks of the Water that runs and the trees that are on its banks that each month supply fruit.  The leaves are used for medicine and the water full of fish.  This is talking of Jesus second coming and this seems to be the dead sea turned to a fresh water stream.  This talks of the 1000 year reign and reminds us that children will be born during this time and not all will be saved.


Division of the land




Daniel and others were picked to serve Nebuchadnezzar as king. They were given rations, but Daniel did not want to defile himself and asked to eat vegetables and water and that the chief of the eunuchs could see if it affects their health after ten days, because the eunuch did not want the king to see these boys as less healthy then the others.

After ten days they looked better then the others.  Now Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah there was none like them.  God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. 


Nebuchadnezzar has a dream and demands that the wise men interrupt his dream, but first they must tell him the dream so he knows they can do this thing.  When none of them can he starts killing all the wise men. Then Daniel went to the Lord God and ask for the interpretation of the dream and gave it to the king.


Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold and told all to kneel and worship it.  Daniel’s friends Shdrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego did not worship his god and were cast into the furnace.  The furnace was so hot that it burned up the guards that took them up there.  Then they saw four men walking in the furnace one was like the Son of God.  The king made a decree to worship their God, the true God.


Nebuchadnezzar has another dream; this one about is interrupted to be about himself.  He will be broken to understand that God gives him the kingdom and power and He can give it to who he chooses.  Neb takes head until one day he says this kingdom is mine and for my glory.  As soon as the words left his lips the prophecy came true.  The kingdom was given away and once he praised God he did get it back.


Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar who was king now, told the people to get all the gold vessels out of the Lord’s temple and they would drink out of them and praise the gods of gold and silver.  When he did he saw a hand writing on the wall and told anyone that could read it he would give them gifts.  Daniel was asked to read and told him to keep his gifts.  The words told Belshazzar of the wrong he had done by not humbling himself and that he would lose his kingdom.  That very night he was slain.


Darius takes over the kingdom and Daniel grows in power, because he has a good spirit and worships the living God.  The others plotted against him and tricked the king into signing a law that all should not worship any other except the king.  When Daniel was caught worshiping God he was thrown into the lion’s den and Darius was destraugt.  He did not sleep or eat and the next morning ran to the lion’s den.  Daniel was uninjured and Darius rejoiced and put all his accusers and their children and wives in the den and the lions broke their bones before they reached the bottom.


The war against the saints is the Antichrist persecuting the believers.  It states the saints will receive the kingdom forever. This troubles Daniel and refers to the 7 year period of Antichrist’s power continuing on to Christ’s second coming.  God will then judge sinners and sin.  He will remove the Antichrist’s rule and destroy him and his empire. 


Daniel had a dream of a male goat and a ram.  It is the last days and Antichrist’s power before Christ’s return. 


Here it talks of the 70 years Israel goes.  It tells Daniel about God’s promise at the end of time.  End of sins, to judge it with finality, Make reconciliation for iniquity, signifies to furnish the actual basis of covering sin by full atonement, the blood of the crucified Messsiah.Talks of making the Antichrist right before Christ’s return.  This is clearly the end of the age, the second Advent judgment.


The 3 week delay was due to an evil angel opposing Gabriel in heavenly warfare.  This angel was specially anoi9nted with Persian power in an effort to thwart the work of God.  Daniel see a preincarceration of Christ in this dream. 


This talks of many kings and fights among the kings.  Need to read the notes on this.


This describes Christ’s coming and those that will be brought up from their graves.  Some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt. 




 Daniel and his friends obey God.  Nebuchadnezzar was king.  He had a dream and asked the wise men to explain his dream, but he would not tell him what his dream was.  Daniel was the only one able to tell him.  Nebucadnezzar later makes an image of gold and worships it.  He demands all worship it Daniel and his friends do not, so the king has them taken to the fiery furnace, but the furnace does not injure them.  The king finally praises God after being exiled.


Belshazzar is now king and loves Daniel, but is tricked into signing a law that all should perish that do not worship the king and his god.  Daniel is thrown into the lion’s den, because he does not.  The lions don’t hurt him and they throw his accusers and their families in the lions den to be devoured. 


Chap 8-9

Talks of  a vision in the future of the antichrist and the end.

Need to read this more fully has a lot to do with the end.



And at that time your people shall be delivered.  Every one who is found written in the book.  And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt.  Those who are wise shall sine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the star forever and ever.





Marries a women that is not faithful.  Much like Israel is not faithful to God and she bears three children.  The first is Jezreel and he will be great one day.


Israel worships other gods.  They will realize that they did wrong and try to turn back.  God will eventual accept them, but at this time he pours out his wrath.


Hosea to seek a women that plays the harlot and not have relations with her for many days.  Just as God seeks Israel’s return, but they must go without prince or king.  It also talks of David’s return to reign. 


Gods’ charge against Israel and the idolatry of Israel and punishment.


Judgment of Israel.

6 7 8 9 10

A calling of repentance.

Israel fell into worship of Baal and this talks of the disappointment and judgment of Israel’s sins.

11 12

God’s love for Israel.


Judgment on Israel and God’s love and wanting them to turn from their sinful ways and back to him.


Israel restored at last





Locust devour everything in their path which represents our sin.  Repent of sins.


The coming of the Lord Repent and be saved.  The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.  And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. 


Joel talks of the gathering of the nations to the earthly courtroom the valley of Jehoshaphat.  The sentence has been handed down and the judge orders His agents to ready the scene for the execution. 

This refers to Christ’s millennial kingdom the ultimate peace and prosperity will be experienced after Christ conquers the world and sets up his millennial kingdom on the earth.







Judgment on the Nations


Punishment of Israel’s sins for not turning to God.


Lament for Israel and a call to repentance.


Visions of Locusts and summer fruit to relate to the people of Israel that God was not happy with them and will let them be taken captive.


The destruction of Israel and the restoration in the millennial reign when the throne of David is restored and the Jews are never again pulled up from their divinely inherited land.  


Addresses Israel’s two sins an absence of true worship and a lack of justice.


They were not pursuing the Lord with their hearts nor following His standard of justice with their neighbors.




Judgment against Edom for oppressing Israel.  ONE CHAPTER  The lord will raise leaders in the millennial reign. 





The Lord came to Jonah and asked for him to go to Nineveh who fell into idol worship and was a great city.  Jonah tried to flee from the Lord and his commission.  Jonah fled from the Lord onto a ship.  The Lord made a huge storm at sea and the ship mates cast lots to see who was the cause of this.  Jonah was the cause and he told them to through him in and it would calm the sea. A great fish swallowed Jonah and he spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly. 



Jonah repented and the Lord made the fish vomit him up.  


Jonah was told to preach to Nineveh and when he did they turned from their evil ways.  God did not bring destruction upon them. 


Jonah wants to die because he has distaste for the Nineveh people and their getting salvation.  He ask to be killed.  He finds rest and God provides a plant to shade him and when He has a worm kill the plant Jonah wants to die again.  God throw his mercy spares him as he did for the Nineveh who turned from their sins.




Israel unfaithfulness and consequences.

Israel’s destruction was to be a warning example to the nations, prefiguring God’s judgment on all who sin against Him.  


Israel restored

3 4

wicked rulers and prophets

False prophets and stood guilty before the Judge because they misled the people.  They were motivated by greed.  Therefore having blinded others, they would be struck with blindness and silence. 


People throughout the earth, not just Israel will come as a spontaneous flow to worship the Lord in Jerusalem during the Millennium. 

Micah continued to describe the wonderful conditions of the coming earthly kingdom of Messiah. 


The coming of Jesus and his greatness.  People to put their trust in God alone.  People will live in peace. 


Punishment of Israel’s injustice.


In spite of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God, the Lord intends to fulfill His unconditional promises in the Abrahamic Covenant .  The ultimate descendant of David, Jesus Christ will rule from Jerusalem over the world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 




1 2


Nineveh returned to idolatry.  It was proud of its 100ft high and 150ft wide moat.

God’s wrath on His enemies and the destruction of Nineveh.






Habakkuk is a prophet and asks a question, “How long shall I cry, and you will not hear?”  The Lord tells him he will rise up the Chaldeans they are terrible and dreadful.


Woe to the wicked those that make grave images and worship them.


The Lord had answered his prayer the Lord would vindicate His righteousness and ultimately restore a truly repentant people.  While the answer satisfied Habakkuk, the thought of a Chaldean invasion of his people has also left him physically exhausted and overwhelmed.  Nevertheless, the prophet could rest in the day of trouble, because he knew the Lord would judge3 righteously. 





The great day of the Lord when even animal and physical creation will be affected by His judgment of the earth.  .  I will consume everything, because they have sinned against the Lord. 

2 3

Judgment of nations.   The wickedness of Jerusalem.  She ahs not Obeyed His voice, received correction or trusted in the Lord.  God will leave a meek and humble people and take the proud.





The primary theme is the rebuilding of God’s temple, which had been lying in ruins since its destruction by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B. C.   There is a good chance that Haggai had seen Solomon’s temple, which would mean he was about 70 years old.



The rebuilt temple of the millennial will far surpass even the grandeur of Solomon’s temple.  





He joined Haggai in rallying the people to rebuild the temple.



Turn now from your evil ways and your evil deeds.   These are the ones whom the Lord has sent to walk to and fo throughout the earth. 


The Lord will again choose Jerusalem for His earthly throne.  This will be fulfilled in tee millennial kingdom of Messiah.    


An angel measuring Jerusalem.  This could be laying out the future promised land. 


Vision of the High Priest.  (did not understand this)


The vision was to encourage Zerubbabel to complete the temple.


This vision of a woman in a basket focuses on the removal of the whole sinful system from Israel, which will happen before the kingdom comes. 


Vision of the four chariots and spirits of heaven.  This imagery represents divine angelic agents sent out to execute judgment on behalf of the Lord of all the earth, a millennial title designating the universal rule of the Messiah in the kingdom age. 


When people fasted did they fast as obedience or out of self pity?


Jerusalem, holy city of the future.  In the days of the messianic kingdom on earth, the Jews will truly be God’s messengers as originally inte3nded, and will bring multitudes to Christ. 




Alexander the Great treated Jerusalem with kindness after having subjugated Egypt.  It talks of the second coming of Christ.  This could depict the futility of Armageddon when the armies of the God hating world gather in Israel and are destroyed by the Messiah. 



Restoration of Judah and Israel The joy of the restored nation of Israel at the beginning of the Millennium is likened to those who have been drinking wine. 


Desolation of Israel.  It talks of the 30 pieces of silver The Jews of Jesus’ day who offered that amount were saying He was worth no more than a common slave. 


Deliverance of Judah first.  .  The one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God.  This could be referring to the Messiah.


Idolatry cut off.  Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.  Only a portion of the people of Israel will remain faithful to Christ and be alive in the end.  The spiritual survivors will be the remnant who look upon Christ in repentance at His return, which will include those who make up the 144,000.



The day of the Lord no longer shall there be utter destruction, but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited.  Who ever does not keep the Feast of Tabernacles will receive no rain.  They will receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the nations who do not come up to keep it.  





There were over 400 years of divine silence with only Malachi’s words ringing condemnation in their ears, before another prophet arrived with a message from God.  That was John the Baptist. 


Israel beloved of God talks about the polluted offerings.  Not sacrificing the best, but the ill and the lame.


One women for one man, God hates divorce.  The treachery of infidelity.


the coming Messenger, He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderer’s’ soap.  He will purify the sons of Levi. 

Do not rob God.  Bring all the tithes into the storehouse.  That there may be food in my house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord.  “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”


The Great Day of God.  The day is coming burning like an oven, all the proud, all who do wickedly will be stubble.  And the day which is coming shall burn them up.  But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness hall arise.  Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.  The earth will be restored to Edenic wonder, the curse reversed, the kingdom established with the Messiah reigning and the righteous Jews and Gentiles entering it. 


400 years went by between the old testament and the new.






Mathew was the other name of Levi.  He was the tax collector. 


This gives a list of the genealogy to Jesus.  Mary was pregnant before being married and an angel came to Joseph and told him not to be afraid to take her as his wife, because for that which is conceiv3d in her is of the Holy Spirit. 


“Behold the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”

Birth of Jesus



The wise men find Jesus.  Herod told them when they find him to come back to him and tell him where he is.  Herod wanted to kill the child, but told the wise men he wanted to worship him.  The wise men were warned in a dream and did not return to Herod.  An angel came to Joseph and said arise take the child to Egypt for Herod wants to destroy him.  The Herod put to death all male children two years or younger.  When Herod was dead, an angel came to Joseph and told him to take the baby to Nazareth. 



John the Baptist  was preaching in the wilderness of Judea.  He was eating locusts and wild honey.  He baptized in water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am no worthy to carry.  He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 


Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.  John tried to prevent Him, saying, I need to be baptized by YOU, and are you coming to me?  Jesus was baptized by John and when he came up from the water the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.  And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying,  “ This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”


Jesus is tempted by the devil after fasting 40 days and 40 nights.  The devil tempts him first with food, second took him up to a high place and told him to throw yourself down for angels will protect you as it is written in the Bible.  The third temptation was satin offering him all the kingdoms if he fell down and worshiped him. 

Angels came and ministered to Jesus and he later went and started picking his disciples.  John the Baptist was in prison at this time. 


The beatitudes.  Jesus teaches the disciples.  Jesus is here to fulfill the law and takes murder, adultery, divorce and oaths to the very thought of this is a sin.  Turn your cheek to him who slaps it.  Love your enemies. 


Do not publicly give charitable gifts, prayer or fast so that all can see.  Those that do have their gifts.  Those that do it between them and God, He will reward them. 

The Lords prayer is here

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 



Let me remove the speck form your eye and look a plank is in your own eye.

Do not cast  pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet.

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.

Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction.


If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good thing to those who ask Him.


Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.


Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.


Parable of the two builders, wise man who built his house on the rock is whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them.  Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 



Jesus healed the leper.  A roman soldier asked Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant.  He believed that Jesus just had to speak the words and his servant who was at home would be healed.  Jesus marveled at this mans faith and did as he asked.  Jesus heals Peter’s mother in law and that night many demon possessed and sick are brought to him.  Then another of His disciples said to Him, Lord let me first go and bury my father.  But Jesus said to him, follow me and let the dead bury their own dead. 


He stills the sea.


Demons are cast into swine and they run off into the water.



A paralytic was brought to him to heal and he said to him your sins are forgiven.  The scribes thought who is this man that says he can forgive sins?  Then to show him he told the paralytic to get up and walk, and he did.


Jesus was eating with tax collectors and sinners and when the Pharisees saw it, they said Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?  Jesus said “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 


Jesus was on his way to restore life to a little girl when a women that flowed with blood for twelve years touched his garment.  Jesus turned around and saw her and said “Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well.”  He went on to the ruler’s house and brought his daughter back to life. 


Jesus saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered.  He sad to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers in to His harvest.”



The twelve apostles are sent out to heal, raise from the dead and cast out demons.  Be not afraid of what you will say for it is the Spirit that gives you words. Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven.  But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.  Do not thing that I came to bring peace on earth.  I did not come to bring peace but a sword.    Do not love your children above me, your parents or anyone above me. 

He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it. 



From prison John the Baptist sends messengers to ask Jesus if he is the Messiah.  Jesus performs healings in front of them and tells them to let John know what you have seen.  There has not risen one greater than John the Baptist, but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.  Jesus rejected Choraxin, Bethsaida and Capernaum because they did not repent after seeing the miracles. 



Controversy over Sabbath Labor the Pharisees questioned Jesus and tried to trick him when they also asked if it was ok to heal on the Sabbath.  Pharisees plan to kill him.  The Pharisees do the unpardonable sin, they blasphemy against the Spirit.  Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgive him either in this age or in the age to come.  This is deliberate rejection of that which we  know to be of


But I say to you that for ever idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 

Jesus’ mother and brothers were outside wishing to talk to him and he said for whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother. 


Jesus speaks of parables


Sewer of seed on fertile ground.


Planting wheat and an enemy plants tares with his wheat. Wait till harvest and gather the tares and burn them and put the wheat in the barn.  This is the unbeliever and the believer.


Mustard seed.


Parable of the leaven


Hidden treasure


Pearl of great price




A prophet is not without honor except  in his own country.


Jesus’ brothers James, Joses, Simon and Judas




John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod due to Herodias’ daughter and her dance.

Jesus Feed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish

Jesus was on a mountain praying and his disciples were in the boat to go before Him to the other side while he sent the multitude away.  The boat now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves and Jesus walked on the water to them.  Peter got out of the boat and tried to walk to Jesus and cried for him to help when he started to sink.



Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth this defiles a man.  (Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart and they defile a man)


Jesus heals the women’s daughter.  This is where Jesus says to her after she asks him to heal her, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”    This meaning the lost sheep of the house of Israel must be fed before the little dogs, Jesus was trying to get her to express her faith and she says, “Yes Lord yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”  He then heals her daughter because of her great faith.


Jesus Heals Many

Jesus feeds 4000 with seven loafs and a few fish.


Who do men say I am, Jesus asks,  They tell him some say Elijah, some John the Baptist etc… he asks his disciples who do you say I am? Simon Peter says you are Christ the Son of the living God.


He gives his disciples authority. 


Jesus showed them that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priest and scribes and be killed, and be raised the third day. 


******Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?  For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and the n He will reward each according to his works.  Assuredly, I say to you there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom. “



The Transfiguration, after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, led them up on a high mountain by themselves and He was transfigured before them.  His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light.  And behold Moses and Elijah appeared to them talking with Him.


The disciples asked Why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?   Jesus replied that he already came and they did not know him.  (Here my book says he is referring to John the Baptist who came in the spirit and power of Elijah.


Jesus goes on to tell him he must suffer at the hands of man.


Jesus was questioned on why he did not pay the temple tax.  Kings did not tax their own sons so with this Jesus was exempt since He is God’s son, but he told Peter to put a line in the water and the first fish he catches will have a coin in it, give it to them.



Be like little children to enter into heaven.  If anyone causes a little child to sin, it is better to have a milestone around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea.  Parable of the lost sheep, the sheep herder leaves the other 99 and looks for the one and he rejoices when he finds him more for that one then the 99 that where not lost.


Forgive your brother 70 time 7.  Tells of the servant that asked for time to pay his debt and his master forgave him of his debt.  The servant went and found another servant that owed him money and when he asked for time to pay the first servant said no and threw him into jail.  When the master heard what happened he sent the first servant to the torture place.  “So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.”


Jesus teaches about divorce

The rich young ruler wants to know what he needs to do to have eternal life.  Jesus told him to keep the commandments and he said he had since his youth.  Then Jesus told him to sell all he had and follow him.  The rich young ruler could not, because he had great wealth and went away sorrowful.  Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for rich man to enter the kingdom of God.  


The 12 apostles will sit on 12 thrones in heaven and judge the 12 tribes of Israel.  And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or land, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life.



The land owner gets workers the first hour and promises a denarius for a days wage he goes back each hour and gets more workers.  At the end of the day he pays them all the same.  The first workers are upset, but the land owner can give as he wishes with his things.  We all finish in a dead heat.  Just as at the last minute the thieve on the cross joins Jesus in heaven along side those that have labored their whole lives.  Such is the grace of God.


John and James with their mother ask to sit on each side of Jesus in heaven.  He asks if they will are willing to drink the cup Jesus will have to drink?  (Meaning the crucifixion he will have to suffer)  Not knowing entirely they said they were.  Jesus went on to tell them My right hand and on My left is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it is prepared by My Father. 


James did suffer for Jesus and died when he was beheaded.  John was tortured and exiled to Patmos for the sake for Jesus.


Jesus comes in on a colt and people lay down palms on the road.  He curses the fig tree and it withers.


 Parable of the two sons one is asked to work and says no but does it any way and the other says yes and does not do it.  Who obeyed?  The first.  Jesus said to them. “Assuredly I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.  For John came to you in the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but tax collectors and harlots believed him and when you saw it you did not afterward relent and believe him. 


Parable of the landowner:  a landowner planted a vineyard and lease it to vinedressers and went into a far country.  When vintage time drew near, he sent his servants to the vinedressers, that they might receive its fruit.  The vinedressers took his servants beat one, killed one and stoned another.  Again he sent other servants, more than the first, and they did likewise to them.  Then last of all he sent his son to them saying, they will respect my son.  But they killed him.  Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers?


He will destroy those wicked men miserably and leas his vineyard to other vinedressers who will render fruits.   


God is the Landowner.  The vineyard is the Jewish nation.  The Vinedressers are the Jewish leaders.  The servants are the prophets.  The son is Jesus.  The judgment against them is all the spiritual advantages given to Israel would now be given to “other vinedressers” symbolizing the Church which consists primarily of Gentiles. 


Parable of the wedding feast where the king prepares the wedding feast and invites his kingdom, but they kill his servants and made light of it.  The king kills them and burns their city and tells his servants to invite all who would like to come.  There ends up one man at the wedding that is not wearing a wedding garment and the king cast him into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.


The wedding is the free offer of the gospel and invitation to heaven.  Burning the cities is the anticipated destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70  The man that does not have a garment if like a person that knows of Jesus, but willfully rejects him.  This man could have had a wedding garment like all the other guest the king gave them to, but he refused it.


Sadducees ask of the women that married a man and he died she was given to his brother as a wife and he died.  The third brother then is given her and he dies, whose wife will she be in heaven.  Jesus tells for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven. 


The greatest commandment You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart with all your soul, and with all your mind.  Second is You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 




Jesus condemns the Pharisees for being fake.  He laments over Jerusalem.




Jesus describes the tribulations before his coming.  Nation against nation, war, anti Christ, earthquakes. 

The coming of Jesus on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.  

Illustration of the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and it took them all.  Two will be in a field one will be taken one will stay. 






25-14 Parable of the Talents

Gave 5 talents to one to another two and to another one each according to his ability and immediately went on a journey. 

The one with 5 traded and made another 5.  Likewise he who had 2 gained 2 more.  The person that had one buried it.  The lord came back and was pleased with the first two and called them good and faithful servants and made them rulers over many things. 

The person that had one was told you wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed.  Give the talent to the one that has ten and cast him into the outer darkness.



Parable of the Ten virgins

Five took additional oil as they went to meet the bridegroom.  When he was delayed the other five ran out and went to buy more as the five with oil went to the weeding (this is Jesus’ coming we do not know when be prepared don’t miss out)



Five made another five

Two made another two

One made none

You wicked and lazy servant take from him the talent and cast him away.  Those that cling to earthly things will be cast into darkness.


At Christ’s millennial reign those who are alive will be judged he will set sheep on his right hand and goats on his left he will say to those on his right come inherit the kingdom I was hungry you fed, thirsty you gave me drink etc..  When did we see you hungry etc… When you did this for the least of my brethren you did it for me.  The goat on his left hand did not.



Mary pours perfume on Jesus.  Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Jesus breaks bread as his body and wine as his blood and tells the disciples that on of them will betray him.  Peter’s denial is also predicted. 


Jesus goes to Gethsemane and takes Peter, John and James to watch with him.  They fall asleep as Jesus ask God to take this cup from his hand.  He betrayed it twice then said arise the so of man is being betrayed.  Jesus was seized and Peter struck a solider.  Jesus told him to put away his sword.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.  I think Jesus asked Peter to go to Gethsemane with him because he would not have let Judas leave to betray Jesus.


Jesus is taken to the high priest and sentenced to death for blasphemy and saying he is Christ the Son of God.  As he is beaten Peter denies Jesus three times. 



Jesus is delivered to Pilate.  Judas takes back the 30 pieces of silver and tells the chief priest and elders that he has shed innocent blood and goes and hangs himself.


Barabbas is freed be cause the chief priest and elders rallied the crowd.  Jesus is scourged.  Jesus is mocked with crown of thorns and robe.  He is lead to Golgotha.  He is crucified and his garments divided.  He is mocked while on the cross.  Jesus dies.  Signs accompanying his death….


Empty tomb.  Mary Magdalane and the other Mary went to the tomb and an angel of the Lord rolled back the stone the guards shook with fear and became like dead men the angel told them he knew they sought the Lord, but he is not here.  Go tell the disciples he has gone o Galilee and as they went Jesus met them and said Rejoice!  They fell on their knees to worship him. 

The guards told the chief priests what happened and they bribed them told them to tell the governor the disciples came and got him while they slept.  The story is obviously bogus.  Roman guards would not know what happened while they slept.  Roman guards would not all sleep on duty.  The disciples went to Galilee to the mountain Jesus had appointed.  When they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.  Jesus said Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Sprit. 







Jesus baptized by John voice from Heaven said.  “You are my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.”

Jesus is tempted in the desert.

First disciples are called

Cast out unclean spirits

Healed Peter’s Mother in law

Healed the leper and told him not to tell anyone.  The leper told all how he was healed and Jesus could no longer enter the city or he would be mobbed by those seeking to be cured. 


A paralytic was lowered down through the roof to Jesus as he preached and he said your sins are forgiven.   The scribes and Pharisees thought only God can forgive sins.  Jesus knew their thoughts and said which is easier to say arise and walk or that you sins are forgiven,  He said arise and walk and the paralytic did.  You now know the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins. 


Parable of the wine skins

Jesus went tint the house of God and ate the show bread, which is only for the pries and he said the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. 



Heals on the Sabbath Pharisees plan to kill him and Jesus goes to the sea.  They said he is Beelzebub, ruler of the demons and Jesus said how can Satan cast out Satan.  His mother and brothers where outside and he said you are my mother and brothers for whoever does the will of God is. 






Jesus is rejected in his home town of Nazareth.  The twelve disciples are sent to serve.  John the Baptist is murdered by Herod, because of Herodias’ daughter’s dance she was promised anything and asked for his head on a platter.  Five thousand are fed with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  Jesus sends his disciples a head by boat and he goes up to pray.  Later that evening he comes to them walking on water.



Nothing that goes in a man defiles him, because it enters the stomach and not the heart and it is eliminated.  What comes out of a man, that defiles a man,  For from within out of the heart of man proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts covertness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. 


A Phoenician’s daughter is healed.  She asked Jesus to heal her daughter and Jesus said let the children eat first.  (That is let the Jewish nation hear the word of God first) The lady said yes, but even the dogs eat the crumbs for the masters table.  Because of her faith Jesus told her the girl is healed.   The little dogs are us gentiles that also have a place in God’s kingdom.


Jesus heals a deaf and mute man.


Jesus feeds four thousand.  Jesus heals a blind man. Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Son of God, when he is asked who do you say I am. 

Whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.  For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.


The transfiguration and the appearance of Elijah and Moses.  Jesus’ clothes turn white as snow and the disciples are told not to speak of what happened until after he comes back to life.  The disciples did not understand what he meant at the time of coming back to life.  The demon possessed son is brought to him and the disciples could not rebuke this demon.  Jesus rebukes the demon and is disappointed the disciples could not.  He tells them that this demon takes prayer and fasting to remove.  Jesus foretells his death. 

Whoever receives a child in My name receives Me.  It would be better to have a millstone hung around your neck and cast into the sea then to cause a child to stumble.  If you hand causes you to sin cut it off, If you Eye pluck it out, if you feet cut it off it is better to be lame then to be cast into hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched. 


The Pharisees asked Jesus about divorce to trick him and he said whoever leaves his wife or husband and remarries commits adultery.  The little children were brought to him and the disciples tried to rebuke those that brought them, this displeased Jesus and he said whoever does not receive  the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. 


Rich young ruler who did the commandments.  Jesus tells him to sell all and follow him. He would not and left sorrowful.  Jesus said to the disciples it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then a rich man to inherit the kingdom of heaven.  The disciples were greatly astonished saying amount themselves, who then can be saved.  But Jesus looked at them and said “With men it is impossible, but not with God.


Jesus said there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wives or children or land, for My sake and the gospel’s who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands in the age to come, eternal life. 


James and John wanted to be on Jesus right and left hand.  He asked them if they were willing to be baptized with the water that he was going to be and they said yes.  He told them that the left and right was not for him to give, but God designated it.  Jesus had spoke of his coming crucifixion.


Jesus comes in on a colt and the people cried Hosanna blessed I He who come in the name of the Lord.


Jesus and cursed the fig tree.  The next day Peter sees it has withered and died.  Jesus answered them  Have fait in God.  For assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain, be removed an be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. 


Jesus goes into the temple and overturns tables and told them. My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.  But you have made it a den of thieves. 


They questioned Jesus by what authority do you do these things.  And he said I will ask you a question and if you answer it I will answer yours.  Was John baptism by man or Heaven.  They were afraid to say man because all thought him to be a profit and they did not want to say heaven he will say why did you not believe him.  So they did not answer and Jesus refused to answer them.  


Parable of the vinedresser and the owner sending his servants for his share of the harvest and they killed them then he ends up sending his son and they kill him.  Look for this also in my notes in Matthew. 


Parable of Taxes and give Caesar what his Caesar and give God what is God’s.


Questioned about the women that married a man and he dies his brother marries her he dies and the final brother marries her and he dies.  Whose wife is she upon the resurrection.  No ones,  there is no marriage in heaven we are like angels in heaven.


Greatest commandment.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all you soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.  Second is You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 


Jesus watched a poor widow put in two mites, and he said this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury,  for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.   


The disciples asked Jesus when will the end of times be?  Watch for those who will try to deceive.  For many will come in My name saying I am He and will deceive many.  Rumors of wars, nation against nation, earthquakes famines will happen. 


The second coming only God knows when Jesus will com in the clouds with great power and glory.  He will send His angels and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.  


The chief priests and the scribes want to kill Jesus but not during the feast.  Mary anoints Jesus with costly perfume.  Judas plans to betray Jesus.  They go into the upper room to celebrate the Passover. 


Jesus breaks bread and shares wine with them as his body and blood.  He predicts Peter’s denial and tells them that he will go before them to Galilee upon his resurrection. 


He took Peter, John and James into the upper room and began to pry.  Asked them to stay awake, but they did not. 


They came and laid hands on Jesus and took him.  A young man followed and avoided capture, but in doing so lost his garment.  The notes say this could have been Mark. 

 They led Jesus away to the high priest and with him were assembled all the chief priests, the eldr4s and the scribes.  Now they sought testimony against Jesus to put Him to death so they found some false witnesses.  When he told them he was the Christ the Son of the living God they condemned Him to death. 


Peter denies three times. 


They take Jesus to Pilate.  Pilate cannot find fault in him.  He always released on prisoner before the feast and thought for sure the crowd would want Jesus, but the chief priest stirred up the crowd and Barabbas a murder was released. 

Pilate had Jesus scourged and delivered Him to be crucified.  The guards put a purple robe on him and twisted a crown of thorns on His head and mocked. Him.    Then they compelled a certain man Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus to bear His cross. 


Jesus was crucified in the third hour.  A sign that said The King Of The Jews was above him which was the inscription of His accusation.  They mocked Him while he was on the cross.  The sixth hour there was darkness over the whole land until the ningh hour.  On the ninth hour Jesus cried out My God My God why have You forsaken Me?  Jesus died and the veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom.  When the ceturion, who stood opposite Him, saw that He cried out like this and breathed His last he said, Truly this Man was the Son of God!


Joseph asked for the body and put it in his tomb, where Pilate had a stone rolled in front of  it and posted guards. 



Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices to anoint the body of Jesus very early in the morning when they got to the tomb a in a white rob said you look for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.  He is Risen! Tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you into Galilee. 


Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene first and she told them and they did not believe then he appears to two of them on the road and they told the others and they did not believe then he appeared to all eleven and rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart. He said “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  He who believes and is baptized will be saved.  After the Lord had spoken to them He was received up into heaven. 


 Go quickly and leave the house without turning to get clothing.  Go into the mountains to avoid the devastation.  Talks of the tribulation period and that the elect will have shortened days.  They will have 3.5 years as opposed to the 7 years.  This could mean those that are saved during the tribulation or maybe the Israelites. This will be a time of false prophets. After the tribulation the sun will darken and the moon will give light, the stars will fall.  The Son of Man is coming in the clouds with great power and glory.






An angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias as he was in the temple and told him that he and Elizabeth would have a child.  They were a righteous couple.  He was a priest.  This angel was Gabriel and when Zacharias did not believe and was stricken that he could not speak. 


The angel goes to Mary and tells her she will have Jesus.  Elizabeth was already six months pregnant by this time.  Elizabeth’s baby leaped in the womb at the sound of Mary’s voice as she came to visit.  Elizabeth said to Mary, Blessed are you among women and bless is the fruit of  your womb.  The knew that Mary carried the Lord. 


When Elizabeth gave birth she said his name is John and when they looked at Zachrias he asked for a writing tablet to confirm the name and he wrote John.  His tongue was loosened and he said praise the Lord.


Caesar Augustus took a census so Joseph left Nazareth into Judea to the Cit of David which is called Bethlehem and Mary had her baby in a manager because there was no room for them in the inn. 


An angel came to the shepherds and they were greatly afraid.  The angels said fear not I bring to you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  He told them of Jesus in the manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God. 


The shepherds went and visited Jesus and told of all that had just happened to them.  All marveled at what was said, but Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 



Jesus was circumcised


Now there was a man named Simeon that was told he would not see death until he saw the Lord Jesus.  When the parents brought in the Child Jesus to do for him according to the law eh took Him up in his arms and blessed God and said.  Lord now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word.  For my eyes have seen your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel. 


Joseph and His mother marveled at those things witch were said.  Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, Behold this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. 


Jesus returns to Nazareth and grows strong in spirit , filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him.  His parents go to Jerusalem to the Passover and Jesus was just twelve when his parents headed home and had a days journey thinking he was in another company that traveled with them.  When they found him missing they went back to Jerusalem and after three days of search found him in the temple where others listen to his wisdom.  They approached him and said why have you done this to us we have been looking for you and He said to them.  “ why did you seek Me? Did you not know what I must be about My Father’s business.    But they did not understand. 



John the Baptist ministry.  He baptized and told people to repent of their sins.  He told them he baptizes with water, but on will come and baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.  When John baptized Jesus the heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said You are My beloved Son in You I am well pleased. 


Jesus began his ministry at age thirty. 


Jesus is tempted in the wilderness by Satan.


He goes to Nazareth and preaches and the reject him.  He says “Assuredly, I say to you no prophet is accepted in his own country.  What upset the Nazarenes’ was Christ’s suggestion that divine grace might be withheld form them yet extended to Gentiles.  They tried to kill him and he passed through the midst of them.


He went to Capernaum, a city of Galilee and rebuked a demon out of someone and they marveled at him.  He heals Simon Peter’s mother in law.  He healed many and they did not want him to leave in Galilee, but he had to go preach the word of God. 


Jesus told Simon Peter to Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.  But Simon answered and said to Him we have toiled all night and caught nothing.  Never the less they did and they caught so much the boat could hardly hold.  Peter fell on his knees and said depart from me for I am a sinful Man O Lord.  Jesus said I will make you a fisher of man and they forsook all and followed Him.  James, John and Simon Peter. 


Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic. 


Jesus calls Matthew to follow him. 



Jesus works on the Sabbath and His disciples plucked the heads of grain and ate them.  When asked by the Pharisees He told them He is also Lord of the Sabbath.


Give to everyone who asks of you.  And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back.  Give to those that to your enemies.  Even sinners love those that love them.  Judge not for with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you. 


Those that hear Jesus’ word and do are building a house on a foundation.  Those that hear and don’t do are building a house on sand. 


Take the plank out of your eye before you judge the speak in your neighbors eye.



Jesus heals a servant by just speaking the words.  The faith of the man that came to Jesus was great.  He knew Jesus didn’t even have to touch his servant to heal him. 


When Jesus went into Nain there was a large crowd and a dead man was being carried out,  The only son of his mother and she was a widow.  Jesus had compassion on her and told her not to cry and put his hand on the casket and the dead man rose.  Then fear came upon all. 


There is no greater prophet then John the Baptist.

Jesus tells all that the least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater then John the Baptist.


A woman anoints Jesus feet and cleans them with her tears and wipes them dry with her hair as he is in a Pharisees house having dinner.  They who were around him thought that if he is a prophet he would know this women is a sinner.  Jesus knew their thoughts.  He said if a creditor has two debtors one owes him 500 denarii and the other 50 forgives them both, who will love him more?  They answered the one with the greatest debt.  He said to the women who had many sins, you are forgiven of your sins. 




Sow seed

Fall Wayward: They hear and the devil takes away the word

Fall on Rock: Hear and believe for a while then temptation takes away

Fall in Thorns: Hear and believe with joy and the riches of the world choke and bring no fruit

Fall on rich soil: Bear fruit hundred fold


Parable of the Lamp

Who are Christ’s brethren?  Those that hear the word of God and do it. 

He calms the storm.

Jesus cast the demons out of the man and into the swine that then run down the hill and drowned into the water. 

The women that flowed with blood for 12 years touches Jesus and is healed immediately.  He asks who touched him because he felt power leave him.  She knew she could not be hidden and publicly admitted her problem.


Jarius’s daughter is raised from the dead.



The twelve disciples are sent to preach. Five thousand are fed with five loaves and two fish.  They were made to sit down in groups of 50 and twelve baskets of leftover was taken up. 


Peter’s confession of faith. 


Jesus said “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.  For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and M words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s and the holy angels.  


Peter, John and James went up on the mountain with Jesus to pray and this is when Moses and Elijah appeared in glory and spoke with Jesus. 


Jesus heals a man’s son who was demon possessed that the disciples could not. 


He prophesies His coming Death. 


Samaria rejects Christ and James and John asked if they should ask for fire come down from heaven and consume them.  Jesus said you do not know what spirit you are of.  For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.





Seventy were sent out two by two and told to heal and preach in the name of the Lord.  Enter the house and if they greet you stay and preach and your peace will reside with you on that house.  If they don’t shake the dust from you feet as you leave that town. 


The seventy returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to use in Your Name.    Jesus told them to rejoice that their names are written in heaven. 


Parable of the good Samaritan

As the priest and Levite passed by a man that was robbed and lest naked they did nothing.  The good Samaritan took him to an inn and paid his stay till he got better.

Do so to others.


Mary listens to Jesus’ word as Martha serves and Martha complains.  Jesus lets her know that not to fret over small things and that Mary listening to the word was a good thing.





The Lord’s prayer.  Jesus teaches them to pray.


Parable of the persistent friend that keeps knocking and asking for bread for his guest.  Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. 


Parable of the lighted lamp.


Pharisees try to catch him in something He might say that they might accuse Him.



The unforgiven sin:  And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven. 


Lay treasures in Heaven not on earth. 


For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. 



Parable of the fig tree and the owner wanting to chop it down for it gave no fruit in the past 3 years.  The gardener said he would fertilize and dig around it and if it doesn’t produce fruit then cut it down. 


Parable of the mustard seed



Parable of the ambitious guest

When invited to a wedding do not sit in the choice places, but sit in the back.  So that one that is more worthy does not take your place and send you to the back, but the host comes and gets you and moves you to towards the front.


Parable of the Great supper

Inviting all to the wedding when the people found excuses not to come he sent his servant into the street to fill the wedding ceremony.



Parable of the lost sheep and how the Shepard leaves the 99 to search for the one that is lost.  So too is the rejoicing in heaven over a lost soul seeking salvation. 


Parable of the lost coin.


Parable of the lost son who asked for his inheritance and came back after spending everything.  His father received him and welcomed him home.



Parable of the unjust servant that found out he would no longer be the steward of his masters goods and brought all that were indebted to the master and gave them huge discounts.  This way they were indebted to him and would give him a place to live. 


The parable of the rich man that does not feed Lazarus at the gate and then they both die and Lazarus goes to heaven and the rich man is tormented in hell.  He cries for Abraham to send Lazarus down with just the tip of his finger in water to cool his mouth.  Abraham said there is a great gulf between us and no one can pass, besides good things were given to you on earth and bad to Lazarus and now he is comforted. 

He begged that Abraham would send someone to warn his five brothers of the torment of Hades.  Abraham said they have Moses and the prophets let them hear.



Do not offend a child, better that a millstone is tied to your neck and thrust into the sea.

Don’t expect thanks for doing the work you are to do.

Ten lepers approached Jesus and he sent them to the priest to be cleansed.  One came back to praise the Lord.

When will be the coming of the Lord?  Jesus answers and tells them two will be in the field one will be gone the other still there.  Two women will be grinding together and one will be gone.



Parable of the woman that persistently asks for justice for a judge.  He finally gets tired of her persistence and gives in.  So to is prayer.  Do not lose heart, always ought to pray.


Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax collector who go up to pray.  The Pharisee prays that he is not like the tax collector and he tithes and fasts.  The tax collector sys God be merciful to me a sinner.  This man went down to his house justified rather than the Pharisee.  He who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. 


Christ blesses the little children and ask his disciples to bring them to him.


Parable of the rich young ruler.  It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.


There is no one who has left house or parent or brothers or wife or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who shall not receive many times more in this present time and in the age to come eternal life.


Jesus foretells his death.


Jesus heals the blind man by the road that kept crying out to him.



Zacchaeus a rich man but not very tall, runs a head of Jesus and the masses that follow him so he can get into a tree and see him pass by.  Jesus tells him to get down from there and he be a guest in his house and salvation had come to his house.


The parable of the Ten Minas, this is the same as the talents


Jesus told the disciples to get the colt that he was to ride in on.  He wept over Jerusalem before going in.  He knew that they would crucify him and that they did not know what that he was the Son of God. 


He then went into the temple and drove out the merchants.



Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees of his authority.  He asked them a question by did John the Baptist baptize from heaven of men?  They could not answer and He would not answer them.


The Parable of the vinedresser beating and killing the servants that came to collect the owner’s share of the profit. 


Question about taxes and Jesus says give Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God’s


Sadducees question him about the women that married many times whose wife will she be.  Jesus told them that they are not given in marriage on the resurrection.


The widow that puts in our of her poverty has put in more than the rich because she tithed out of her necessity. 


The signs of Christ’s coming wars, earthquakes, persecution..


Jesus will come in a cloud with power and glory.


Parable of the fig tree.



Judas agrees to betray Christ.

The upper room is prepared for the Passover. 

The Lord’s supper is instituted and Jesus says “ I will not drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

The disciples argue over who is the greatest.

Christ predicts Peter’s denial and tells him that he his praying for his strength.

Christ prays in Gethsemane and asks the Father to take the cup from his hand.

Judas Betrays Christ.

Peter raised his sword and cut off the ear of one of the guards that came to take Jesus.  Jesus healed the guards ear and told them to put their swords away.


Peter is confronted as Jesus is led away that he is one that follows Jesus.  Peter denies it and again he is confronted as he follows in the distance again he denies then a third time he denies and the rooster crows and the Lord Jesus looks over at him and he remembers his predictions and wept bitterly.



They took him to Pilate and he found no fault, when he found out he was from Galilee he sent him to Herod.  The Same Herod that killed John the Baptist.  Jesus did not answer Herod and he tortured him and sent him back to Pilate.  Pilate said he would chasten him and release him, but the crowd cried out crucify him.  Pilate found no fault and again said he would release him, the priests stirred the crowd and they said crucify him. 

Chris is crucified.  Jesus said forgive them for they do not know what they do.  The criminal on his side rebuked him and told him to save  himself the other criminal asked him to remember him in heaven and Jesus told him today you will be paradise. 


About the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.  Then the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was torn in two .  Jesus said “Father into Your hands I commit My spirit.” And he died. 


Christ is placed in the tomb.   


The resurrection

The women came bringing the spices and found the stone rolled away from the tomb.  Two men stood by them in shining garments.  Shy do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here, but is Risen!  The angel who spoke reminded them of Jesus’ promises then sent them to find Peter and the disciples to report that Jesus was risen.  The disciples were skeptical at first but ran to where the tomb was, John arriving first, but Peter actually entering the tomb first.   They saw the linen wrappings intact but empty, proof that Jesus was risen.  The left immediately, meanwhile, Mary Magdalene returned to the tomb, and was standing outside weeping when Christ suddenly appeared to her.  That was the first appearance. 


He appeared to the two men on the road to Emmaus and the two men where surprised that this stranger did not know the events of the last three days.  Jesus then spoke to them about the scripture and the men ask him to stay since the day was all but spent.  He broke bread with them and their eyes were opened and they recognized Jesus.  At that moment he vanished.  So they rose up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem and found the eleven and those who were with them  gathered together, saying “The Lord is risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon !”  And they told about the things that had happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.  Jesus was in the midst why all this was said and he appeared.  They were frightened and supposed they had seen a spirit.  He said to them, “ Why are you troubled?  And why do doubts arise in your hearts? Be hold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself.  Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”  But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He sad to the, “Have you any food here?”  So they gave Him a piece of broiled fish and some honeycomb.  And He took it and ate in their presence.


And He led them out as far as Bethany and He lifted up His hands and blessed them.  Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. 




John the Baptist the forerunner of Christ and the witness to the priests and Levites that one greater then him will come. 

Andrew and peter follow Christ.

Philip and Nathanael follow Christ.




Jesus turns water to wine at the wedding upon his mother telling him that there was no more wine. 


He over turns the tables at the temple.


That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 


John the Baptist said He must increase and I must decrease.  He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. 


Jesus comes to a well and a Samaritan woman draws water.  He asks her for a drink and she is surprised that Jew would talk to her, because the Jews did not associate with the Samaritans.  He tells her of Living Water and that who drinks of this will not thirst again.  He is talking about salvation. 

The disciples came back and the Samaritan women went to the village and told all that there was a man at the well that told her all.  For them to come, he might be the Messiah.

Jesus stayed with them for two days and many believed in him. 


Christ leaves Samarian and heals a nobleman’s son in Galilee.




Jesus heals the paralytic man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees condemn him for doing it on the Sabbath.  He told them he God is his Father and this made them sought to kill him.  The Father judges no one, but has committed all judgment to the Son, that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father. 


He spoke of Moses and the if they believe him they should also believe Jesus, because Moses wrote about Jesus.


Jesus feeds the 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves.  When he saw that they were going to take him by force he went to the mountains and the disciples went in a boat to Capernaum.  Jesus walked on the water to the boat. 


Then the multitude seek Jesus and came to Capernaum and Jesus said you come because I feed you seek the bread that you eat and never hunger again.  “I am the bread of life.  He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. 



The main thrust of this section can be summarized as high intensity hatred.  Since the smoldering dislike of Jesus erupted into a blazing inferno.  His brothers don’t believe him and all wonder if he is the Christ, but did not think he would come from Galilee.  Jesus upsets a lot of people when he tells them he is from the Father and that he is the Christ.  Israel is divided over Christ, the chief priests and Pharisees want to kill him.



The women that is caught in the act of adultery is brought to Jesus and he tells them whoever is without sin let him cast the first stone and they all left from the eldest to the youngest.  Jesus turned to the women and asked her where her accusers were and she answered they are gone.  He said he did not accuse her and to go and sin no more.


This chapter is where Jesus discloses himself to the Jews as the Son of Man and God is his Father.  He accuses the Jewish people of being liars and not following God.  They don’t believe him and are offended by his accusation, because they are sons of Abraham.  Jesus even goes as far as to tell them that he knows Abraham and they call him a liar because he is not even fifty years old.  He says “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.”  Declaring Himself t be Yahweh, the Lord of the OT Basic to the expression are such passages where God declared Himself to be the eternally pre existent God who revealed Himself in the OT to the Jews.  They try to stone him and he passes through them in the midst. 



Christ heals the man that was blind from birth and the Pharisees don’t believe the man and ask his family.  They confirm he was blind from birth and told them to ask the man how he regained sight, fearing the Jewish people.  The man told them again about Jesus making clay and giving his sight back, but they didn’t want to believe.  In the commentary of the book it says Jesus might have made clay to fashion new eyes, just as God made us from the dust.



Jesus tells the Jewish people the he is the shepherd and his sheep hear his voice.  He has come to lay down his life for his sheep.


My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish.  Neither shall anyone snatch them our of My hand. 


Jesus goes to Mary and Martha because Lazarus their brother had died.  He lay in the tomb for four days by the time he got there.  He stood outside the tomb and told Lazarus to rise and he came out in his grave clothing.  When the chief priest and Pharisees heard of this they sought to kill him and Jesus no longer walked openly. 



Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany where Lazarus was who had been dead and raised.  They prepared a feast and Mary anointed Jesus with perfume.  Judas was upset that it was not sold and put in the money box for the poor.  Not because he cared for the poor, but because he took money from the box.  The Jews came to see him to look to kill him and Lazarus, because many believe due to Lazarus being raised.


The next day a great multitude had come to the feast, they laid Palm trees and went ou t to meet Jesus and cried out Hosanna.


I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.

Jesus If anyone hears My words and does not believe, I do not judge him, for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. 



Jesus washes the disciples feet and predicts Judas’ betrayal.  Jesus tells them that where he goes they can not follow him now, but will follow him later.



In My father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you. 


Jesus said to him “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.



You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is dong, but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you.


If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.  If you were of the world , the world would love its own. 



It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you, but if I depart I will send Him to you.   And when He has come He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment. 


Indeed the hour is coming, yes has now come, that you will be scattered each to his own, and will leave Me alone.  And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.  These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace .  In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. 



Jesus prays for the disciples and himself.  “O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with glory which I had with You before the world was. “  Christ prays for all believers. 

18 19

Jesus is arrested Peter strikes the high priest’s servant aiming for his head, but cutting off his ear.  His name was Malchus.  Jesus heals his ear and tells Peter to put the sword away.    Jesus is brought to trial where he bound and beaten.  Peter denies Christ three times before the roster crows. 


First trial before Annas the once high priest, but removed by Pilate.  Annas sent him to Caiaphas, the current reigning high priest, because if he was to be sent to Pilate for execution it would have to come form the current high priest.


Second before Caiaphas  sent him to Pilate


Third before Pilate had two roman trials of Jesus and offered to release a prisoner as tradition on Passover.  They chose Barabbas as prompted by the high priests and Pharisees in the audience.


Pilate then had Jesus scourged in hopes this would be enough that they would not want him crucified, since he found no sin in him.  He brought him back out to release him and the chief priests and officers saw Him, they cried out, saying Crucify Him, crucify Him.   


As Jesus was on the cross there stood him mother Mary and his disciple John amongst others.  Jesus told John to take Mary as his mother and he took her into his house. 


Jesus seeing that all was done said “It is finished!” and bowing His head, He gave up His spirit. 


Joseph of Arimathea being a disciple of Jesus, asked permission to put Jesus’ body in his tomb. 



Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw the stone was rolled back, she ran to the disciples.  They all ran back to the tomb.  John arrived first and Peter went into the tomb to see the linen that was on his body on the ground and the handkerchief that was on his head was neatly folded.  For as yet they did not know the Scripture that He must rise again from the dead.  Then the disciples went away again to their own homes. 


But Mary stood outside the tomb weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tom.  And saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain.  They said “Woman, why are you weeping?”  She said to them, “Because thy have taken away my Lord and I do not know where they have laid Him.”  As she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was Jesus.  He asked why are you weeping?  She thought him to be a gardener and asked where he had put him.  He then said “Mary!”  She turned and said to Him, Rabboni!” (which is to say Teacher.)  Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father.”


Mary came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord. 


Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them “Peace be with you.”  When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side.  Jesus breathed on them and said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit. “


Eight days later he shows himself to the disciples this time with Thomas.  Because Thomas would not believe unless he saw him.  Jesus said “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed.  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”


And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written down in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. 


21 22


Now seven disciples where fishing including Simon Peter.  Jesus appeared on the bank and after catching no fish he told them to lower the nets down again and they brought up so much fish the nets could not hold them all.  John said it is the Lord and when Peter heard this he jump into the water and swam to shore to him. 


Peter had denied Christ three times.


Jesus asks Peter. “Do you love Me more than these?”

 Peter said “Yes Lord,” 

then Feed My Lambs  He asked a second time “do you love Me?”

Peter said “Yes Lord you know that I love you.”

“Tend My sheep.”


A third time do you love me?

 Peter said “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.”

Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep


The third time Jesus asked Peter, He used Peter’s word for love that signified something less then total devotion, questioning even that level of love Peter though he was safe in claiming.  The lessons driven home to Peter grieved his heart, so that he sought for a proper understanding of his hear, not by what he said or had done, but based on the Lord’s omniscience. 


Jesus told him to “Follow Me.”

This was a prophecy of Peter’s martyrdom.  Peter later was crucified by Nero.  He asked to be crucified upside down because he refused to be crucified like his Lord. 


Peter then asked what about John and Jesus told him “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?  You follow Me.”



Jesus ascends to Heaven and the disciples go to the upper room and pray with others. 

They needed a replacement for Judas and they purposed Barsabas who was surnamed Justus and Matthias.  They cast lots and prayed and Matthias was picked.



The Holy Spirit came upon them and they started speaking in tongue.  Each understanding the other’s native language.  Peter got up and spoke and said this is from God and full fills the prophecy.  Many wonders were done and thousands were saved.



Peter and John healed the lame man outside the temple.  When the people saw the lame man walking they were amazed.  Peter said why are you marveling at what we did?  This was done through Christ who you crucified.  He asked them to repent of their sins and stated that they crucified him out of ignorance. 



Peter and John are arrested when they questioned them they spoke in such boldness and they perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled and realized they had been with Jesus.  The people that they had just healed where also standing there one was 40 years old whom the miracle of healing had been performed. 


The multitude shared in all possessions.  Barnabas a Levite having land, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet. 



Ananias and Sapphira sold a track of land and held money back.  Then lied about the fact that they gave all the proceeds.  Peter told them they lied not to man but to God and both died.

 The apostles were imprisoned and an Angel came and freed them.  They stood in the square and were teaching when the high priest find out they were freed.  The condemned them from teaching and Peter said we must obey God and not men.


When they wanted to kill the apostles Gamaliel a wise teacher and told them to be careful of what they do to the apostles for if it is of man it will never sustain itself, but if it is of God you can not stop it.


Seven were chosen among the Heellenists to lead the church.  One of these was Stephen.  The disciples laid hands and prayed for them.  Then there arose some from what is called the Synagogue of the Freedmaen disputing with Stephen they falsely accused him. 


Stephen address the group and tells them of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  He tells them of Joseph being sold to the Egyptians and the famine that pursues.  Then the ruler after the Pharaoh with Joseph put the Israelites into bondage and Moses freed them.


He went on to tell them You tiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!  You always resist the Holy Spirit as your fathers did so do you.  And killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of w2hom you now have become the betrayers and murderers. 

Stephen being full of the Holy Spirit gazed in to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right had of God and said, ”Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right had of God!”  They cast him out of the city and stoned him.  And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul. 

As he was being stoned he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.”  And when he had said this he fell asleep.



Saul persecutes the Christians as they carried Stephen to his burial.  He would enter every house and drag off men and women committing them to prison.  The gospel is preached to Simon who is practicing sorcery.  He ends up following the apostles and asking to buy the power of laying his hands on people and giving them the Holy Spirit.  The apostles tell him to repent for his heart is not in the right place.  Philip goes to a eunuch who is reading the prophet Isaiah, but does not understand.  Philip helps him understands then baptizes him.  



Saul was on the road to Damascus when a voice came from the heaven.  It was Jesus and he said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”  Saul asked who are you and he said he is Jesus whom you are persecuting.  So he trembled with fear and astonishment and the ones that traveled with him heard the voice, but saw no one.  “Arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”  When he arisen he had no sight.  The Lord sent Ananias to Saul.  He was afraid to go see him since he had put so many away that called on the name Jesus.  Through Jesus, Ananias gave him his sight back and gave him instructions as to what he needed to do. 

Peter brings Dorcas back to life.  Many marvelous things are done and the church multiplies.


Cornelius was told by an Angel of God to send his people to get Peter.  Peter sees a vision and is told,” What God has cleansed you must not call common.”


The men from Cornelius’ came to get Peter and he meets Cornelius.  He says to him, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation.  But God has shown me that I should not call nay man common or unclean.“

Peter told them of Jesus.  They repented of their sins.


The Holy Spirit fell on the gentiles and they spoke in tongues.


They were baptized.




The apostles and brethren heard that the Gentiles and when Peter came they were upset he had went and ate and given the word to Cornelius a Gentile.  Peter explained his vision and that Cornelius had seen an angel and sent for Peter.  He reminded them of John’s word that they baptize with the Holy Spirit and if God gave them the gift as He gave Jesus who was Peter to withstand God?  When they heard these words they all glorified God.  And said, “Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life.”



Herod kills James the brother of John wit the sword. When he saw it pleased the Jews he put Peter in prison.  An angel came to Peter who was chained to two guards and took the chains off and lead him out.  Peter thought it was a vision and when he realized it wasn’t knew he had been delivered from Herod.  He went to the house of Mary the mother of John whose surname was Mark where the disciples were all in prayer for him.  When he came to the gate a girl named Rhoda answered and recognized him and instead of opening the gate ran back and told them all.  They told her she was out of her mind.  When they let him in they were astonished and he told them all of what happened.  When Herod finds no Peter the next day he commands the guards to be executed. 


Herod dies at a feast in his honor when an angel strikes him because he does not give glory to God.  He endured terrible pain for five days before he died and is eaten by worms. 



A false prophet whose name was Bar-Jesus seeked Paul and Barnabas and tried to disprove them to the council.  Paul stroke him with blindness and the council believed in the faith instead. 


Paul and Barnabas continued to preach the word the Jews and Gentiles.  The Gentiles received the word and the Jews wanted to persecute them.



At Lystra where Paul and Barnabas preached, they healed a cripple man and people started calling them gods.  They called Barnabas Zeus and Paul Hermes.  They got upset with the people that and reminded them that they are men just like them and that they need to turn to the living God.


The Jews from Antioch and Iconium stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing him to be dead.  However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city.  The disciples continued to preach the word through all the strife.


The disciples discussed whether the Gentiles had to keep the Jewish customs and require them to keep the law.  They decided observing rituals were not requirements for salvation.  They all agreed this was God’s direction and wrote a letter telling them to refrain from sexual immorality, idols and from blood and they would do well.


There was a disagreement by Paul over John Mark and Barnabas ended up taking him and Paul went with Silas.



Timothy joined Paul and Silas.  They also stay with Lydia, the seller of purple goods.  There is a woman with an unclean spirit that fortune tells for men and makes them a profit. She was following Paul and Silas around when Paul demanded the spirit to come out.  They were imprisoned when the men found out their way of making money was gone. 


They put them in the inner prison and in the night an earthquake came and shaken the prison.  All the chains were loosed and the doors open.  The guard when he saw this drew his sword to kill himself when Paul yelled do yourself no harm we are all still here.  And the guard came in and asked what he needed to do to be saved.  He and his household were saved and baptized.  When the magistrate finds out he beat and imprisoned a Roman citizen without a trial he is fearful of losing his position and asks them to leave.  Paul insists for him to openly come and tell them, that he will not go quietly.  He does and they leave. 



Paul, Silas and Timothy preach the word and some are believers, but the Jews that are not stir up the crowd and they leave Thessalonica to Berea and they follow them there and continue to stir up the crowd. 



Paul ministering at Corinth.  He gets upset with the Jews and tells them that he will preach to the Gentiles.  The Jews go to Gallio and what him to outlaw Christianity.  He would not so the Jews beat Sosthenes the ruler of the synagogue who brought the unsuccessful case to Gallio.  He later converted to Christ


Paul preaches in Ephesus and performs miracles.    A craftsman named Demetrius who made his living making images of the goddess Diana stirred the people to wrath against Paul and the others for they saw their way of making a living going away.


Eutychus falls from the third story window while Paul is preaching and hits the ground and dies.  Paul brings him back to life. 


Paul tells the elders of Ephesus that they will see him no more. 



A prophet took Paul’s belt and bound his hands and feet and said so to will the owner of this belt be bound in Jerusalem and delivered to the Gentiles. 

The disciples plead with him not to go, but he tells them that he will even die for the Lord.  He goes to Jerusalem and the Jews get the crowd in an uproar and the soldiers put chains on him and take him away.  He convinces the guards to let him talk to the people as he is being led away. 




He spoke to the people and told them of his journey to Damascus and when he told them he was told to go to the Gentiles they tore their close and said away with him.  When the guards were getting ready to scourge him he asked if it was right to do this to a Roman that was not condemned and they feared. 


Paul asked to speak to the council and there was an uproar and the soldiers took him to the barracks.  No where was forty men that vowed not to eat or drink until Paul was dead.   They planned to lay in wait and have Paul brought back to council and they would ambush and kill him.  This was told to the chief priests.  So by night he had Paul sent to Felix the governor to judge him.  He said he would when his accusers also came. 


Felix procrastinated and did not do anything with Paul.  He was bound for two years and Porcius Festus succeeded Felix. 


Paul appeals to Caesar and Festus sends him.  Festus as he waits to send him to Caesar, King Agrippa wants to hear what he says.  There being no accusations deserving of death, Festus doesn’t know what to write concerning him. 


He speaks to King Agrippa and tells him of how he persecuted the Jews and of his conversion and vision on the road to Damascus.  Afterwards they decided that he has done nothing deserving death or chains and if he had not appealed to Caesar they could set him free.


Paul was put on a ship and the voyage to Rome begins.  Paul warned them as the weather got bad that there would be loss of life and ship.  They sailed anyway.  When it got so bad an angel came to Paul and told him if they ran the ship aground just the ship would be lost, but all on board would survive.  They finally listened and lost the ship, but all survived.  The ship wrecked on Malta. 


The natives there were kind to them and as Paul gathered wood for the fire a viper bit him and the natives expected him to die.  When he didn’t they thought he was a god.  Paul prayed and healed the sick there.


They later sailed to Rome.  Paul was allowed to stay with the guards and not the prison.   Paul preached to many some believed some did not.  He dwelt two years in his own rented house and received all who came to him.  He preached the kingdom of God and teaching the things, which concern the Lord Jesus Christ.   




Paul’s letter to Rome.  The just live by faith. 


God will render to each one according to his deeds.  Talks of the Gentiles that even though not Jew keep the law and seek glory, honor and good doing, as they too will be children of God’s.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be jus and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. 


Shown that justification is through faith not works and that it is by grace, not the keeping of the law Paul now concludes by showing that it results from divine power, not human effort.  The resurrection provided proof that God had accepted the sacrifice of His Son and would be able to be just and yet justify the ungodly. 


Christ died for the ungodly.  For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 


For if by the one man’s (Adam) offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. 


For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. 


We are dead to sin and alive to God.  We were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 


For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 


Talks about the body and how we sin.  “So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.”


Be of the spirit and not of the flesh.  For whoever is part of the flesh is not with Jesus.    We are joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together. 

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 


If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things,?


Christ is at the right hand of God making intercession for us. 


Israel’s rejection and God’s purpose and God’s justice. 


whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.



Jews rejection Gentiles included branch grafted in to a tree.  Even though some branches broken off the root still supports.  This is the same on Jews that chosen ones (Tree) and Gentiles (grafted branches).



Living sacrifices to God, let your body serve God with spiritual gifts we have many members of one body, but all the members do not have the same function, we are the body of Christ.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.   Behave like a Christian.  Do not repay evil for evil.  Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him, if he is thirsty; give him a drink, for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. 


Submit to government.  Whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God.  The only power they have, God has given them.  Pay taxes render therefore to all their due taxes to whom taxes are due. 



If we live we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord.  Why do we judge our brother?  For we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  As I live says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me every tongue shall confess to God. 



Bear others burden be like minded towards one another according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul plans to visit Rome. 


Paul lists people “Roman Saints”  that they are to greet.  The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. 


1 Corinthians



Letter to Corinth to correct their behavior.  Do not be divided.  God does not call to salvation many whom the world would call wise, mighty and noble.  God’s wisdom is revealed to the foolish, weak and common.


Eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him.


Now he who plants and he who waters and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.  Each ones work will become clear for the day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is.  If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward.  If any one’s work is burned, he will surfer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire. 


Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and revel the counsels of the hearts.


Immorality defiles the Church


We will judge angels.  This means we will govern.  We were washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus.  He who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body.  Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. 


Wife does not have authority over her own body the husband does.  Husband does not have authority over his body the wife does.  Do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer.  If you cannot exercise self control let them marry.  For it is better to marry than to burn with passion. 


If anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.  Therefore if food makes my brother stumble I will never again eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.


To the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak.  I have became all things to all men that I might by all means save some.



Do not commit sexual immorality, tempt Christ, and complain, God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it. 



The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man and the head of Christ is God.  Paul makes clear directives that women are not to lead or speak in the services of the church. 

Whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 


Gifts are given to us through the spirit.  We are the body of Christ, each with his own gifts.  All working together.


Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself is not purred up, does not behave rudely does not seek its

own, is not provoked thinks no evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.  Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things endures all things. 

And now abide faith, hope, love these three, but the greatest of these is love. 



Talking in tongues is not gibberish that is not understand, but each talking in their own language and understood by all.  The Corinthians had been doing  with their counterfeit tongues to impress people.  This was not talking in tongues.



If Christ did not rise our faith is false and we are false witness of God.  Paul labored more than the other apostles.  His ministry was larger then any of the others, even though John out lived him.  Christ was seen by over five hundred people after he raised and all the apostles and then Paul.   


Three stages that will be raised and enter the eternal heavenly stat.  First those who have come to saving faith from Pentecost to the Rapture will be joined by lining saints at the Rapture to meet the Lord in the air an ascend to heaven.  Second those who come to faith during the tribulation with the OT saints as well, will be raise  up to reign with Him during the Millennium.  Third those who die during the millennial kingdom may well be instantly transformed at death into their eternal bodies.  The only people left to be raised will be the ungodly and that will occur at the end of the Millennium at the Great White Throne Judgment of God, which eternal Hell will follow. 


Giving should be on a regular basis, not just when you feel generous.


2 Corinthians


In this letter Paul defends his character and attacks the false prophets.



Paul planning his trip to them.  The person and work of Christ were under attack from the false teachers at Corinth. 


Forgive the offender.

The devil wants to produce sin and animosity that will destroy church unity. 


It talks of the veil Moses put on his face after the glory of God was shown on his face.  When a person comes to Christ, the veil is lifted and his spiritual perception is no longer impaired.  With the veil removed, believers are able to see the glory of God revealed in Christ.  They understand that the law was never given to save them, but to lead them to the One who would. 


The light of Christ Jesus’ gospel.

The outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.  We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. 

For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal. 


So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. 

For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away behold all things have become new. 


Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  God says “ I  will dwell in them and walk among them I will be their God and they shall be My people.”  “I will be a Father to you and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”


Corinthians’ repentance.


Christ is our pattern


God loves a cheerful giver. 


Paul’s spiritual war and proof of authority in defense of false prophets at Corinth. 


Paul has a concern for their faithfulness and the false apostles that influence them.  He reluctantly boasts about his perils and beatings.  His times in prison  and in hunger and thirst, his fasting and cold and nakedness. 


Paul talks about being taken up to the third heaven.  He does not know if it was in body or a vision.  The first heaven is the atmosphere and second the plants the third is God’s abode.  He calls this paradise and he can not tell about it because it is unlawful. 

He mentions the thorn in his flesh and how he asked the Lord to take it from him.  It was not, God said My grace is sufficient for you. 


Paul is coming and he prefers to come with gentleness.




Only one Gospel.  Paul give a brief history of how he became an apostle. 


Paul rejected Peter’s attempt to get the gentiles to adhere to the Jewish law.  We are saved by grace through faith and not by our works.  Peter later repented of his sin.   For if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.



The law does not save. Your fait through grace saves


You are no longer a slave but a son and if a son than an heir of God through Christ.


If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.


For what a man sows that he will also reap.  Let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap




Letter to Ephesus from Paul a church that Aquila and Priscilla preached at later Timothy and Paul.  In this it talks about losing their first love Jesus, He (God) raised him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places. And He put all things under His feet.


And you He made alive who were dead in trespasses an sins He loves us made us alive with Christ and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that in ages to come he might show the exceedingly riches of His grace.


Gentiles should be fellow heirs knowledge of Christ’s love is far beyond the capability of human reason and experience.  It is only known by those who are God’s children. 


We are part of the body of Christ we have been spiritually gifted by the Holy Spirit and are edified through other believers.  WE should not live like the rest of the ungodly.


Have nothing to do with the evilness of Satan.  Give thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .  Wives submit to your husbands, as to the Lord.  Husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.  For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become on flesh. 


Honor your father and mother. Which is the first commandment with promise put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against eh wiles of the devil.

Gird you waist with truth

Breastplate of Righteousness

Shod your fee with preparation f the gospel of peace

Shield of faith

Helmet of salvation

Sword of the spirit which is the word of God


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit. 







Paul is the author. Philippi had a very small Jewish population. Because there were not enough men to form a synagogue (needed 10) they probably met in Lydia’s spacious house.  She was a wealthy merchant dealing in purple goods.  There was a satanic slave girl that was a fortune teller and Paul cast the demon out of her so she could not bear false witness.  Her masters were upset because they could not sell her services and Paul and Silas were beaten and cast in prison.  An earthquake freed them and the jailer turned his life over to Christ Jesus. 


All that has happened to Paul was for the further the gospel of Christ. 

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.  For I am hard pressed between the two having a desire to depart and be with Christ.  Never the less to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.

Not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. 


He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.  His name is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those one earth, and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father. 


For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.


Mediate on things that are noble, just, pure, lovely, etc..


Letter from Paul to the church in the city of Colosse.  It was written while Paul was in prison in Rome.  The church denied Christ deity as the son of God.


Jesus has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood the forgiveness of sin. 


Paul warns them not to worship angels as the false teachers were practicing.  Christ has forgiven you all trespasses, having nailed it to the cross.


set you mind on things above, not on things on the earth.  You are to put off all these, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mount.  Above all things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.

He who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality. 


Let your speech always be with grace. 


1 Thessalonians


Paul wrote this in response to Timothy’s good report of the church.  The Jews pushed Paul out because of his effective preaching.


Paul’s greeting and praise.


Paul was longing to see them, but Satan hindered them from coming.


Paul’s concern for their faith


But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.  For it we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

The dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.  And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 


Pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.


2 Thessalonians

Paul is the author

Paul wrote to address: Comfort for the persecuted believers

Correction for the falsely taught and frightened believers

Confrontation for the disobedient and undisciplined believers



Greeting God’s final judgment and glory


The revealing of the Antichrist preceded the Day of the Lord so Paul told the Thessalonians they were not in the day of the Lord.  There was some thought that Jesus would come back during their life time.


Warning against idleness.  If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat.


Paul wrote 1 Timothy after his release from prison and 2 Timothy while in prison and shortly before his death.  This is a practical letter containing pastoral instruction from Paul to Timothy.


This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. 


For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all.


Gives the qualifications of deacons, reverent, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. 


For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving. 


Honor the widows


If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

Honor the elders


For the love of money is a root of all evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

But you O man of God flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.


2 Timothy

Paul is the author from his second imprisonment in which he is ultimately beheaded.  .    It seems that Paul may have had reason to fear that Timothy was in danger of weakening spiritually.  This would have been a grave concern for Paul since Timothy needed to carry on Paul’s work. 


Reminding him of who Jesus is.  Be loyal to the faith.  Paul names some people that were ashamed of his chains and one that ministered to him. 


Paul tells him to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 

For if we died with Him we shall also live with Him if we endure we hall also reign with Him if we deny Him, He also will deny us.  If we are faithless He remains faithful He cannot deny Himself. 




Written by Paul, Titus was a person that ministered with Paul on the Island of Crete.  Lied Paul’s two letters to Timothy, the apostle gives personal encouragement and counsel to a young pastor who, through well trained and faithful, faced continuing opposition from ungodly men. 





The mouths of the insubordinate talkers and deceivers must be stopped. 


Paul lists the qualities of a good church. Older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience. 

Women likewise, that they be reverent, in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. 


Subject yourselves to rulers and authorities. 



Paul is the writer. 

Philemon had been saved under Paul’s ministry probably at Ephesus several years earlier.  He was wealthy and had at least one slave named Onesimus.  He was helping Paul as he was in prison. 


Pauls letter to Philemon.  He is sending back Onesimus a slave of Philemon’s that ran away from him, but has now accepted the Lord and is helping Paul as he suffers in prison.  He is asking Philemon that he will allow Onesimus to come back to Paul and anything that he owes Philemon to put it on Paul’s account.  He states after all not to mention to you that you owe me even your own self besides, this because Paul helped get him saved.



Author is unknown.  Believers now have direct access to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Under the New Covenant we dwell in a completely new and heavenly atmosphere, worship a heavenly Savior, have a heavenly calling, receive a heavenly gift are citizens of a heavenly country, look forward to a heavenly Jerusalem, and have our very name written in heaven. 


Christ’s Lord ship over all, he purged us of our sin and is exalted above all.


Do not neglect salvation.  This the greatest gift we have.  That Jesus was made man to die for our sins.  Through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 



If you hear his voice do not harden your hearts.  Now with whom was He angry forty years?  Was it not with those who sinned, did not obey?  He swear that they would not enter His rest. 


Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.  For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His on the seventh day. 


Knowledge without obedience does not advance a person.  Talks of the priest and the knowledge they needed.  The Hebrews were around the word long enough to understand it, but were spiritually immature. 


God’s infallible purpose is Christ.  This hope we have as an anchor of the soul.


Talks of Abraham giving tithes to Melchizedek, king f Salem, priest of the Most High God.  Also of Jesus the perfect sacrifice.


The New Covenant


The old tabernacle that had the different curtains that started with the lamp stand, the table and the show bread, second part the Holiest of All , which had the golden censer and the ark of the covenant.  Now Jesus replaces this with his blood.  Jesus died once for our sins, but after this the judgment. 


For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. 

Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them. 

We enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus.

For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation with will devour the adversaries.  Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace.  For we know Him who said, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay. 


This list in faith what Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sara, Moses, Noah…etc.  all did in faith and with the knowledge of the prize in heaven and not of this earth.


My son do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives.  Further more we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect.  Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?


Let Brotherly love continue.  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.  Do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.  Obey those who rule over you , and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. 




It is thought to be James the half brother of Christ that authored this book.  James the brother of John was martyred too early to have written this.  James at first did not believe Jesus to be the son of God and later after believing was the leader in the Jerusalem church and was martyred. 



Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 

Ask for wisdom from God who gives liberally.  Ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 

Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life.


Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.  



Faith without works is dead. 

My brethren let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 


The tongue is a little member and boasts great things.  No man can tame the tongue it is and unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.  Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. 


Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  Mourn over your sins.  You ought to say, “ If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”  Because you do not know what will happen tomorrow.  Live is a vapor that appears fro a little time and then vanishes away. 


Be patient and persevering.



Written by Peter

Peter’s brother brought him to Christ(John 1:40-42)  Peter had to watch as his wife was crucified and later when he was crucified he said he was not worthy to be crucified like his Lord and was crucified upside down. 

Nero had burned Rome to satisfy his lust to build more.  This devastated the Roman people and to redirect their anger he blamed the Christians. 

Since the believers addressed were suffering escalating persecution the purpose of this letter was to teach them how to live victoriously in the midst of that hostility.  Without losing hosp, without becoming bitter, while trusting in their Lord and while looking for His second coming. 




Living before God our Father who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay her in fear, knowing that you were redeemed by Jesus. 


Be submissive to the government.  For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully, For what credit is it if when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently?, But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently this is commendable before God.  This is what Jesus did for us.


Submission to Husbands and Husbands give honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that you prayers may not be hindered. 


Do not run with the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you.  They will give an account o Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 

Love will cover a multitude of sins. 

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the mainf9ld grace of God.


God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.  Be sober be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. 


2 Peter


Peter was concerned with the false prophets, thus in an almost last will and testament wrote to warn the beloved believers in Christ about the doctrinal dangers they were facing.  It is believed that Peter wrote this letter from the prison in Rome, where he was facing imminent death. 



Have fruitful growth in the faith.  Yes, I think it is right as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, jus as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me.  This is talking of his crucifixion that Jesus predicted. 



Talks of false prophets and what God will do to them.  If God banished the angels that turned against him to hell then he will also judge the false prophets.  These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. 


People will ask in the final days, where is his coming.  Do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 




Written by John the disciple and apostle.  He was greatly advanced in age but still ministering to churches.   He was the sole remaining apostolic survivor who had intimate, eyewitness association with Jesus throughout His earthly ministry, death, resurrection and ascension.  The letter was because of dissention in the church.  



What was heard, seen and touched is true.  Jesus cleanses us of our sins.


Do not love the world or the things in the world.  If anyone loves the world , the love of the Father is not in him. 


Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.  Love one another as he gave us the commandment.


He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 


We love him because he first loved us. 


If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.  In His Son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life. 


2 John


John writes this 2nd of 3 epistle.  In it the theme of a recall to the fundamentals of the faith, Truth, love and obedience. 



Look to yourselves that we do not lose those things we worked for, but that we may receive a full reward.


3 John


John writes this to thee beloved Gaius a very personal letter as the other ones where to a church and a lady and a family ( that could also have meant a church)


Talks about a guy Diotrephes who does not receive them and that John will remember his deeds and he will come soon.



One of the four half brothers of Christ named Judah wrote this.

Jude was written when Christianity was under severe political attack from Rome.


The Lord saved people out of Egypt and destroyed those who did not believe and the angel that did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He as reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.


He goes on to tell them to be strong Praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God.





Written by John as the last surviving apostle and an old man, in exile on the small, barren island of Patmos. 





Rapture the bodily return of Jesus Christ.


Then the seven-year tribulation period: the righteous judgments of God will be poured out upon an unbelieving world.


Then the 1000-year reign of Christ, the resurrected saints will reign with him.


Satan will be released after the 1000-year reign to deceive again.


Satan and his army will be devoured by fire from the heaven.  Following this Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire whereupon Christ, who is the judge of all men will resurrect and judge the great and small at the Great White Throne judgment.


The saved will enter the eternal state of glory with God, after which the elements of this earth are to be dissolved and replaced with a new earth wherein only righteousness dwells  A new heavenly city will come down out of heaven and will be the dwelling place of the saints, where they will enjoy forever fellowship with God and on another.


1000 year reign of Christ

John oldest apostle



Behold He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. 


Jesus comes to John and says I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. Amen.  An I have the keys of Hades and of Death.  The mystery of the seven stares which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lamp stands;  The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lamp stands which you saw are the seven churches. 






Seven Stars-angels of the seven churches

Seven lampstands-are the seven churches


Ephesus(loveless church)-Left your first love

Smyrna(Persecuted church)

Pergamos(Compromising church)-ate things sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality

Thyatira(Corrupt church)-Jezebel seduce to commit sexual immorality & eat things sacrificed to idols, she will be put in a sickbed and her children killed, she will live in hell for ever.



Sardis(Dead church)

Philadelphia(Faithful church)

Laodicea(Lukewarm church)



Saw a throne and 24 other thrones that had the elders with crowns of gold.  Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God.

Saw four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back. First like a lion, second like a calf, third like man and fourth lie an eagle. They did not rest they said Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come.  When ever the creatures worship him the 24 elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him and say You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power for You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created. 



In the hand of the one that sits on the throne was a scroll and no one in heaven on earth or under the earth could open it except Jesus.

The four living creatures and the 24 elders fell down before the Lamb each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense and they sang,

Your are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals; for You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests to our God; and we shall reign on the earth. 


There were many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the numb of them was ten thousand times ten thousand




First Seal: (White horse) Conqueror

Second: (Red horse) Conflict on earth peace is gone

Third: (Black horse) Famine

Forth (Pale horse) Death by famine, sword and beasts of the earth ¼ of earth dies

Fifth the cries of souls wanting God to judge and avenge their blood

Sixth: Earthquake Sun turn to black; stars fall from the heaven all will hide in caves from God


Chap 7

Four angels on four corners of the earth that hold back the wind.  Do not harm the earth until we have .sealed the servants of our God  140,000of the tribes of Israel were sealed.  Around the Throne stood people in white robes and when one of the elders asked who are these arrayed in white robes?  It was said These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 


Chap 8

7 angels with 7 trumpets

1-Hail and fire burns 1/3 of the trees and grass

2-Mountain fells into the sea and1/3 of the sea became blood & 1/3 of the living creatures in the sea died

3-great star fell on 1/3 of rivers Star name is Wormwood many died because water became bitter

4-1/3 of the sun was struck 1/3 of the moon 1/3 of the stars.  1/3 of the day did not shine and likewise the night.




5-Locusts from the bottomless pit harm only those that do not have the seal of God on their foreheads Not to kill them but torment them for 5 months, like a scorpion strike they will seek death and will not find it.


6-Angels from Euphrates to kill 1/3 of mankind with plagues




Seven thunders uttered their voices.  Paul was told to seal up what the seven thunders said and do not write them. 

The mighty angel with the little book appears before the 7th trumpet. John takes the book and eats it.  It is sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach.  Meaning the sweet anticipation of God’s glory and yet the bitterness of seeing God’s wrath poured out on those who rejected his son.


Chap 11

The two Witnesses preach 3 ½ years. They will turn water to blood, strike the earth w/plagues and cause no rain to fall. This is the second part of the tribulation. When they are done the beast will make war against them and kill them. People will see their bodies 3 ½ days in the streets. After 3 ½ days they will come alive and God will call them up to heaven with a loud voice saying “Come up here.” An earthquake happens at the same time and a 10th of the city will fall


7-The Kingdome is proclaimed. Loud voices in heaven saying “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever!”  There was lightning, noises, thundering and earthquake and great hail


Chap 12

The women the child and the dragon.  Symbolic women giving birth and the dragon (Satan) waiting to devour the child at birth.  Women is Israel and the child is Jesus.  The dragon will pursue the women and child when he is cast to earth.  This means Satan will pursue Israel.  God will hide Israel in the wilderness and protect it.  The dragon will then turn its efforts of the rest of the believers in God.


Chap 13

Beast from the sea with seven heads and ten horns w/ten crowns. One of the heads was dead, but healed.  (This could represent the Antichrist and a fake resurrection). People worshiped the dragon who gave the beast power. The beast spoke against God.  The heads could represent successive world empires.  The final one is made up on all the kingdoms represented by the horns.  Ten is a number that symbolizes the totality of human military and political power assisting the Antichrist.

Beast from the Earth that causes all to worship the first beast. He performs great signs, even makes fire come down from the heavens. He will cause those to worship the beast that was wounded with the sword and lived.  Those that don’t worship the beast will be killed. He causes all to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead.  No one can buy or sell without it.  The number is 666.


Chap 14

Saw the 144,000 on Mount Zion and the lamb standing with them. One angel preaching the gospel to get the people on earth to turn from the beast.  Second angel saying Babylon has fallen, referring to the lack response to the first angel.  Third angel any one with the mark of the beast will suffer the wrath of God.  Through fire and brimstone they shall not rest day or night.  Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.  The ungodly people of the world are ready to be gathered up and judged.  Here they talk of the angel using a sickle to gather the vine of the earth and through the grapes into the wine press, which is the people suffering the wrath of God and the blood being up to the horses bridles.  4ft deep in some places.



15 & 16

At the end of the 7 year tribulation period the 7 bowls of wrath.  These are plagues, the worse of Gods wrath.

1-Lathsome sores on whoever had the mark of the beast

2-Sea turns to blood. Everything in the sea died

3-Water turns to blood

4-Men are scorched by the sun. With no water the sun will become a deadly killer. The men blasphemed the name of God and did not repent.

5-Darkness and pain. They gnawed their tongues because of the pain

6-Euphrates dried up. Since the sun will melt the ice caps and there could be flooding, God will dry it up so the eastern army to get to Armageddon.

7-Earth Shaken. A loud voice saying “It is done!” Cities fell, islands fled away, mountains were not found. Great hail fell.



The scarlet woman (fornicator) and the scarlet beast w/7 heads and 10 horns  on her forehead was written: “Mystery, Babylon the great the mother of harlots and of the admonitions of the earth.” Fornication refers to idolatry, she sits on water refers to ruling over nations.  Having clothed in purple and scarlet refers to nobility.

7 heads are 7 mountains some say this is Rome, 7 kings 5 have fallen

After using the false religious system to unify the world kingdoms and gain control of all the Antichrist with the help of his 10 sub rulers will turn against the system, plunder and destroy it and seize all power and worship for himself.



The fall of Babylon, it becomes a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.  God calls her his people to leave it before his wrath is poured out on it.  And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, for no one buys their merchandise anymore: gold and silver, precious tones and pearls etc…”Alas that great city in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth for in one hour she is mad desolate” A mighty angel took a up a great stone and threw it in to the sea



Heaven exults over the fall of Babylon.  Jesus comes on a white horse with the armies of God.  His name is written King of King Lord of Lords.  The (antichrist) beast and the false prophet were cast into the lake of fire.  And the rest were killed with the sword.



Satan bound 1000 years. An angel from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain, casts the Devil into the pit for a 1000 years. The souls that were beheaded during the tribulation for their faith in Jesus lived again for the 1000 years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the 1000 years were finished.


 After 1000 years Satan is released to deceive again those that were born to believers who entered the kingdom from the beginning.  He is released to expose these sinners.  Fire comes down from heaven to devour Satan. He will be cast into the lake of fire with the Antichrist and false prophet and be tormented day and night forever and ever.


The Great White Throne Judgement.  The dead, small and great standing before God, and books were opened.  The Book of Life was opened and the dead was judged by their works.  Every thought, action and words.  The sea gave up the dead and Death and Hades delivered up the dead.  They were judged, each according to their works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death and anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.



New heaven and earth. No sea, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven.  God will dwell with us and wipe away every tear.  There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.  No more pain.  The new Jerusalem comes down from heaven with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates and names written on them, which are the 12 tribes of Israel.  The city had 12 fountains on them were the 12 names of the apostles.  The wall was all gold the foundations had all kinds of precious stones.  Streets of the city were pure gold.  It has no sun or moon for God is the light.  The gates are not shut; there is no night there.



The river of life on each side are the tree of life that bears 12 fruits and yields it every month..  We will see God’s face and serve him.  His name will be written on our foreheads.  No night will be there.